Mucho excitement. We will be the most organised house in Melbourne next year...ahem.
The piece I stitched (which now resides with Rita in mini-quilt form) is on the cover of the Notebook diary for 2011.
The floral spray was taken from a vintage pillow case & then stitched by me (under the influence of Ike Rosen).
I will be gifting these for Christmas...mothers, sisters, aunties...look out.
PS: A big giant thank you to all the lovely folk who left me gorgeous comments on the calendar post. I had such a great time making it & utterly thrilled that so many of you enjoyed it too. x
Thinking lots about Christmas & giving & sharing & eating & drinking & making & appreciating...
I'm trying really hard to give handmade this year & I thought this might be a good way to spread a bit of Christmas Spirit around.
The Winner Takes it all!
Vintage Father Christmas pillowcase filled with great holiday gift ideas all handmade by me from mostly thrifted/recycled materials. I think that this would cross a LOT of people off your nice list this Holiday Season. You could win the lot! I'm happy to post anywhere! You can view this image with notes on Flickr.
I like to be organised...
Here's a list of places I've been & things I've seen to help me prepare for the upcoming holidays.
Still feeling totally inspired by the handmade issue of mankind mag from my favourite design blog. Q What is the blog author's first name? ANSWER: use the first letter - LETTER:
We like to keep lunch casual, I've found some fabulous BBQ recipes for the big day. Q What type of meat is pictured on the rotisserie? ANSWER: use the first letter - LETTER:
Getting some great ideas for upcycling (my favourite craft) & enjoying the revamp over at this fabulous craft website. Q They list everyone's favourite Portland based author mama as one of their inspirational sites. Which Portland based author mama is she? ANSWER: use the second letter of her last name - LETTER:
Looking forward to being able to buy handmade at the shopping shindig with the craft book Queen. Q What type of car is pictured? ANSWER: use the first letter - LETTER:
All these letters unscramble to reveal: WHAT? is all you need.
Your post needs to go live at 6am SUNDAY 30 NOVEMBER Melbourne Time.
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SIGN UP TO PLAY BY COMMENTING ON THIS POST with "I'm in". Sign ups will close at 5:45 am Sunday 30 November Melbourne Time.
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Did you know that I'm part of the Down Under Doll Quilt Swap? It was organised an embarrassingly long time ago by the gorgeous Kate.
In true kootoyoo style I've left it & left it & left it some more. Don't get me wrong...there's been plenty of think time & in my head the finished quilt is really, really beautiful. In reality I have one (yep 1) block pieced and another cut out. Not a fabulous start eh?
No more new anythings until this piece is finished so I'm going to share my in progress shots. If you catch me wandering off course do you reckon you'd prompt me with a comment like "Hey Kirst, haven't seen much on the white quilt front...what's up with that?".
----- In other news... -----
I've been included in Kidspots Top 50 Bloggers which is hugely flattering. Considering this is a "just for fun" gig for me & there are heaps of professional writer types included I'm quite chuffed. Thanks a bunch Kidspot.
There's the opportunity there to win a holiday to Dunk Island which is pretty cool so maybe check out the list, see if you're favourites are there. If so - click to vote.
I've got to say that I think that the craft blog community is pretty under represented on the list. So many beautiful, thoughtful, productive, positive, creative women I love who haven't been represented.
A big hearty thanks to those of you who have voted for me & saved me from left-on-the-shelf embarrassment. Muchly appreciated. x
I'd had the embroidery finished for a couple of weeks but I just couldn't figure out how to treat the clock hands. I knew I didn't want to leave the black plastic naked but I was worried my other ideas about fabric & stitching would make the whole thing look tacky. When you've spent a couple of hours on hand embroidery you don't want to wreck it with a couple of minutes of glue (yes, speaking from experience).
I've got Changing Rooms (UK) to thank for the flocking thing. I'd seen an episode about three years ago where they flocked all sorts of hard surfaces (including the bannister if I remember).
Anyway, I'm chuffed with the way it's come up. The clock face is an old record, the mechanism & hands from an Opped clock, the fabric is an old sheet & the floss was in the stash.
Half full print by Lisa...Robot by Jodie...Clock by me.
It was hanging in the little guy's room when he went up to bed last night. He was very generous with his admiration & congratulations (he's nice like that). After I'd kissed him good night he called me back & said "Uh oh, I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep with that Tick Tocking in my ear"....
The little gold band was given to me by The Date 19 years ago. We'd been "going out" for five weeks and he gave it to me on the night of my Year 12 formal. I had the ring resized when we became engaged so that I could wear it on my little finger. I love it so much because he chose it and because it symbolises the very beginning of "us", when we were just kids.
The ball of wool was given to me by the very clever Victoria Mason. I've been lucky enough to spend some time with Vic in her studio. Seeing exactly how much work goes into each piece just makes me love her jewellery more. Every single step in the creation of her pieces is taken with love. Victoria only makes pieces of items that are special to her and her workmanship and dedication to her craft is awe inspiring.
The ball of wool is a must have for the yarny crafter in your life. She is giving away one ring & one necklace on her blog. could be you. Click.
This is the little guy as drawn by the big girl & stitched by me. Pictured with his golf "blub" which, as a 2 year old he was rarely seen without.
It just so happens that Friday is my long run day. That means lots of time to think...& think...& think.
Today I was thinking about all the hopes & dreams we have for our smalls. This train of thought stemming from the fact that the little guy had a birthday yesterday. My smalls are quite suddenly not so small.
So what do I hope & wish for the life that lies ahead for my not-so-smalls?
And then I got to thinking about the music boxes & I'd really love to make a collaborative music box with all of our hopes & dreams for little people just beginning.
