Sweet Fabric [Search results for special

  • A week of special stuff...

    A week of special stuff...

    Pip's hosting a week of special stuff.

    I am trying to be less about the "stuff". Only about half our current haul of stuff is going to move with us when the new house is ready. This absolutely makes the cut. It's a Redwork friendship quilt made for my great grandmother by Canadian hands.

    Made all the more special by of all the women who contributed their stitches and time. I love to run my fingers over those stitches and imagine the women who sat and stitched these blocks. So different from my own life and yet so very much the same.

    Did you know that stitches are like signatures? Historians can tell which of the stitches were stitched by Hilda and Joan and Merle!

  • A week of special stuff ...

    A week of special stuff ...

    These rings are both very special to me.

    The little gold band was given to me by The Date 19 years ago. We'd been "going out" for five weeks and he gave it to me on the night of my Year 12 formal. I had the ring resized when we became engaged so that I could wear it on my little finger. I love it so much because he chose it and because it symbolises the very beginning of "us", when we were just kids.

    The ball of wool was given to me by the very clever Victoria Mason. I've been lucky enough to spend some time with Vic in her studio. Seeing exactly how much work goes into each piece just makes me love her jewellery more. Every single step in the creation of her pieces is taken with love. Victoria only makes pieces of items that are special to her and her workmanship and dedication to her craft is awe inspiring.

    The ball of wool is a must have for the yarny crafter in your life. She is giving away one ring & one necklace on her blog. Quick...it could be you. Click.

  • The Quilt Project...

    The Quilt Project...

    Last night The Quilt Project quilt was displayed at Abbotsford Convent. Lots of lovely folk came to have a look at our beautiful quilt. It really is something special. Our online community have worked together to make something really amazing.

    I feel immensely proud of all of us. To quote the smalls...

    "We did a big achievement".

    On a personal note...

    When the project began I felt confident that the community quilt we were creating was going to be something special and I thought it would be a bit of fun. Certainly, both those things are true but The Quilt Project has meant so much more to me than just a bit of fun.

    As each block arrived I traced the designs with my fingers and imagined the maker hard at work. When each row was stitched together I stepped back and nodded and thought yes, yes that looks good. It wasn't until I sewed the last row onto the quilt, draped it over the couch and let it spill onto the floor that I was fully aware of the magic that is this project. It took my breath away. Each of these squares is a moment in time, a piece of each maker's life, a memory anchor.

    I will be eternally grateful to all who participated for trusting me with these very precious squares, thank you.

    The Quilt Project now has it's own space. I hope that it's a space that the contributors will be proud of and one that everyone interested in making can enjoy.

    Two extra special thank you's to Bec for travelling to be there & to Nikki for being a fabulous support.

  • A week of special stuff ...

    A week of special stuff ...

    Wednesday is basketball day.

    The little guy has everything layed out waiting for when he gets home from school. He's always been all about the outfit...special.

  • Make a tealight holder for next to nix...

    Make a tealight holder for next to nix...

    I know that many people are feeling the pinch of the cereal captain.

    We made these the other night at Brown Owls.

    This little project is something quite special. You can make it from items you would already have around the house OR if you had to go out and buy would cost you no more than a couple of dollars.

    Candle light has always been important in my family. There's something really special & calming about the glow of a flickering candle. We burn candles for births, celebrations, sickness & sorrow. The flicker reminds us constantly of whoever it is we've lit it for. It encourages a connection that is especially important at this time of year, dont you think?

    How To Make A Tealight Holder For Next To NixView more presentations from kootoyoo.

    OR download the PDF tutorial here.

    I've made these before from pillowcase fabric & fabric I printed with letters to spell words.

    As it's really just a cuff around a glass you could also use this as a pencil cup or vase or just a little storage cannister.

    Note: If you'd rather not use regular tealights you can buy beeswax candles online from this Australian company.

  • MP3 music box...

    MP3 music box...

    I'm so pleased with my MP3 music box. I do love the wind up, plinky plunky version but this is something quite special, I think.

    The Story
    Someone contacted me via the website to ask if it would be possible to have a music box which played The Cure. I did a bit of research & found nothing. Then another person asked if they could have an original piece of music added to a music box.

    I got to thinking & originally purchsed one of those "record your own" greeting cards. It wasn't at all satisfactory. The quality was terrible and you could only record about 20 seconds.

    Then I wondered about making a little pocket for an iPod or MP3 player. There is also a speaker below the "false floor" of the music box. The wiring is all hidden in the lining and both the speaker and iPod/MP3 can be used outside the music box. The only element that is fixed is the wiring.

    I did manage to break one speaker trying to force it into my standard size music box. The final version is 800g tinned tomato size.

    So...a couple of casualties, much swearing & back to the drawing board moments, but I'm thrilled with the end result.

    I'm also grateful to people who ask questions & push a bit.

  • Noticing - light...

    Noticing - light...

    Magical & powerful.

    This is a moonah. They are everywhere down the coast & they are my mother-in-law's absolute favourite tree.

    The moonah doesn't really float my boat but the silhouette is quite special.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    Getting on with making & thinking about making this week.

    I've been to the Op Shop this week too. As we're moving I've sort of given myself a loose set of rules about the things I'm allowed to buy at Op Shops.

    I'm allowed:
    stackers (& other complimentary ceramics), fabric if I know what I'm using it for, clothes (for need only) & gifts for friends.

