Sweet Fabric [Search results for my creative space

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Creative Space Finishes

    This is the finish of My Creative Space for 2009. I figure we could all use a bit of a break so the space is officially on holidays. My Creative Space will fire up again on Thursday 28th January. So mark it in your diary, write a post it note or set yourself an alarm on the iPhone - I'll look forward to seeing you back here for more Creative Space action in 2010.

    It's all about finishing off for me this week. Finishing off & posting out the music boxes I've been making this week. Printed fabrics by: Kristen Doran & Aunty Cookie.

    I didn't get around to everyone last week (it's that time of the year) so no favourite this week but I thought you Thursday folk might like to take a look at my new craft space. Tour my house here.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    My Creative Space

    Welcome back!

    I've been super busy trying to get the old house ready to sell. We are hiring furniture for the sale but my decorator mate has allocated me the bathroom. She flounced in saying "splash of colour there" ... "choose something bright".

    I did go to The Works over the weekend & purchased some new towels (on loan to the old house before they become the kids). I found any "splashes of colour" to be absolutely awful. So I'm refashioning these bits & pieces that used to be in our old bedroom. It's quite fun. Someone else has been handy with her hook & needle on much more lively foliage.

    Don't forget to pop in and add your link if you're playing along this week.

    Edited to add:
    My creative space is just a super casual bit of fun. You can drop in & out whenever you like. All you need to do is add your link to the link list. Just make sure you've posted your space for the week before you add your link.

    I don't want this to be so full of rules that it's no fun but the whole aim of the game is to share what you're working on. If you're just linking to a shop or a homepage then I'm sorry but I'll be deleting your link.

    Friday am: I came in here with my coffee ready to check more creative spaces but the blasted link seems to be on the blink. Sorry & check back later eh? Thanks

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Creative Space Template

    This week in the space I've got the beginnings of my long term (very) quilt plan. I've had this idea kicking around in my head for ages but have put off making a start because I know how long the whole thing will take me.

    Time to dive in ... rolls of brown paper rescued from under a nice Edwardian that was being renovated, huge t square Opped for $5 & my quilting ruler.

    My favourite space this week wasn't on last week's list but I'm obsessed with her space & thinking about it constantly...

    the shed

    Last week was our biggest creative space yet. It's great to have so many players but I'm trying out a new visiting "system" this week. We'll see how it goes...

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • my creative space...

    my creative space...

    I'm craving a bit of routine.

    I really loved on my desk in 08. It kept me motivated & kept things neat (OK neatish) around the ranch. The management got in the way of the fun but I think I've found the answer.

    This year I'm playing my creative space which allows for the roving workspace so many of us enjoy. Details of this weeks offering here.

    Each Thursday I'm going to post an image of what's in progress either on my desk, in my spot, on the sofa, desktop, at the kitchen table...whatever. If you'd like to play along & find some new blogs along the way then you just need to post & then pop into my creative space post for the day & paste your post URL into the auto link widget - it will do all the work for us (I hope). What it really means is that all the obligation is taken away... it's an easy game to play & if you're in one week & out the next that's absolutely fine. Everyone will know exactly who has played each week. Sounds simple enough? Keep everything crossed OK.

    I'll test to make sure it's working in a second. I've tested & would you believe it - it works. Yip to the pee!

    Here's a button if you're into that sort of thing...

    & the code too...

    <a href=" http://kootoyoo.blogspot.com/"><img src="//farm4.static.flickr.com/3542/3524211463_7a76c33326.jpg?v=1242113746"/></a>

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    My Creative Space (to be)

    Here it is in all it's "ready & waiting" glory.

    Of course, this space is really just a massive laundry (where the washing & drying will actually take a back seat). It's also going to be my new creative space. We're so close now & it's all I can think about. Planning, thinking, imagining & totally letting the current space turn into more of a tip than usual.

    Hope you'll enjoy furnishing it with me!

    Sorry about the fizzer last week. I'm hoping that the Link Man does all the right things this week.

    Also, I'm trying out the "Live" option of Echo. I'd love your feedback on how you feel about the most recent comment first thing. I posted earlier in the week about how to get the most out of commenting on kootoyoo. You might want to check it out here.

    Pop in and add your link if you're playing along... fingers crossed.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    My Creative Space Softie Face

    Now that the cylinders have been cleared from the creative space, I'm busy working on the face of my softie for mirabel.

