Sweet Fabric [Search results for Room

  • Words & pictures...tucked up in bed

    Words & pictures...tucked up in bed

    We’ve been in the car for 3 Sesame Streets. The car whizzes by Gnotuk Primary and I know we are getting close.

    The bitumen turns to dirt and we pass the Delaney’s farm. We’re all bouncing in the backseat of the car now, not just from the pot holes but from excitement too. Only a few more minutes and we’ll be at the “country cousins”.

    We reach the end of the road and turn left into the driveway. The car rumbles over the cattle bridge. I stare longingly at the Oak trees lining the driveway. They would be good climbers if they hadn’t had their lower limbs trimmed.

    The drive comes to an abrupt end at the front lawn of Eddington. The car is parked and unpacked at the front door. We’ll only use this door twice this visit.

    Once we’ve been welcomed we are reminded of the house rules. “No animals in the house, shoes off, scullery entrance only, eat everything on your plate, only 2 teaspoons of Milo”.

    Bind and I will share Jen’s bedroom and Cal is in The Boys’ Room. We dump our bags, kick off our sneaks and head straight for the scullery. The grown ups are already enjoying a cuppa in the sitting room. The fire is roaring and Rod’s socked feet are toasting nicely. Marg and Rod and the four cousins are all wearing “homespuns”. I chuckle to myself knowing that Dad will have his on when we come in for dinner.

    Mum jumps up from her seat and follows me out to the TV room. She grabs my arm and reminds me that “farm talk” is for the paddocks only. I nod and join the gumboot clad crew kicking gravel in the driveway.

    We lose the afternoon in the woolshed, the shearer’s quarters, the machinery shed and playing in the cypress hedge. Bind and Cal and I are making the most of the “farm talk” rule. We swear like troopers and then giggle crazily.

    Our stomachs tell us when it’s time to head back. Aunty Marg has dinner on the table when we get home. After dinner the boys make us Milo topped ice cream in a cone. It’s clear that they’ve learnt to get around the two teaspoon rule.

    Bedtime is announced and we all scramble into our PJs and hop into bed. The sheets are thick and the beds are perfectly made. No doonas for the country cousins. Their blankets are heavy and warm. Aunty Marg knows all about hospital corners.

    Mum and Dad kiss us goodnight and then Aunty Marg bustles in and bustles them out. She sets about tucking us in. She’s pretty strong and when she tucks those blankets in I roll a little to the left and then a little to the right. The tuck secures me in the centre of the bed and I’m aware that my eye lids are heavy. I feel safe knowing I won’t move until the morning.

    More tucked up in bed stories here.

  • The discard piles...

    The discard piles...
    Discard Scrabble

    A quick scan of the house reveals at least one discard pile in every room.

    In the family room there are 4 & I dare not venture into the craft room to count the remains of the day in there.

    I've actually moved this scrabble discard pile at least 10 times to clean & then put it right back in the same spot.

    I like 'em - they make it feel like home. It does mean that I have no recall for shoes, pjs, empty glasses & plates though doesn't it?

  • Noticing - a time machine...

    Noticing - a time machine...
    Bell Street Mall

    I had reason to be at The Mall in West Heidelberg yesterday. A place I haven't been since about 1985.

    I stepped out of my car and as I took my first steps towards Cambridge Arcade I felt my scalp tingle and every hair on my body stand on end.

    I could hear Non's Italian heeled shoes clip clopping beside me and I could smell her sickly sweet perfume. Max Bygraves was singing somewhere in the distance. Non's knitting was spilling out of the hessian bag I was carrying for her. I smiled knowing that she'd not be wanting to waste her 15 minute tea break just sitting in the tea room and chatting to the storeman.

    I notice that the heavy steel grate that we'd struggled with had long been replaced but the terrazzo stairs are still there and I gasp...remembering how strangely scared I felt when I had to take those stairs alone.

    I leave Non in the arcade and take the front entrance into the store. I feel tears welling in my eyes and a lump rising in my throat. Surely the store was bigger than this. It's a discount store now. Gone are the bays for holding yarn and the wall that divided the shop front from the "warehouse". There's been no refit though. The same peg board lines the wall where we used to keep the laybys and the floor and wall paint remain as they were.