I'd love you to leave your hopes & dreams in the comments. A collection of words is what I'm after.
She is our Faraway Tree. She grows in the far corner of our block & when the house is built this is the view I will wake up to every morning.
A bit about her:
She has deep roots in this little patch of dirt. She is getting on a bit but ... She is still as beautiful as ever. She is supportive. She can weather any storm. She can bend in the wind & not snap. She is forgiving. Occasionally she drops her bundle. She is fun. Her limbs are a haven for children. She is strong. She happily reinvents herself. She is a protector. She relishes a challenge. She encourages an adventurous spirit. She is a survivor (& in fact a thriver). Her canopy is far reaching. She is shelter. She is home. She is much loved by me.
This piece was embroidered by me & includes a small illustration from every child in the big girl's prep class (2002). I loved everything about this project. A true collaboration.
The Banksia Man from a gorgeous book, The Sandman Says gifted to me by the date. He bought it at Pigs Wings in South Yarra which sadly isn't there anymore.
Illustrated by Bill Davies Written by Frank Kauter Published by John Sands in 1949
Thanks Pip. I'm having fun sifting through the bookshelf. I'll be back later with my Op Shop post.
Well here it is! The Granny Square necklace by Victoria Mason. As amazing as it looks in this photo - it's so much better in real life. Just how Victoria has managed to make it drape & curl is beyond me.
You might remember that Victoria asked me to crochet her a tiny square & if you follow her blog (& you should because she's so amazingly generous with her process) you will have seen it develop further...
here, here & here.
Victoria's work is incredible, every piece she makes has a beautiful story behind it & the attention paid to every step of the process is beyond compare.
Victoria has given this to me to pass on to one of you! Amazing!
These are brand spanking new (not yet available for sale) & this one is a one-off. Vic was trialling enamel colours and has settled for a couple of different combinations for the "for sale" pieces.
How lucky you would be to wear this piece around your neck? Want to be an early adopter? Comment away people & we'll draw a winner Monday night.
Thank you Victoria for including me in the creation of this piece, for being so clever, for being so generous & just generally for being ACE.
Comments now closed 10:44pm Monday 17 May. Winner announced Tuesday 18 May. Thanks.
Today I've dragged all my bits and pieces outside to enjoy the kiss of the (fairly rare at the moment) sun.
I've got the new issue of Mixtapezine & I'm looking forward to reading it and doing a bit of mixtape inspired craft too. Just the ticket really...ignition from other people. Maybe something in Mixtapezine will spark a little crafty flame for you too.
Buy it here.
PS: There's an article by me & a music review by The Date.
I had planned a little TTFN post last Friday & then I kind of faded to black without warning...sorry.
It seems I've just slipped quietly into holiday mode...watching trash on the teev with my big girl.
It's been a big year & I'm looking forward to a bit of downtime. I'm going to take a bit of time off to really enjoy the break with the fam.
I might be back with a holiday something or I might not. I'm just going to let the summer of 2010/11 wash over me.
Thank you all for your very valuable contribution to this space during 2010. If you've read, commented, laughed or just nodded're totally's why I keep showing up & hoping that maybe something in my sometimes-cheaty-sometimes-serious makings will make you want to make something too.
My new favourite spot has trotted out another wonderful gift guide in the last 24 hours. I went on a little clicketty trip & ended up here. All the cards are so good but this one particularly appealed.
Chances are that if you've been insulted by me recently it's because you're pretty special.
Idiot is a term of endearment in our household.
Over use of the word has got the kids into trouble a couple of times but it hasn't stopped me splashing it around. It's especially reserved for people who are "so not wankers" & I'm sure (or somewhat confident at least) will not be offended.
It's a bit like pulling hair & pushing kids in the playground I think.
This gorgeous purse was thrifted at my favourite Op Shop.
It's so lovely & I was thinking it would make a good "coffee money" purse but I've decided on a much better use.
I've spent a lot of time the last couple of days at You are beautiful. Found courtesy of a link from this girl. It's nice. I like nice and it makes me smile.
So, if you haven't been stuck by me - you might be soon. Print yourself some stickers & get sticking too.
I'm not normally that big on dolls but there was no way this little girl wasn't coming home with me.
I was talking to Pip & Sue at Brown Owls last night about the merits of the funny little Op Shop on the hill in Kew. GOLD for me this morning.
She's a little bit like Hamble from playschool. It was a sad day for me when Hamble was replaced by Meeka. I LOVED Hamble and couldn't understand why they hadn't chosen to replace Jemima...afterall she couldn't even have a bath!
- Mixtapezine. I read this yesterday while I ate my bircher (also hot). There's a lot to love about this edition...Sooz's thoughts on rules...The Date's music reviews...Aunty Cookie tear out...Gemma Jones cover...& the "multi tasker tute" by me.
- Starting to feel like the new house is almost "done".
- My stud finder... a really truly one for walls (not the failing eyes or the overworked ticker).
- Pin cushions. Really how many does one girl need? If you think you might need another. The square one is here & the pieced hexagon pincushion is here.
- A visit on the fly to The Mill.
& very little of the not...
- Just the core. Even missed the long run last week - you know it's serious.
There is absolutely nothing original about this idea but I think it's a goodie.
I nicked it from the gym coach who filled them with the fabric used to make the girls' leotards. When I told her I was going to pinch it she said ... "Go right ahead, I stole it from Cirque du Soleil"
I love the idea of souveniring elements of a year gone & I'm pretty pleased with the way they turned out.
The baubles were purchased from Spotlight a couple of years ago & the little reminders of 2009 were knitted, typed & shaved by me.
A super last minute gift methinks.
Edit... The teeny knitting is suspended using invisible thread which I taped to the rim of the bauble.