    His concentrating face somewhat resembles that of the little guy & I'm quite in love with him already.

    Visit last weeks favourite space here.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    Actually rushing out the door to enjoy someone elses creative space today. I'm off to curtain school to learn to make roman blinds properly.

    So my offering this week is my creative preparation (for saturday afternoon's HAC session):

    -Kit bags
    -Vintage basket filled with vintage & thrifted fabrics
    -Vintage milk caddy filled with glues & cutting tools

    I forgot to update the favourite space for last week (I'll do it now). I think that last week was our best ever week...lots of lovely, fresh, inspiring spaces.

    My very favourites were:

    myrtle & eunice
    74 lime lane

    I'm looking forward to seeing what's in your space this week. Pop in & add your link if you're playing along.

    The link man seems to be having a lie in...maybe try back a little later - sorry.

    4:00pm: Still not working. I've tripped around from the comments so far so maybe that's the best bet for this week. You just need to make sure that your URL is included.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Creative Coke

    I'm boring myself with all the talk of the old house so lets just say I'm being creative in a whole other kind of way & leave it at that. This other creativity is going to keep me away from you all this week but I'll look forward to catching up with you all after next Tuesday...that's D Day. The photos are being taken then (at 7:30pm...pretentiously called a "Dusk shoot") & after that it's out of my hands & into the hands of the real estate guys.

    Visit my favourite space from last week right here.

    The kitchen is also my creative space this week but there's no cooking going on. I'm soaking the gas burners in Coke & hoping for the best.

    Thanks for playing along & thanks also for popping in to other players to say hello. I like Thursday...it's friendly.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Creative Space Custom

    Finally back online! It seems our disconnect had nothing to do with storms & everything to do with the Foxtel guy. Apologies for not popping in to say g'day last week.

    In the space this week I have the beginnings of a custom music box order. It's really all about the music box at the moment...I've got 5 on the go this week. I've really enjoyed the stretch with this one. I've used a comination of water colours & freehand machine embroidery to achieve the look that the customer was after.

    Visit my favourite creative space ever right here. It's a really special one...go...go...go.

    Just a little housekeeping note...I've ditched JS Kit. I'd received a number of emails from people having trouble loading the site & more & more of you seem to be having trouble commenting so I'm back to bloger which in my opinion is just about the worst commenting system going around. We'll see how it goes. I think I'll miss the chat.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    My Creative Space Petals

    Mucking around with Aunty Cookie scraps & a bit of petal folding for some fabric flora.

    In other plant related news I am going out to the wholesale nursery with my bossy mate today to buy "splash of colour" plants for the house.

    You can visit my favourite space from last week right here.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    My creative space is still pretty much on the floor granny squaring but I've got a bit going on here too...

    -the puzzle from last week
    -circles to make myself a circle scarf
    -& a little packet containing the most exciting delivery of the week - my speakers to make MP3 music boxes.

    Have you visited my favourite space of the week? It's over there in the sidebar. I'll update it after I've clicked around to visit you all.

    Pop in & add your link if you are playing this week.

    Ooops...the Link Man seems to be having "a moment" maybe try a bit later - sorry.
    Hooray, he's working now.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Creative Space Polaroid

    Sadly still in the old ranch. I've managed to clear myself about half the kitchen table to work away on some photo album covers.

    I purchased a pile of photo albums still in plastic wrap from the Op Shop/Thrift Store a few weeks ago & I've got a little embellishment plan for the covers.

    In the space are...
    the albums
    my washout marker *
    a polaroid I've hacked up to make a template
    a beautiful tin full of old floss (which was gifted to me during the week by a lovely friend)
    my pincushion (one of) **

    *Same brand as the fadeout marker from last week. Both are Clover - not from any brand loyalty but just because that was what was available. I will say that the fadeout fades VERY fast.

    **You can make a pincushion like this one in about 15 minutes. See my how to here.

    Visit last weeks favourite space here.

    Don't forget to pop in and add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    My Creative Space

    Wow...how fast this Thursday has rolled around!

    The Date & I have been very hard at work on the old place this week.

    There hasn't been much time for crafting of any sort. I am making sure I get in a bit of instant gratification stuff along the way & this thrifted table cloth is part of a refashion I've got going on for our bedroom in the new place.