    As I walk toward the back of the store I spy the door to the tea room and a faint waft of International Roast coffee fills the air.

    The shop which now occupies the space at the end of Cambridge Arcade is fittingly called The Family Store.

    And this morning I went back to snap myself some memory anchors.

  • Words & pictures...careful

    Words & pictures...careful

    image source

    I’m sitting in the kitchen watching the minutes roll over on the digital oven clock. It’s only been three minutes since I last asked "Is it time yet?". I don’t want to bug Non but I’m just about bursting with anticipation.

    I can’t sit still. The swivel chair I’m sitting on is moving constantly. Swivel left, swivel right, swivel left, swivel right. Non is busy preparing something at the kitchen bench and peers over her glasses at me. I know the constant motion is annoying her but I can’t help it.

    I’m not sure how I successfully negotiated an afternoon alone at Non’s, but I’m feeling extremely pleased with myself. We can’t ever get the precious dolls out when the littler kids are around because of a recent breakage by Cal.

    Finally, Non gives me a little nod. I’m up and out of my chair before she can change her mind.

    I open the sliding door to the dining room. The air in the dining room is cold and moist and smells like a mixture of Mr Sheen and liqueur. I wrestle with the aluminium step ladder, being careful not to bump into the sideboard or the dining chairs.

    I climb up the ladder and cup my hand under the olive green key tassel. I love the way it feels, heavy and soft at the same time. I turn the key in the lock of the glass doll cabinet.

    The dolls have been collected from all around the world. They are just souvenir dolls but to me they are so precious. I’m sure it’s got something to do with the fact that they are stored up so high, under lock and key. Their glass and mahogany home is so decadent. Surely they must be worth an absolute fortune.

    I carefully remove each one and lay them one at a time on the velvet runner on the sideboard. Once I’ve made my selection (always leaving the broken marketeer and his wagon behind), I lock the cabinet and carefully carry the little figures back to the kitchen.

    The next hour is filled arranging and rearranging the dolls on the kitchen table and listening to the stories of where they were purchased. It’s clear from the way Non speaks that they really are valuable. They are memory anchors for her and memory makers for me. They well deserve to be treated with such care and respect.

    More careful stories here.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    Creative spacing in the family room. This is due to:

    -it being nice & cosy
    -the family being there too
    -the fact that the pool/craft room is such a tip I can't actually get in there.

    There is something very special about this picture. Do you see the tiny little heart? It's a bit of a hunt... You'll need to click the pic to enlarge.

    Got it?

    Finding the heart & thinking of this found heart loving girl made me smile. So, I'm issuing a bit of a challenge, just to keep myspace interesting. When you take your space photo next week do you think you could hide a little heart in the picture? Make it subtle...we want this to be a challenge.

    Have you visited last week's favourite yet? I update the sidebar link on a Friday OR just click here.

  • This is...my creative space

    This is...my creative space

    This is... hosted by Angela & theme from Michelle.

    My half of the tip/office. You'll notice that I have deliberately not included the floor in this photo - it's a minefield.

    Also, the sewing machine has migrated into the kids TV room because I didn't have enough room. It's usually just in front of that ladder.

    Much of my creating is being done in my spot in front of the fire.

    I'm looking forward to having my very own space as per the plans.

  • Searching for the magnolia...

    Searching for the magnolia...

    So, the whole promise post from yesterday has totally retarded me. Instead of breaking out the white I've been to pick up an old (but new to me) desk, cleaned up a bit in the craft room, chatted on the phone, done a bit of knitting, drunk coffee, spoken of all manner of pinkery, been computer shopping & just generally avoided the (white) elephant in the room.

    The brain's working overtime on a whole swag of other things I want to be making.

    Overworking brain got me thinking about Tania's post & magnolias.

    We call them "Promise Trees". Those buds appear while the weather is bleak, they promise to bloom - to bring the spring. They deliver!

    So today I'm channelling my inner magnolia.

  • 30 days of the everyday - Day 15...

