Sweet Fabric [Search results for date

  • On The Date...

    On The Date...

    I loved reading Nan's post on The Frenchman & so I've put together one of my own. I confess I've not received questions about The Date. Hailing from suburban Melbourne doesn't really conjour the same romantic ideal does it? I do know that he's won over more than a few of you with his taste in music.

    Where did you meet The Date?
    The Date & I have known each other for 25 years! We met when I was in Year 7 & he was in Year 10. Our family homes were about 2 kilometres from each other. In those days he made himself scarce when I was in the house because he reckoned I was way too loud and annoying. We've been together for 19 years...more than 1/2 my life.

    Does The Date have an accent?
    No accent but he is guilty of mumbling and he and The Boy do speak a language that I don't understand. They speak in tongues about all manner of sporty things.

    Is he a romantic?
    Nup, but he is thoughtful. He makes lunches, pretty drinks, brings me coffees & is very kind about being the "crap courier". To be truthful I don't think I respond that well to romantic gestures anyway.

    Would you recommend The Date (local) as a life partner?
    Yes I absolutely would. We've grown up together, so very different from when we met and so very much the same. The Date is pretty cruisy. He's my very best friend, a really good person and an amazing parent. If you can snag yourself a version of him...hang on tight...they are pretty hard to find.

  • The Date is a multi tasker...

    The Date is a multi tasker...
    The Date is a multi tasker

    I asked The Date to help me out & test my instructions for the Multi Tasker. It's going to be included in issue 11 of Mixtapezine & I really wanted to make sure that there were no glitches.

    Far out...he did it & he multi tasked too!

    ...watched the footy, drank beer (2), crafted(!) & swore a bit.

    At the end of the whole exercise I asked him how he went & he said "I EXPLETIVE hated it". Ha...he's a good sort.

    You can see more multi tasker action here & Lara's wonderful multi tasker post here.

    I've had a few people express interest in another multi tasker workshop. At this stage it's looking like being mid October. Are you interested? If so please email me: kootoyooATgmailDOTcom with MULTI TASKER in the subject line.

  • 7 Songs...

    7 Songs...

    I was tagged ages ago by August Street & then Drewzel for this 7 songs gig.

    **** WARNING **** music lovers should read no further!

    Music is not really important to me. I like stuff, I just don't know what I like & because I share an office/studio/tip with the date I just leave it all up to him.

    The pic above is the list (compiled by the date) of seven songs I've been listening to lately & enjoying. I think he's done pretty well considering I just mumble at him if I like something & grumble at him if I don't like it. I guess I'm just a background kind of girl.

    This shouldn't come as a surprise. I spent alot of time with my Grandma as a kid & she always had the radio tuned to "easy listening 3MP".

    The date loves music! I'm a sad disappointment to him. We are currently in negotiations. I want him to host the blog on a Monday for Mixtape Monday. He wants to know what's in it for him! .....Hmmm.

    I won't pass this on but if you'd like to have a crack at it consider yourself tagged.

  • Fancy a trip?...

    Fancy a trip?...
    Plane trip

    The Date's playing a golf tournament & he asked if the kids & I wanted to come along.

    At first I had a minor breakdown about the kids missing school. The Date raised his eyebrows at me & I gave myself a stern talking to & now we're all on a plane heading for a bit of warmth.

    I'm planning to share some of the recent op shop purchases that have made my little op shopping heart skip a beat.

    I figured that might get a bit biege for you guys. So...

    I thought you might like to take a little trip of your own...around my home town. I'll have a clue accompanying each post this week. You'll need to follow the clues & at the end of the week you'll unscramble to find something that is also close to my heart.

    You'll need a notepad & pen beside your mouse (or something more techy if you're opposed to the pen). All the answers are contained within recent posts on each blog. That is I found the answers on the first page of each blog on Friday 11th September. Don't panic if you can't find the answers straight away...it's OK to cheat a little & email/twitter a buddy.

    There'll be further instructions with the final clue!

    Sound like fun? If you play to the end you'll go into the draw to win a prize (yet to be determined but I promise it will be good).

