Sweet Fabric [Search results for etsy

  • Thumbs up...

    Thumbs up...

    Click image to see more on Flickr.

    If it weren't for the quilt project I may never have "met" & fallen in love with...

    'lil sonny sky

    & if you think her inspiration shot looks good. Wait until you see the finished piece.

    Lisa has an etsy store too & sells beautiful, beautiful things.

  • Swizzlet...


    Image from Swizzlet

    is sooo good.

    After I posted yesterday I went hunting on etsy for more plastic swizzle sticks. I didn't find any plastic sticks that took my fancy (as if I needed more) but what I did find were these!

    I'm so in love with these. There are mermaids, birds, branches & all sorts of other gorgeous pieces of jewellery all cast from swizzle sticks.

    The Swizzlet shop is the sister store of Nina Dinoff. Nina's website here.

  • Framing...


    with feeling.

    I've been slowly collecting from Etsy for the new ranch (if it ever starts). I've been buying from artists I "know". Please Sir had some good stuff to say on this subject.

    I purchased these from Bricolagelife. I love them & today on the run I picked up this old cupboard door from the hard rubbish.

    I like it, I think that the frame honours the creator. I'm pretty confident she'll be happy with my choice.

    I'm just trying to figure out how to "adhere" them without spoiling the beautiful images.

  • I heart the crap courier...

    I heart the crap courier...

    The date has christened himself "crap courier". He reckons everyday when he goes to pick up seriously important mail from PO Box there is some new piece of Kirst crap to bring home.

    I've tried to explain the seriousness of the etsy situation but he just doesn't get it.

  • Another parcel in the post...

    Another parcel in the post...

    and this is one I'm a bit obsessed with. I just can't stop looking at it. Now I've got to find the perfect frame.

    I went on a clicketty trip from Design for Mankind & landed in Matte Stephens etsy shop. There was no way I could click on without this gorgeous print.

    I've been buying straight from the maker/artist/crafter lately & Pip is right buy handmade - it's better. I feel really good about my purchases & you always get a lovely little hand written note on the receipt - what's not to love about that?

    If you would like to read more about Matte this interview is fabulous & just check out Matte's ranch. I'm his new number 1 fan.

  • Sinning...

    A housewarming

    I purchased these about a year ago. I spotted them in Sally's sidebar & after a couple of quick clicks they were mine. I stored them away, waiting for the house to be finished & I finally put them up during the week & I'm thrilled with the way they look.

    Very appropriately hung above the bar.

    Trixie Delicious is one of my very favourite Etsy sellers. I've seriously got my eye on this plate too.

  • Finders Keepers...

    Finders Keepers...
    gorgeous friends

    I had such a great day with Aunty Cookie and the Meet Me at Mikes guys yesterday. Finders Keepers was a fabulous day out. You can read about the day & see fabulous pictures of the stalls & the event over at The Design Files or Mikes.

    Shaz gave me this lightly hot water bottle vase & it joins Kate's hand in the bathroom (ring is by Victoria Mason) .... I know you need three to make it a collection so shall buzz off to etsy now.

    & a bit on finding & keeping friends too...

    I'm endlessly amazed by the number of really truly gorgeous mates I've made because of this bit of online drivel. My goings on are hardly ever poignant, personal or even humourous. But something in the way I've presented myself has led me to a growing number of found & kept friends & for that I will be eternally grateful. xxx

  • My Melbourne ...

    My Melbourne ...

    Have you seen something at my place that you like?

    I've made a lot of stuff, hacked & re-worked a lot of stuff, found a lot of stuff & of course bought a lot of stuff too.

    Some of the places I've made purchases over the years are listed here (in no particular order except to say that most of my favourite pieces have come from Step Back).

    Step Back
    Youngs Auctions
    Camberwell Antique Centre
    Camberwell Market
    Maling Road Antiques
    Smith Street Bazaar
    20th Century Scandinavia
    Arthurs Circus
    Simon Ancher
    The Works
    The Mill Markets
    Op Shops
    Hard rubbish
    Family "rescues"

    & online
    Etsy (including but not limited to)...
    Aunty Cookie, Loobylu, Bricolagelife, Vandalized Vintage, Tsk Tsk, Red Pepper Quilts, Meet me at mikes, Bellalulu, Yardage Design, Lil Sonny Sky, Gemma Jones
    ... for prints, soft furnishings & small vintage pieces.

