Fabric from one of my favourite vintage dresses
Every once in a while something of mine turns up somewhere super lovely.
Just for the record:
Apartment Therapy
The Apartment Therapy Mission
Helping people make their homes more beautiful, organized and healthy by connecting them to a wealth of resources, ideas and community online.
What We Believe
A calm, healthy, beautiful home is a necessary foundation for happiness and success in the world.
Creating this home doesn’t require large amounts of money or space. It requires inspiration, connection to resources and motivation to do something about it.
The basic elements of good home design can be learned and achieved by all.
Simplicity and luxury are not mutually exclusive.
Spool holder-----
Introducing CRAFT: The first project-based magazine dedicated to the renaissance that is occurring within the world of crafts. Celebrating the DIY spirit, CRAFT's goal is to unite, inspire, inform and entertain a growing community of highly imaginative and resourceful people who are transforming traditional art and crafts with unconventional, unexpected and even renegade techniques, materials and tools; people who undertake amazing crafting projects in their homes and communities.
Christmas Decorations, Corner Bookmark, Granny Square Necklace, Spool holder
Craft Gossip
Confused about everything crafty out there? Not sure where to go and what to buy for your latest craft idea? Can't find that kitsch pattern that everyone else is talking about? Well worry no more! CraftGossip is all the latest news from real craft people telling you about the real stuff. We scour the net looking for the best craft ideas and projects and review them for you.
Corner Bookmark, Embroidery on Dark Fabric, Hand pieced Pincushion, Photo to embroidery pattern, Twisted Cord
Mixtape Zine
Mix tape zine is a collision of craft, eco-cool and pop culture kitsch it features recipes, eco tips, crafty people profiles, ethical business practices etc - you can purchase back issues here or find out more here. Find Justine here and Nichola’s blog here.
my collection in issue 6
Nuts about Needlepoint
An encyclopedia of needlepoint and thread information for all stitchers. Learn about Janet M. Perry's needlepoint projects, read book and product reviews, and find articles about techniques, threads, and more
Twisted Cord
One Pretty Thing
One Pretty Thing is a daily website dedicated to bringing you inspiring projects for a more beautiful life.
Corner Bookmark, Drawstring Bag, Embroidered carry all, Embroidery on dark fabric, Fabric Notebook Cover, Photo to Embroidery Design, Quilt Quiver, Tealight Holder, Twisted Cord
Quilting Board
The Quilter's message board.
Thank you Sondray for linking to my projects.
Sew Mama Sew
You’ll find some handy sewing tips and inspiration. Whether you’re just learning to sew, or have been sewing forever.
The Sew,Mama,Sew! blog is pulled together each week by Kristin and Beth. Who both sew whenever they can and love fabric with a passion.
If you’re looking for fabulous fabric and patterns, please take a look at the Sew,Mama,Sew! store.
Drawstring Backpack, How to fold a fat quarter
I think we all have them, those mile high piles of household tips and life hacks that we’ve collected over the years. They’re messy, disorganized and once they’ve been ‘filed’, those tips are nowhere to be found again.
TipNut.com isn’t anything fancy. It’s simply my way of putting together all the cool tricks I’ve accumulated over the years into a simple, searchable, online filing box–this website. Some of them I’ve tried, some of them I don’t know if I’ll ever try. But I do know they’ll be here if I need them–and I’m happy to freely share everything with you too!
Simple square pincushion
Whip Up
Whip up: To prepare quickly. To excite. To create. To incite. To build. To invent. To conceive. To push. To upset. To manufacture. To provoke.
This website has been created in order to bring the best original and exciting crafts to the attention of many.
To create a community of artists, crafters and makers and share ideas in a central space.
Embroidered Carry All, Embroidery on Dark Fabric, Corner Bookmark, Handpieced Pincushion, Pillowcase Shoulder Bag, Sausage Dog CD cover, Simple Square Pincushion, Toadstool Pincushion
Thank you lovely folk for the thumbs up. It's much appreciated.