    CLUE #1
    Skip on over to Claire's.
    What it was that was warped in Claire's creative space?
    Use the 3rd letter of this word.

  • No more tears...

    No more tears...

    When I chop onions I cry, I have tears streaming down my face.

    To combat this problem I started wearing goggles. I look an absolute sight (I admit), but I'm much more about function than fashion. There's the added bonus of making the kids & The Date laugh.

    At some stage during my goggle wearing & onion chopping I'd made a plan in my head to share my genius. I'd formulated a plan to sell these high fashion items. Of course I was going to muck around with the design & cute them up a bit.

    Being the true procrastinator that I am I never did anything about it & continued to wear the goggles, and remain tear free.

    A couple of weeks ago the date and I were at Shoppingtown. Walking past Matchbox I caught something pink and sunglassesish out of the corner of my eye. I knew what they were before I did the double take. Sure enough, there they were ... my onion goggles.

    For a moment I felt a bit jealous. That coulda shoulda woulda been me.

    Then I caught myself. The onion glasses genius actually got off their procrastinating butt and did something about it. Good on her/him.

    I'm rather attached to the speedo goggles but I really think that people who make good on dreams and ideas should be rewarded. I'm going to buy a pair.

  • Honeymoon craft...

    Honeymoon craft...

    with Allan Robison

    So I know I've raved on about the new beginnings obsession about a million times before. I just love the "honeymoon faze" of a project. It's interesting...once mastered it loses its appeal.

    The spark, discovery, thrill & ultimate satisfaction are what it's all about.

    It's lucky I met the date when I did because with this current obsession he probably wouldn't have lasted & I can tell you he's a keeper!

    I've had 5 new beginnings this week. Any craft project that involves a date with Allan Robison fabric is bound to be a winner.

  • This is...my knick knack/jewellery box

    This is...my knick knack/jewellery box

    This jewellery box was give to me by the date a good long time ago. The "real" jewels don't get kept in here. They are in top secret hiding spots - this is my decoy jewellery box (a brilliant idea inherited from my Non) for the burglars. Now I look at the contents up close there needs to be some shuffling. I'd be devastated if I lost some of these treasures to thieves.

    I've got the goods (either gifted from or created by or both) from:

    Betty Jo
    Meet me at Mikes
    Boobook Sausage Dogs
    Three Buttons

    as well as a huge assortment of items of great sentimental value:

    -Antique clock key gifted by my dad & step mum for my 21st.
    -Charm bracelet gifted by Non & added to on each overseas trip.
    -Resin pendant & ring (green) gifted by my mum & sister
    -Sculpey pendant made for me by my gorgeous little boy to wear to a wedding.
    -Button necklace gifted by my mother in law & purchased on Brunswick Street some years ago.
    -Numerous lovely pendants gifted by the date.

  • This is...what makes me happy

    This is...what makes me happy

    This is... hosted by Angela. Theme from Jacinta.

    I try to keep this space happy. I talk alot about the small things that I appreciate & make me happy. I know I've raved a bit before about the smalls, the date & the extended family. It really is true...love is all you need.

    So...what makes me "happy" is 2 date made Capiroska. Chatty, relaxed, giggly... it's a pretty fun version of me.

  • The week that was...

    The week that was...

    Snippets from my week.

    I really enjoyed my delightful week last week & so I'm backing it up with exciting. Saturday is a bit of a slow day in the blog world & it seems like a good day to weekEND.

    The date & are in the preliminary stages of a very big project...exciting.

    Yesterday I ran in the pitch dark at 6am. I normally love running in the street-lit-Melbourne dark but running along the Promenade at Lonsdale is quite another thing. I scared myself silly...& then repeated the experience this morning...exciting.

    Today, the kids & I played Mini Golf. The date always wins & the small & I take turns in coming last. But, today I won...exciting.

    Out of town Op Shops turned up gold (again). I bought 40 Ladybirds for $5.00...exciting

    Hard working, talented, local & particularly lovely girls are being rewarded for their efforts & embarking on new crafty adventures...exciting.