    You can visit my favourite space from last week right here.

    HOUSEKEEPING: Did you notice that I've dropped the blogspot? Can I trouble you to take a moment to update your reader & links please? Thank you.


    Don't forget to pop in and add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    my creative space bookmark

    just a stack of bookmark related stuff:
    templates, cds & my flip video used to make a couple of dinky how to videos for the CD & the Kit.

    I've cut out a whole lot of templates for myself as the house is dangerously close to being finished .... SO excited. I'm hoping to share a "walk through" with you over the weekend. I'm a woman on a mission, I want the nice list checked off before the move!

    You can visit last week's favourite space here.

    Don't forget to pop in and add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Creative Space Cylinders

    I went out to reverse art yesterday & this is my haul.

    I'm planning something kind of tricky & fun & on a pretty big scale. We'll see how it goes.

    The fabric (which is foam backed) is for my softie for mirabel. I've got an idea cooking for that too & wanted something with a bit of structure.

    Are you making a softie for mirabel too? This fabulous project has now been running for three years & I'm proud to say I've contributed each year.

    my 2008 softie
    my 2007 softie

    Visit last week's favourite space here.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • Noticing - my creative space...

    Noticing - my creative space...
    My Creative Space Cookie

    We're still on school holidays. I'm soaking up the last couple of days with my fresh-back-from-the-snow kids and we've got big plans for today.

    I've noticed how much the anticipation & lead up to something new excites me. I've been making myself finish off a few things before I got stuck into my next project. With it firmly in the forefront of my mind I do plan to spend a couple of hours curled up on the couch with this DIVINE cheater print from the ever fabulous Aunty Cookie. It's available in three colourways in her store now.

    Noticed elsewhere:
    hairpin leg wine cabinet
    (I really want to get my hands on some of those legs for the whole daybed idea)

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week. I'll looking forward to catching up next week.

  • My creative lace...

    My creative lace...
    My Creative Lace

    The latest Op Shop haul & my end-weaving-in-needle (which I had to search the entire house for). I've grand plans.

    The most exciting thing in my creative space today is this! I've grand plans for her too.

    We're going for a little drive today which I'm very excited about ... maybe lunch at The Heads Diver Dan's?

    Have a fabulously creative day you lot!

    Don't forget to add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Creative Space Steel

    I'm working...

    -on a little bit of crochet for me.
    -& for real, for money. This is just jolly good for me, it means I don't have to do any personal development. The job's casual & about quarterly so absolutely perfect for me...full on & then nothing. The universe has been kind.

    I won't be around today but I'll aim for a smattering of space over the next few days.

    Lovely creative space from last week right here.

    I think that the players might be a bit light on this week. Heaps of our regular players are involved with the Stitches & Craft show in Melbourne. I'm going tomorrow & am looking forward to in-the-flesh catch ups with lots of lovely folk.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    Just some eye candy really.

    I should be making stuff but all I'm doing is granny squaring. Today, I'm jumping into some serious making & devoting the day to the pool room.

    So, in the space:

    glimpse of vintage flash cards
    embroidery floss at the ready
    beautiful piece of vintage fabric
    vintage fairy tale jigsaw puzzles

    Did you notice that I've added a new "my creative space" feature? Over there in the sidebar is a link to "this week's fave". The link is currently to last week's favourite and once I've popped around to visit I'll update that link.

    Pop in and add your link if you're playing along this week.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    Red Dust

    Such a lot of creating going on in my head lately but not so much with the hands. I'm hoping that this little experiment comes off. I'll be able to justify my crazy crafty happy dancing about it if it does.

    The head creating is mainly about all things quilty. I got my copy of Fat Quarterly yesterday & let me tell you that little ezine(actually rather large - a huge 78 pages of goodness) has really got the mind ticking. Have you purchased Fat Quarterly? My favourite project was of course Kate's business shirt quilt. She gets two ticks from me on that one. Firstly because she's ace & secondly because of the reusing bizzo.

    The new commenting system worked pretty well I think. I used the random number generator & asked for 60 numbers. It spat them out & I had a lovely time leap frogging around the list.

    One of my favourite lily pads from last week was this one. I love her desk.

    In the news: It's Cam's birthday today. She's one of the very first creative space players. Have a happy day Cam.

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week.