Sweet Fabric [Search results for Lonsdale

  • Proud moment...

    Proud moment...

    Eeeek...I taught the big girl to granny square. She's really, really good. Her granny square is lovely & square & even.

    Pt Lonsdale is home to a beautiful shop called Wildpurl so the lucky girl learned to crochet using Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino. This was absolutely the perfect yarn for a small person to learn with. It doesn't separate at all.

    Our break was really lovely.

    The pace at Lonsdale is super slow & the only planned activities for the day are the run, coffee & the dog beach.

    I devoted my down time to crochet & was feeling quite pleased with my efforts until I laid these squares & the 21 I had at home out & realised that I'm probably only half way to my goal. I really think that I'm going to have to revise the original plan & just make it big enough to drape across the foot of the bed. That would be OK wouldn't it?

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    Jessie Jamieson on yet another adventure. Her travels have taken her to Lakes Entrance in Eastern Victoria.

    This image shows the Entrance to the sea.

    How exciting Jessie's life was. I can't even imagine what a big deal it would have been to go on a holiday to Lakes Entrance in the 1920s. I've found it challenging enough to get down to Lonsdale for a couple of days!

    I've mentioned before that things are very slow down at Lonsdale. If I owe you a visit - I'll stop in when I'm back in town. I'm not patient enough for dial up...perhaps a bit of Jessie's influence would do me some good.

    Edit: Bricolagelife has pondered about Jessie's camera. Now I NEED to know what sort of camera it was. Anyone know how to find out?

  • One...


    the loneliest number
    & the loneliest word. I wanted to say more a LOT!

    Apparently it's been going around...I don't know where it originated but I got it from Pip, who got it from Sweet Jessie who heard from her best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend who heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night...you know how it goes.

    1. Where is your cell phone? car
    2. Your significant other? upstairs
    3. Your hair? thick
    4. Your daughter? two
    5. Your son? one
    6. Your favorite thing? family
    7. Your dream last night? unknown
    8. Your favorite drink? vodka
    9. Your goal? balance
    10. The room you’re in? office
    11. Your church? outdoors
    12. Your fear? thoughtlessness
    13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Lonsdale
    14. Where were you last night? movies
    15. What you’re not? idle
    16. Muffins? nup
    17. One of your wish list items? bangles
    18. Where you grew up? Kew
    19. The last thing you did? glue
    20. What are you wearing? dress
    21. Your TV? off
    22. Your pets? OUTSIDE!
    23. Your computer? old
    24. Your life? full
    25. Your mood? tired
    26. Missing someone? Bindi
    27. Your car? Kia
    28. Something you’re not wearing? glasses
    29. Favorite store? mikes
    30. Your summer? lovely
    31. Like(love) someone? LOTS
    32. Your favorite color? brown
    33. Last time you laughed? yesterday
    34. Last time you cried? Unsure
    35. Who will repost this? You?


  • Celebrating...


    The Point Lonsdale Surf Lifesavers got up early today. By the time I got to the club (around 6am) they were packing up their gear. When I hit the front beach (6:10am), the street was closed & they were starting to set up.

    It's a great event & this year it was slicker than ever before. I'm not sure the pretty female lifesavers unzipping suits were entirely necessary...

  • Does everything get...

    Does everything get...

    better with age?

    I know all about fine wine & friendships, but I've really been considering this question lately.

    Not normally one to appreciate the views, flora & fauna I have found myself breathless at the beauty of my surroundings often recently. I'm pretty sure this isn't caused by low iron levels but a genuine appreciation of my life, the people in it & my world.

    I used to roll my eyes at my parents when they stopped to appreciate the view or some other natural beauty. Is it true that we will one day become our parents?

    Today I was lucky enough to witness the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen in my life. The cloud formation above the Lonsdale lighthouse was a flaming orange & a small pool of crystal clear blue sky appeared to be a mirage in an endless desert.

    Sadly, running with an Olympus isn't really very easy but I'm pretty committed & I'm going to have a crack at it tomorrow morning.

    Just a little aside: Due to the super slow & very relaxed nature of dial up I can't comment on your blogs or send emails but I thank you all for stopping by & look forward to catching up properly when I'm better connected.

  • Like a kid...

    Like a kid...

    in a candy store.

    Hipstamatic (for iPhone/iPod) is just so much fun & produces images just like the photos filling our family photo albums.

    Snapped today on the front beach at Pt Lonsdale. Look at that gorgeous old couple walking hand in hand along the beach. She was wearing a rashie...I admire that.

  • The week that was...

    The week that was...

    Snippets from my week.

    I really enjoyed my delightful week last week & so I'm backing it up with exciting. Saturday is a bit of a slow day in the blog world & it seems like a good day to weekEND.

    The date & are in the preliminary stages of a very big project...exciting.

    Yesterday I ran in the pitch dark at 6am. I normally love running in the street-lit-Melbourne dark but running along the Promenade at Lonsdale is quite another thing. I scared myself silly...& then repeated the experience this morning...exciting.

    Today, the kids & I played Mini Golf. The date always wins & the small & I take turns in coming last. But, today I won...exciting.

    Out of town Op Shops turned up gold (again). I bought 40 Ladybirds for $5.00...exciting

    Hard working, talented, local & particularly lovely girls are being rewarded for their efforts & embarking on new crafty adventures...exciting.

    Care to suggest an adjective for next week? I'm game if you are.

  • This is...the contents of my handbag

    This is...the contents of my handbag

    some things old, some things new, no things borrowed & two things blue.

    Just a jumble of junk really:

    spare car key (dumb place to keep it!)
    receipt for groceries
    clover washable markers (x2)
    wallet, coffee money/metre change purse & you are beautiful purse (all opped)
    loose change
    fresh sheets note pad
    mentos wrapper
    shell from Pt Lonsdale
    owl key chain
    some sausage dogs
    a fabulous little babushka stamp from Angela
    valium for when the dog got clipped YIKES!
    cheapy lip gloss
    juicy tube lip gloss (I never wear either - why do I have it?)
    receipt from my favourite Op
    receipt from my favourite shop
    old shopping list
    camera card carrier

    Just as you'd expect really - nothing very exciting or unusual - sorry.

    Off to snoop the handbags of this girl & this girl.

  • Op Shop til you drop...

    Op Shop til you drop...

    leaning tower of thimbles. My Thrifted Tuesday offering was not Opped today. I have to confess that these were thrifted on Saturday. I found these in the Lonsdale Op Shop (a fair way from home). I love them & a girl can never have too many thimbles can she?

  • Forgetting...


    the keys!

    We made it back from the beach on Sunday without our house keys. We'd separated the car key to make things easier when we were down the beach & of course left Lonsdale without the house keys.

    Luckily we'd left a spare key out in the garden so we could get ourselves, the kids, the dog & the overloaded car unpacked but we were locked out of the office (& the computer) & the laundry.

    I feel I've forgotten more than just the keys in my rather hasty exit from Melbourne & this little patch of web space.

    The reading list is long & I'm dying to find out what you've all been up to but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I think it's going to be a bit of a slow return. The wave of new posts is so inviting but the water feels a bit foreign & the view from the beach is pretty. I was forced to dip my toe in this afternoon to offer my congratulations & the water felt pretty good so I'll look forward to a few splashes in the shallows before I tackle the swell looming in deeper water.