    Care to suggest an adjective for next week? I'm game if you are.

  • This is...my perfect dinner party guest list

    This is...my perfect dinner party guest list

    I had lots of ideas for people to invite to a sensational dinner party with the date but in the end I've settled on my friends from school: Jo, Tan, Soph, Lise, Jen, Tiff, Megs & Myself.

    The date will decline his invitation & we will all sit around drinking pretty drinks & laughing til our cheeks hurt.

    Sure - we are all very different people now & our lives have moved us in different directions & around the world. Maybe if we met in the street today we wouldn't all be friends. BUT... there is something really special about a shared history & the easy, honest & kid-like way you interact with a friend you've had forever. It's priceless.

    The photo with the pink cut outs is the final list but we need to add Jo & Megs into the pink voids. Can you match all my friends with their before & after shots?

    Thank you Lily & Agathe and Three Buttons.

  • Suburban shopping...

    Suburban shopping...
    Suburban :: kodak moment

    I love my strip shopping centre.

    Sure, there's an odd mix of shops & businesses. I confess I've only been into the Aquarium once but it is nice to know that if I decide I do want a goldfish I don't need to go to Shoppo. That place gives me a giant headache. I hate Coles & Safeway too. So many aisles, so many bulging shelves and yet only 2 choices of flour???

    Wai & Rita are the Friendly Grocers. Their supermarket has only three aisles but the range is fabulous. Choices for everything. They carry a good range of organic bits and pieces and have plenty to cater for the Gluten Free too. When my babe's were tiny I used to leave the capsule at the counter with Wai & Rita while I buzzed up & down the aisle and now Wai lets the kids scan the shopping.

    Clem owns the fruitshop just as his dad did before him & probably just as his sons will after him. There's always a happy mix of organic & non. They are always up for a chat & always offer to carry your shopping to your car.

    A few years ago the butcher was taken over by Ralph & Anna. I'm "Kirst" at their place. They sell organic & biodynamic meats & we chat happily about the run and the kids. If Dave is working I can be assured of hearing about how terribly the Hawks are playing & whether or not Clarko should be sacked. I'm not really a follower of the Footy but he knows The Date is. He never forgets to ask about the run, the kids or The Date's handicap.

    Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.

    All this loveliness & the added bonus of supporting my own community.

    I'm a suburban local & I wouldn't have it any other way.

    PS: Yesterday's soup was fabulous! The little guy said that each mouthful was just like a little corn explosion in his mouth. Too much Masterchef?

  • The magic doorway...

    The magic doorway...
    Magic 1278

    The door at Auntie Pat's is big & heavy.

    I knock - a little melodious knock. "Come in", I hear. I think how cool it is that my eighty something Great Aunt is happy to have her door unlocked.

    I let myself in.

    Auntie Pat is all organised and ready for our knitting date. The radio is tuned to Magic 1278 and her current knitting project is laid out on the dining table.

    I'm offered a cuppa and say yes to a cup of tea. Once the tea is made we settle ourselves at the table. Auntie Pat examines my homework. She's very happy with the way I'm knitting. She runs her fingers over my work and says softly "Mmm, yes, you're going to be a beautiful knitter Koo". I feel well pleased with this. I like to be good at stuff.

    I've brought along the pattern as well as my 365 knitting stitches desk calendar. I hand the pattern over to Auntie Pat & ask ernestly if I should begin at January 1st or maybe today's date? "No", Auntie Pat says firmly. "Close that book." I do. "Right, now just open it up and work on whatever pattern it throws up." I do exactly that and open the book at the diagonal rib. Auntie Pat is pleased and tells me to get started.

    I cast on using my thumb and Auntie Pat begins reading. We sit together in an easy silence, knitting and reading. "Islands in the stream" comes on the radio and I smile to myself. I don't think I've heard that song since 1987. I hum along happily.

    Every now and then Auntie Pat offers a "interesting" or "hmmm, clever".

    Very quickly the two hours is up. I pack my things and say my thank yous and goodbyes at the door. Once I start the car I'm tempted to tune the radio to 1278 but decide to save the Magic for Tuesdays with Auntie Pat.

