I'd been encouraged to set up a reader/bloglines.
I tried (honestly) but I felt a bit like I was peeping in the window to see what everyone was up to rather than pulling up a chair & having a good old heart to heart.
Our affair was brief & exciting. I dumped my reader account with the push of a button. If you gained a subscriber & lost them in the space of 48 hours it was probably me...sorry.
I thought I'd found the perfect solution with this constantly updating blogroll thing. I was patient when he refused to tow the line. A marriage is all about give & take isn't it? BUT he's let me down once too often. No one wants a man they can't depend on. So the feed blogroll & I have parted ways. The divorce papers came through this afternoon.
You'll notice a clean slate which I intend to work on over the weekend.
I've decided to be a grown up about it. I'm going back to the reader to beg his forgiveness & try to mend our relationship. .