Sweet Fabric [Search results for games

  • Family bonding...

    Family bonding...
    Family Bonding

    The Little Guy is big into games that involve both his sisters (& preferably both his parents). He calls them "family bonding games". My favourite of these games is indoor cricket using teeny tiny cricket bats & ping pong balls. I made sure that the cricket set had pride of place in the new ranch.

    I confess that after the initial excitement on Wednesday & Thursday morning now I'm just absolutely exhausted & feeling like I'm not doing too much bonding with anyone. They're all happily set up in the new place & I'm dealing with the aftermath at the old house...it's not inspiring or exciting & frankly pretty lonely. Thankfully Mum gave me a hand yesterday afternoon & the Op Shop & rubbish piles in the old family room are growing steadily.

    This afternoon I am looking forward to breaking out the tape measure & the hacksaw to attempt a DIY modification to the blinds I'm trying to hang in our new bedroom. I think it'll be quite therapeutic.

    Thank you all for being so excited about the house...it really is lovely & hopefully I'll have some housey pics to share tomorrow.

  • Reminder...

  • Seeing in the New Year...

    Seeing in the New Year...
  • Play your hand...

    Play your hand...
  • On the fifth day of Christmas...

    On the fifth day of Christmas...

    my true love sent to me:

    5 glowing gifts
    4 waiting sacks
    3 Chrissy trees
    2 drinks with bubbles
    & a sp...i...i...i...i...ng santa

    Yep...that's the kootoyoo tribe. These tealight holders are gifts for someone special this Christmas.

    I'm feeling a bit hamstrung by the "brilliance" of the 12 days of Christmas idea. I've got lots of other stuff I want to share & I'm lacking a bit of inspiration for the 12 days at the moment. It's OK at this end of the song but what about when I get to 10, 11 & 12?

    Oh well...I'm a finisher that's for sure. If I commit to something I'm going to see it through. So if you nod off over the next few days I'll try to make sure that the wake-up call at the end is nice & loud.

    Don't forget to check out the December gift. It really is a beauty. It plugs into the TV & all the games have an educational element. Take a look here.

  • Spreading crafty love - December...

    Spreading crafty love - December...
  • Deal or no deal...

    Deal or no deal...
  • Shoulder blanket...

    Shoulder blanket...
  • What I'm wearing...

    What I'm wearing...
  • 6 random things...

    6 random things...

    First things first. I was tagged quite some time ago by the very lovely Kristy with a you make my day award, which was very sweet. Thank you.

    Now I've been tagged by Chocolate & Steel for the six random things. I've only fairly recently done the 7 random things & I'm really bad at these games so I apologise in advance. I've used these Op Shopped cards as my springboard.

    My Favourite Tea:
    Earl Grey
    My Favourite Outfit:
    My Asian slash modern slash tree dress that I bought without trying on! It was bought from a guy who knows his stuff.
    My Favourite Food:
    It's a toss up between lollies & Burgen Rye toast with St Dalfour raspberry jam.
    My Favourite Shoes:
    Yep - it's the runners although I am pretty partial to my boots too.
    My Favourite Flower:
    My Favourite Book:
    Recently, it's The Lying Tongue. In the last 5 years, it's The Kite Runner. Historically, it's The Outsiders.

    Now, this is where the really bad comes in. I don't pass these things on. I'm not really sure why - I think it's linked to the whole chain letter caper when I was a kid. But...if you'd like to have a go. Consider yourself tagged.

  • How to make a toadstool pincushion...

    How to make a toadstool pincushion...
  • Words & pictures...remember?

    Words & pictures...remember?
  • Friday Archives & a favour...

    Friday Archives & a favour...