Sweet Fabric [Search results for challenge

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    Creative spacing in the family room. This is due to:

    -it being nice & cosy
    -the family being there too
    -the fact that the pool/craft room is such a tip I can't actually get in there.

    There is something very special about this picture. Do you see the tiny little heart? It's a bit of a hunt... You'll need to click the pic to enlarge.

    Got it?

    Finding the heart & thinking of this found heart loving girl made me smile. So, I'm issuing a bit of a challenge, just to keep myspace interesting. When you take your space photo next week do you think you could hide a little heart in the picture? Make it subtle...we want this to be a challenge.

    Have you visited last week's favourite yet? I update the sidebar link on a Friday OR just click here.

  • The Notebook Project...

    The Notebook Project...

    I mentioned it last week.

    I've finished my contribution & I'm ready to mail it on for the next "random dispatch from the blogosphere".

    If you would like to know more about the project visit here, or better yet just sign up! I had fun.

    I love a challenge & it's probably what I value most about the whole craft/blog thing. I really enjoy watching other wonderful people challenge themselves & I'm seeing plenty of evidence of it around:

    Jhoanna preparing for her solo show,
    Angela's off on her first international adventure,
    Pip's editing like a woman posessed,
    Cam's opened her shop,
    Lexi is forming a solid habit &
    Claire's keyboard is red hot.

    Girls to stick like glue to ... for sure.

  • Looking for alternatives...

    Looking for alternatives...

    Trying to find an alternate eco friendly cushion stuffing
    strips of sheeting = fail.

    I'm a seeker, a thinker & a tinker.

    I think I've lost my way a bit with this little patch of online space & I'm trying to find my way back.

    I feel like maybe I lost the "Koo" & was worrying a bit too much about the "to yoou" somewhere along the way.

    Overthinking all this really & what I really want to say is...

    The running is so much of who I am & although my runners are loyally Asics I'm adopting a "Nike" attitude to my craft & this little patch too. I need to challenge myself more & maybe you too?

    Just do it!

    I'm all about challenge & beginnings - I want more of those. There'll be a few invitations coming your way soon & I hope some of you will pull your crafty runners on with me.

    Making me think this week...

    Lara's thoughts on markets
    Paul (If you haven't already listened to his podcast with Sister Diane you really should - find it here).
    Pip's thoughts on heroes

  • Op Shop til you drop...

    Op Shop til you drop...

    Always up for a challenge - I'm linking my cute with Angela & Mikes to my Thrifted Tuesday Op Shop purchasing.

    The cutest Op Shop ever turned up this beauty "tested & found to be working". This night light is so super cute that I couldn't leave without it.

    I think a night time drive in that jalopy with the little glasses & drivers-cap attired chap would be quite lovely. Now I've just got to get the date to grow a moustache & find myself a nice hat with a yellow flower & we'll be set.

  • A post a day in May...

    A post a day in May...

    I know I already post daily so I guess it's not so much about the challenge but about a show of support for this beautiful blog which is packed full of loveliness.

    I'm posting here in the hopes that some of my favourite locals might also get on board.

    I love a bit of fresh content.

  • A week of pillowcases...

    A week of pillowcases...

    at Meet me at Mikes.

    I'm thrilled to be sharing Pip's lovely space with her over the next week.

    I've put together some speedy quick projects to make using pillowcases.

    Today's project is an eco-friendly shopping bag.

    The best part about making this bag was watching Amy Karol's tutorial on bias tape. It is SENSATIONAL.

    If you get bitten by the pillowcase bug too have a crack at some of these:




    Garment Bag

    Skirts & Dresses

    Laundry Bag

    Fabric Scrap & Remnant Ideas – Yikes there are HEAPS here & it's a new to me site.

    Handmade Parade hosted a Pillowcase challenge earlier in the year. Winner here
    and you can check out the other entries here.

    The pillowcase I would have used if I had the guts to hack into it. This is one of my Tier 1 pillowcases. I've only got a few that have arrived wrapped in plastic. I love the pattern & would have loved a bag made out of it. But this baby is for looking only.

    We are having a giveaway - the details are at Mikes & entries close at midnight tonight Melbourne time.

  • This is...what reminds me of my mum

    This is...what reminds me of my mum

    what reminds me of my mum.