    30 days of the everyday - Day 15...

    Is it terrible to want for yourself something you have given with love?

    This is the bookshelf of the big girl. It is her pride & joy & always looks lovely. The rest of her room looks pretty much like the bombsite (which is almost clean).

    She is beside herself over this dress we bought at Meet me at Mikes.

  • One...


    the loneliest number
    & the loneliest word. I wanted to say more a LOT!

    Apparently it's been going around...I don't know where it originated but I got it from Pip, who got it from Sweet Jessie who heard from her best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend who heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night...you know how it goes.

    1. Where is your cell phone? car
    2. Your significant other? upstairs
    3. Your hair? thick
    4. Your daughter? two
    5. Your son? one
    6. Your favorite thing? family
    7. Your dream last night? unknown
    8. Your favorite drink? vodka
    9. Your goal? balance
    10. The room you’re in? office
    11. Your church? outdoors
    12. Your fear? thoughtlessness
    13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Lonsdale
    14. Where were you last night? movies
    15. What you’re not? idle
    16. Muffins? nup
    17. One of your wish list items? bangles
    18. Where you grew up? Kew
    19. The last thing you did? glue
    20. What are you wearing? dress
    21. Your TV? off
    22. Your pets? OUTSIDE!
    23. Your computer? old
    24. Your life? full
    25. Your mood? tired
    26. Missing someone? Bindi
    27. Your car? Kia
    28. Something you’re not wearing? glasses
    29. Favorite store? mikes
    30. Your summer? lovely
    31. Like(love) someone? LOTS
    32. Your favorite color? brown
    33. Last time you laughed? yesterday
    34. Last time you cried? Unsure
    35. Who will repost this? You?


  • New to me...

    New to me...

    Since my disastrous ebay chaise purchase I've been on the hunt for a little sofa/settee/love seat for the space under the window in the family room.

    Most of our furniture has been handed down, rescued, opped or picked up on the side of the road. This was not. It was purchased from 20th Century Scandinavia, 79 Lygon Street in Brunswick (9387 2664). That place is like heaven on earth. I was spoilt for choice!

    I'm very pleased with the way everything has come together. I whipped up the cushions yesterday from a Warwick Fabric sample.

    Read Lucy's post on 20th Century Scandinavia here.

  • Op Shop til you drop...

    Op Shop til you drop...

    Thrifted Tuesday on Flickr

    I left my camera at Brown Owls last night.

    I drove past 4 Op Shops on the way to & fro. I may have stopped in at a couple.

    I'm thrilled with my little sugar bowl. Green apples are popping up everywhere lately.

    BUT...the find of the day has to go to this:

    How fabulous is our new door prize barrel? Straight to the pool room club house for this little baby.

    I reckon the barrel girl will LOVE it.

  • Lazy girl's guide to laying out a "quilt"...

    Lazy girl's guide to laying out a "quilt"...

    You might remember ages ago I got all inspired by this lovely girl & layed out my PJ quilt on the carpet.

    I had the very best intentions of actually stitching it up BUT all the pieces got in the way & I had to pile them up again. Once that was done I lost all enthusiasm & they have sat in a nice neat pile ever since.

    I've been slowly working on my granny square quilt/blanket & everytime I go to make up a new square I lay all the blocks out to see what I've got & what I need (or don't).

    Then I stack them all up again.

    So yesterday I made this piecing "quiver". I'm quite pleased. I've just safety pinned them on & then rolled the whole affair up & stowed it under the table in the pool room.

    Be lazy with me...

    I just used an old double bed doona cover & a couple of broomsticks from the hardware.

    I layed the stick on top of the doona & "measured" the casing for each side. Pin & machine stitch into place.

    & for the ties along the centre fold (wrong side of doona cover). Pin & machine stitch into place.

    Then I marked lines for a cot sized quilt & a single bed quilt

    & just ran lines of stitching. The doona cover I used had lines already printed on it ... a stroke of accidental genius.

    Once all the machining was complete I fed the broomsticks into their casings & then I pinned my blocks to the doona cover.

    Note: there's overhang at the top which I just folded down when ready to roll.