  • 6 things...

    6 things...

    you don't know about me.

    I was not so recently tagged by the lovely bricolagelife. I'm mixing it up a bit.

    6 crafty talents I'm a wee bit jealous of.

    1. cathedral window quilt, 2. Kath, 3. April CAL square - Chocolate Delight, in Lime, 4. First Etsy Listing!, 5. Ciabatta, 6. tcb08

    I wish I could:

    Quilt like Leah (& Vicki if she had a blog).
    Crochet like Lara.
    Draw like Claire.
    Take photos like Angela.
    Cook like Pip.
    & do anything 1/2 as well as Anna Laura. She is one multi-skilled crafter.

    I'm tagging anyone who is secretly (or not so secretly) jealous. Let me know if you play along.

  • Return calls...

    Return calls...
    Hot & Not Felt

    Tabitha asks...

    I am wondering if you can tell me of any websites for buying wool felt squares?

    I have looked all over the internet and cannot find anything worthy.

    I would appreciate your time immensely!

    Hi Tabitha

    Yes I absolutely can! I was lucky enough to win some squares from this girl last year & I can tell you that the colour range is beautiful.


    Happy shopping.

  • Hot & Not...

    Hot & Not...
    Hot & Not Felt


    - Felt from Feltgirl on etsy. Far out...look at the colours aren't they wonderful!

    - Wrapping the first of my Christmas presents. The Cookie genius has this wrapping paper for sale in her shop. She shoots you a PDF email & you just print away...5 colours. Fabulous.

    - Apple green. I saw a display bathroom tiled in apple green tiles & now I can't stop thinking about it (& wishing I wasn't so "safe for resale").

    - Victoria Mason. Just everything about that girl is hot, hot, hot. Her work is beyond compare...attention to detail every step of the way. She's going to be at Magnolia Square from Thursday to Sunday. Surely this Christmas you deserve a pencil sharpening or morning tea ring set.

    - The Plant Sitter. I can't tell you how much I LOVE this book.

    - Chicago. I've seen the stage show at least 10 times & I never get tired of it.


    - Airconditioning that's too cold. I wore my jeans on my arms in the theatre last night & used my carry bag as a nanna rug just to keep warm.

    - Possums in the ceiling!!! It's OK...Pete's been around & I think we may have the little critter beat.

    - Curly girl with a stomach bug.

    Lot's more of what's hot & what's not over at Loobylu.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    creative space home journal

    I think today is going to be a creative feet up kind of day.

    The kids are still on holidays & I'm not quite ready to tackle anything too major on the crafting front.

    I've so much I want to do...

    - make myself a new handbag
    - a quilty something
    - a quiet bit of stitching

    but I think I shall sip tea & look for more inspiration amongst the pages of Home Journal.

    I'm also admiring my new bluebird tape measure necklace. Just purchased from lovely Yasmin Ellis - I found her via find make do & fell in love with the bluebird. She makes other excellent pieces & she's got an etsy shop right here.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • Lazy Soosan - The Alphabet Series - Aa...

    Lazy Soosan - The Alphabet Series - Aa...

    arrived in the post today.

    Design for Mankind posted about this gorgeous little zine a while ago & I popped straight over to Lazy Soosan to say hello & ask ever so politely for a copy to be sent my way.

    The beginning of the alphabet series shows such promise & I'm looking forward to being the proud owner of the complete alphabet. I think my favourite Aa page is the apples.

    Laura & Lucy are opening an Etsy shop at the end of the month so you should pop in then to order your serving of "alphabetti spaghetti".

  • This is...me, a mirror & my favourite accessory

    Jhoanna's this is was a challenge for me.

    We only have two mirrors in our house & both have pretty terrible light. Also I found it VERY hard to take a pic of myself not looking like a total dork.

    This is the best of a very bad bunch! Me in the mirror with my favourite accessory. I've cheated a bit & I'm showing three:

    1. A blow wave.
    2. My runners.
    3. My Chocolate & Steel necklace that I recently purchased on Etsy & haven't taken off.