    She is our Faraway Tree. She grows in the far corner of our block & when the house is built this is the view I will wake up to every morning.

    A bit about her:

    She has deep roots in this little patch of dirt.
    She is getting on a bit but ...
    She is still as beautiful as ever.
    She is supportive.
    She can weather any storm.
    She can bend in the wind & not snap.
    She is forgiving.
    Occasionally she drops her bundle.
    She is fun.
    Her limbs are a haven for children.
    She is strong.
    She happily reinvents herself.
    She is a protector.
    She relishes a challenge.
    She encourages an adventurous spirit.
    She is a survivor (& in fact a thriver).
    Her canopy is far reaching.
    She is shelter.
    She is home.
    She is much loved by me.

    Happy Mother's Day.

  • Friday Archives...

    Friday Archives...

    This gorgeous girl has kicked off a bit of Friday fun & always up for a challenge I thought I'd have a crack.

    After all...I went to a fabulous school that offered ceramics, printmaking, textiles, painting & drawing, garment construction & photography. True to form I tried my had at all of these and had wonderful parents allowed me to do Art 1 & Art 2 (read 8 hours of art per week) instead of maths! I was always more about the experience than the end result. I thought I'd have some giggle worthy stuff to share.

    I had a feeling that most of my "folio" (& I use the term loosely) had been skipped during the most recent clean out. No great loss there I can assure you. BUT...I thought I had some stuff under the ranch. I donned the head torch & went for a rummage - I came up short. I did find all the letters the date & I wrote to each when we first hooked up! That gave the two of us a giggle but they have now been ceremoniously binned. I wanted to fire up the incinerator - if only it weren't illegal!

    Anyway, enough of my drivel. In short - my Friday Archives offerings will be thin on the ground I think. Sorry Claire.

    The above is a mother bird guarding her eggs. I made her when I was 3 with my next door + one neighbour who had a ceramics shed & her own kiln - incredible.

    Ahh Betty was gorgeous wasn't she Jo?

  • Noticing - challenge...

    Noticing - challenge...

    I'm without a car for a couple of weeks.

    I've noticed just how much I rely on the car. Today I walked and caught the tram into the city with the girls for a doctor's appointment and then rode my bike to visit my sister...I'm shattered.

    Much as I love living in the leafy green suburbs (where not even a coffee is walking distance) today would have been much easier if I lived in Fitzroy.

    This map is from an old street directory picked up at the Camberwell market yesterday - so good!

  • Mixing ...

    Mixing ...

    with other crafty souls at the Mixtape event.

    I didn't take photos of my accessory gift! I'm hoping that Cathy will...

    I received this fabulous denim bag with mushroom lining & little tin full of buttons from Cathy.

    Fi's pincushion project was speedy & fun.

    Thanks Nichola & Justine for the challenge. I really enjoyed the new beginnings. I think I'm falling in love with the rings - it could be a long term relationship.

    PS: Are you tracking me? Lots of lovely blogs I've been visiting on my clicketty trips.

  • Grey days...

    Grey days...

    Working hard in the pool room again today & it's all about grey. My choice of thread for the sewing machine has pretty much limited me to grey, red, black & brown ... it's an interesting challenge.

    Lou gave me a little nudge & so I'm going to be at Yarraville Market tomorrow.

    I'll have a lot of somethings made of nothings & the crochet will be there too. If you happen to be in the area pop in & say "Hi".

  • How to ... 5 things to make from a pillowcase

    How to ... 5 things to make from a pillowcase

    Tutorial: How to make these pillowcase craft project can be found in PDF form here.

    Project Pillowcase:
    5 speedy quick “present cupboard” craft projects made from one pillowcase for "A Week of Pillowcases" hosted at Meet Me at Mikes.

    I try to use materials from Op Shops in my projects & I’ve been successful with this challenge. BUT…you shouldn’t feel restricted to using pillowcases. Remnants or lovely new fabrics will work just as effectively.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    1 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 eco-friendly shopping bag.

    The How To:
    Can be found here.
    You need to use bias tape for this project. So visit here for the best tutorial ever.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    2 of 5
    The End Product:

    2 Covered Suspension Files (per pillowcase).
    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    3 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 Peg Apron.