  • The Date...

    The Date...
    Me & The Date

    & me.

    I'm a sucker for a nesting doll & I was pretty thrilled to find this at Balwyn Salvos. I think I paid $15.

    CLUE #7
    Pop in & pay Leslie a visit. She's posting everyday this month you know.
    What's the name of her playmat?
    Use the fourth letter of this word.

  • The date does Mixtape Monday...

    The date does Mixtape Monday...

    for Pip xxx

    Edit: I've an apology to make. I figured that everyone who reads my blog also reads Pip's blog...

    Mixtape Monday is hosted by Meet Me at Mikes. You can join in the official Monday gig if you like - details here.

    Thanks also for the glowing reviews - The Date's a goodie & I'm pretty glad he's mine xxx

  • Mini Golf...

    Mini Golf...

    The Date's a golfer - he loves it & he's good at it.

    The Small's are mini golfers - they love it.

    The annual Mini Golf Tournament resulted in a draw between The Date & me - quite unbelievable but I'll be dining out on it for at least the next ten years.

  • Another treasure...

    Another treasure...

    from under the house.

    The poster was designed by my aunt for the production when she was at school.

    It made me smile so I gave it a very light press & framed it (Ikea style) & I've put the poster above The Date's side of the bed.

    And another thing...The Date went to school at Carey & I went to school at Strathcona.

  • About a hacksaw...

    About a hacksaw...
    BR Bedhead

    & where I sleep.

    Yesterday afternoon was all about having a DIY crack...

    FYI ... it is possible for one (average sized & fairly weak woman) to hang a room full of blinds alone.
    FYI ... if in doubt - drill first & worry later.
    FYI ... you can (pretty simply) cut your store bought Bunnings blinds to fit.
    FYI ... golf's boring. (x)
    FYI ... my camera battery is now dead (don't know where the charger is).

    As predicted I found the afternoon with the hacksaw & the drill just the ticket & have now started to put together my side of the bed (FYI also DIY ... vintage bedheads & cheapo IKEA base).

    FYI ... it's a WIP.

    Photographs of artworks made by bricolagelife.
    Geninne's bird.
    Photographs of my smalls when they were in fact small.

    (x) ... FYI that's for The Date.

  • Happy Days [01]...

    Happy Days [01]...

    I've always been a fan! Mikes are into happy too.

    Making this day happy...

    mango for lunch
    the sound of the date's car turning into our street
    chicken & chips for dinner
    helpful kids
    thrifted pillowcasey loveliness
    balmy evening

  • Op Shop til you drop...

    Op Shop til you drop...

    Always up for a challenge - I'm linking my cute with Angela & Mikes to my Thrifted Tuesday Op Shop purchasing.

    The cutest Op Shop ever turned up this beauty "tested & found to be working". This night light is so super cute that I couldn't leave without it.

    I think a night time drive in that jalopy with the little glasses & drivers-cap attired chap would be quite lovely. Now I've just got to get the date to grow a moustache & find myself a nice hat with a yellow flower & we'll be set.

  • How to make a crochet & cross stitch beanie...

    How to make a crochet & cross stitch beanie...

    for anyone...anytime.

    It doesn't rely on tension, hook size, type of yarn blah de blah.


    You just need to worry about making sure the rectangle of fabric measures...

    circumference x head height = super cute 'x' stitch beanie


    I was lucky enough to have recipients easily lassoed by the measuring tape but if you're making for a gift you might like to refer to this excellent size chart found via google this afternoon. Thanks Bev.

    How to make a crochet & cross stitch beanieView more presentations from kootoyoo.

    I knew the heart wasn't going to fly so The Big Girl & I went for something très sophistiqué. The kid hasn't taken the beanie off since it was gifted. Both The Little Guy & The Date think it's fabulous (& those fellas are a tough craft audience).

    There's a pdf here if that helps you out.

    It goes without saying that you don't have to be able to crochet to make this beanie. You could follow the same formula & use some lovely wool jersey & the machine. That'd make it super quick.