    I folded in half so that the sticks met

    & then rolled the sticks toward the mid line.

    I tied the ribbon loosely & stored.

    Disclaimer: This method would not be recommended by serious quilters I am quite sure...but it works for me.

    Also: if you know of anything similar to this please let me know - I'd like to check it out.

  • About a hacksaw...

    About a hacksaw...
    BR Bedhead

    & where I sleep.

    Yesterday afternoon was all about having a DIY crack...

    FYI ... it is possible for one (average sized & fairly weak woman) to hang a room full of blinds alone.
    FYI ... if in doubt - drill first & worry later.
    FYI ... you can (pretty simply) cut your store bought Bunnings blinds to fit.
    FYI ... golf's boring. (x)
    FYI ... my camera battery is now dead (don't know where the charger is).

    As predicted I found the afternoon with the hacksaw & the drill just the ticket & have now started to put together my side of the bed (FYI also DIY ... vintage bedheads & cheapo IKEA base).

    FYI ... it's a WIP.

    Photographs of artworks made by bricolagelife.
    Geninne's bird.
    Photographs of my smalls when they were in fact small.

    (x) ... FYI that's for The Date.

  • Flooring & Framing...

    Flooring & Framing...

    Absolutely thrilled with the way the polished concrete has come up.

    I'm horribly behind on updates on the house blog. I bored myself stupid, it's been slow but steady going.

    Today the framing began. I can actually see where all the rooms on the lower level are - it's most exciting.

    This shot is looking from the backyard through the family room.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    - Swizzle sticks & pretty drink coasters from here. Found via this post.
    - So much Paintergirl goodness from here.
    - a soppy, girly movie on the portable DVD.

    Ah...so much to love about the pool room.

    Today it looks more like a bar!

    We know all about my love of the pretty drink & my bar is my pride & joy. So it's not a giant leap that I'd be interested in a swizzle stick too.

    I've been spending a lot of time looking at swizzle sticks. Last week I was trying to make a base for a fabric application from a swizzle stick. It didn't really work the way I wanted it too. I did end up making a pretty good ring though.

    On my desk...the players

  • Dear Blog Reader...

    Dear Blog Reader...
    Roast vegies


    I hope you've had a gorgeous weekend.

    Melbourne has turned on another rainy miserable day today. The girls & I have spent the day in the craft room though so I'm not complaining.

    I'm wondering if you might be able to help me out? I would really like to know your very favourite foodie blogs.

    If you're a reader of cooking blogs please leave your recommendations in the comments.

    Thanks muchly in advance.

    See you tomorrow.


  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    I'm enjoying being in the pool room . It's the best spot to keep an eye on the tradies next door & it's usually nice & bright.

    Not today...it's raining!!! I'm so happy about that.

    Music box work on the left.
    The fabric covered notebook full of menu planners that I'm giving away here.
    Baby Bosch - never far from reach.
    My treasured box of buttons. This was how it was given to me & how I like it...there will be no sorting of this lot. I LOVE riffling through the box.

    Pop in & add your link if you're playing this week.

  • Welcome...


    to the pool room. I had a couple of pretty drinks to help combat my stage fright & just got stuck in.

    Vinnies in Kew turned the pool table up for me this morning!

    Still a bit to do & the office/tip looks like a war zone.

    I know I should have gone to the paint shop, but I was just a little keen for anything so laborious.

  • Grey days...

    Grey days...

    Working hard in the pool room again today & it's all about grey. My choice of thread for the sewing machine has pretty much limited me to grey, red, black & brown ... it's an interesting challenge.

    Lou gave me a little nudge & so I'm going to be at Yarraville Market tomorrow.

    I'll have a lot of somethings made of nothings & the crochet will be there too. If you happen to be in the area pop in & say "Hi".

  • Discontinued...


    OK, so I know it's not as good as thrifted but I do think that buying discontinued stock is a fabulous way to buy quantities of fabric.

    This denim look upholstery weight fabric (140cm wide) was $10 per metre. I'm going to make the roman blinds for the little guy's room from this & I think I'll have plenty over for cushions as well.