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    4 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 Blog Roll

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, but not so super speedy (the embroidery takes a bit of time). This pressie is for super special people.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    5 of 5
    The End Product:

    4 Tealight holders (you will be able to make 8-10 from one pillowcase).

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

  • Simple Fabric Printing...

    Simple Fabric Printing...

    Gemma ran a fantastic session at Brown Owls last night.

    I was mixing up a fixative cocktail or two behind the bar! (so I didn't take any pics of the wonderful printing everyone did). But Pip has some fabulous pics up here.

    Everyone was busy stamping up a storm. There was a lovely creative buzz, everyone sharing ideas & skills. What a fabulous night.

    My favourite print of the night?

    Evie made a wonderful abstract stamp & then repeated the design to create this gorgeous singlet.

    Footnote: Challenge is good for you!

  • Blogtober...


    Lots of lovely girls are joining in.
    Not so much a challenge for me but a celebration.
    There's much to celebrate this month.
    I've always thought of October as a festival.
    I think the button is the perfect addition to my sideBAR.

  • Multi tasker...

    Multi tasker...

    I love a good multi tasker & this little piece of equipment does it all.




    Justine has the Clover version.

    I really enjoyed this challenge.

  • How to make doily covered soaps...

    How to make doily covered soaps...

    It's totally faker crochet! If you are a purist...power to you. Hook yourself some little caps for soap.

    I confess I find the gifting of handmade items something of a challenge. It's one thing to give something you've painstakingly hooked, or stitched, or knitted, or sewn to someone else who makes things & appreciates them. It's quite another to gift the same items to folk who've no idea of the time involved. Faker or not - it's all the same to them. So...at this time of year when you're crafting to give I heartily recommend the faker route.

    I got lucky at the oppy a couple of weeks ago & picked up a set of 6 crochet coasters which were a bit stained & yick. I slung them in the washing machine & stared at them for a while & wondered if a soap cosy might be just the ticket? Loofah & soap in one...yep! Time to have a crack folks.

    Five minutes flat per soap...maybe less.

    How to make faker crochet covered soap
    View more presentations from kootoyoo.

  • My place & yours...

    My place & yours...

    Playing along with Pip.

    I like a photo challenge & "My place & yours" seems like a nice weekendy idea.

    This is the very top of my pillowcase shelf where I have a collection of nesting dolls, a cocktail of buttons & the best of the best swizzle stitcks. There are zips in the adonised tins.

    I won't be sorry to leave those blue walls behind.

    You can see other people's shelves here.

  • Crafty lazy susan...

    Crafty lazy susan...

    OK, so I didn't anticipate such a favourable reaction to yesterday's shelves...thank you so much.

    Now I'm going to look like a big fat show off & for that I apologise.

    Lazy Susan 1

    On Saturday the HAC girls & I were chatting about making stuff & cool crafty tools & Justine & Cindy were talking about a lazy susan cutting mat that a friend (edit: ack...apparently it was Kate's - clearly my mind had already wandered) had. I think there may have been a casual "challenge" thrown in for good measure...red rag to a bull.

    Lazy Susan 2

    So on Sunday morning I made the lazy susan using bits & pieces we had lying around the house... old placemat, laminex top (I think from an elfa storage system), old container lids, my trusty baby bosch, a couple of screws, bearings & this divine fabric from the lovely Clutterpunk to give the whole thing a lovely crafty feel.

    Lazy Susan 3

    It measures 450mm x 300mm so it's big enough to hold the next size cutting mat as well & best of all you can use your multi tasker on the table top & then you have a lazy susan ironing board.

    Lazy Susan 4

    No more deep squat & turns for me...I prefer not to mix my craft & exercise.

  • Wreck this Journal [Slides 4 & 5]...

    Wreck this Journal [Slides 4 & 5]...

    I'm really excited about this. It's going to challenge me (& be good for my personal growth).

    Keri Smith...Wreck this Journal Flickr (this is the Flickr started by Keri)...About Wreck this Journal.

  • Aussie icon...

    Aussie icon...

    with a twist.

    I made roasted strawberry & caramelised mango pavs as well as a few other yummy things. Of course I didn't photograph the finished product but these are the freshly cooked fruits.

    Today was Mum's real 60th birthday. We had a lunch today with the family & some very old family friends.

    It was a bit of a challenge cooking in the beach house kitchen which only has a micro/convection combo oven & very limited resources but I made do.