    In my space this week I've got:
    complimentary ceramics
    & a gift for someone special

    Additional bits & pieces:
    mixtape postcard
    a music box beginning (which I think is getting flicked)
    the Flip video
    still the felting stuff
    still the beginnings of the nanna bag.

    Pop in & add your link if you're playing this week.

  • Teasing {1} ...

    Teasing {1} ...

    the first in a series of teaser posts. I'm spending a fair bit of time working on our swap.

    I love the collection of scraps that appear at the end of a session in my spot. This pile is particularly special. It's a collaboration between myself (the blue) & my great grandmother (the lace tablecloth).

    I'm feeling really good about this element.

  • Helpless...


    Yesterday was the hottest day on record in Melbourne.

    The girls & I did go out a few times & when we did the smell was overpowering. The big girl looked at me with wide eyes & said "Mum, it smells like Bright" (2003 bushfires). It did.

    While I was opening the blinds just enough to take trivial shots of my work in progress. My Suburban sky looked like this...

    because much of Victoria was on fire. People have lost their homes, livestock & their lives.

    Just as the cool change hit our place, a once beautiful town with a special place in my heart (& not too far from home) was completely engulfed.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    Items include: more op shopped fabric, little drawstring bag that belonged to the date when he was a kid (how cute is that fabric) & wonderful "Snake Charmer" ACEO by Scarlett Cat.

    The desk is pretty clear this week - I've had to make way for a very important project.

    I shared a giggle with these two girls about my treasure from the smallest.

    She's got a big personality for such a small person.

    "Oh Mum, I got you something vewy special from school today! We were making things & there was some left over so I bwought you home some fabwic."

    So proud she was...and this white fabric is the most thoughtful gift I've received in a vewy long time.

    Note: We encourage the use of the w in place of the r - bad parents!

  • More of the ponies...

    More of the ponies...

    I wasn't quite ready to pack away the remaining pony fabric.

    Words scrawled by me & then embroidered using two strands of floss. Stem & chain stitches...play to your strengths I say.

    I've never upholstered anything in my life so it's absolutely the have a crack make it up as you go along type of thing & really more for decoration than feet which is a bit daft...

    Made for someone very special who occasionally needs a little reminder. xx

  • Found photos...

    Found photos...

    I think that this Warburton trip must have had special significance. There seem to be a great many photos. I imagine Jessie would have had to carefully weigh the value of each shot before she took it.

    Nothing like our digital age - click, click, click for the golden memories.

    I wonder if these two were friends or relatives. Is one of these women Jessie or is she the photographer?

    Thank you, Bricolagelife for encouraging me to study these images more closely & create a whole new reality for Jessie.

  • The one where I talk about...

    The one where I talk about...

    30 days of the everyday.

    First things first, let's get the housekeeping out of the way. Here are the contents of my packages from yesterday.

    These beautiful necklaces from Chocolate & Steel. How cute is her receipt - a little paper plane.

    Some of Lara's fabric. I'm looking forward to making something special with these.

    Finally a not photoworthy little book which I purchased online & I'm pretty excited about.

    And now about the 30 days...

    I have gained so much from this 30 day gig. I'm pretty much a head down bum up kind of girl & I really thought that having this blog had made me "stop & smell the roses".

    The 30 days proved me wrong. I've found myself really taking stock of what & who is around me & valuing & appreciating the hand I'm playing at the moment. It's a good life - even when it feels a bit out of control. I'm so lucky & I'm really focussing on living my life to the full & making the most of every minute.

    I read this interview with Kristi Arnold on Design for Mankind during my 30 days & I wanted to share this snippet...

    Best advice anyone ever gave you?
    K: Don't wait for opportunities to come to you. Seek them out, create your own options. I think a lot of people get stuck in places...waiting for something big to happen...then 10 years pass by and they are still in the same place, wondering what happened.

  • The sea...

    The sea...

    We've left the madness that is pre-Christmas Melbourne behind & we're enjoying the snoozy pace of life by the sea. I've been to a beautiful wedding, slept a lot & sipped a lot & today I lost a couple of hours in this place.

    I'd only been to Kyo once before & had no idea it was anywhere near as big as it is. There's so much to love about Kyo. I was tossing up whether to share the vintage Kimono or the Kokeshi.

    There's something else really special stored on the digital camera but I can't show you that...I'm working on The Date for that one!

    my pick

    This is my pick of the Kokeshi. I hope when I go back it's not gone! Keep away Melbourne girls.

    PS: Wish you were here...happy to be a courier for Kokeshi.

  • The perfect bag revisited...

    The perfect bag revisited...
    The Bag

    Another of my perfect bags made for a lovely mate.

    Slouch Zip

    I was determined to get the zip right this time. I went super slow, used HEAPS of pins & checked & double checked all the way along.

    Stitching detail

    I'm really chuffed with the wonky outline stitchery. I think it gives the already special vintage fabric just a little lift.

    Everything used in the construction of the bag was purchased from op shops/thrift stores along the way.

    I promised myself that the next time I made this bag it would be for me. I'm determined but on delay. I have quite a few "must finishes" on the list before I'll get to it.

  • How to ... 5 things to make from a pillowcase

    How to ... 5 things to make from a pillowcase

    Tutorial: How to make these pillowcase craft project can be found in PDF form here.

    Project Pillowcase:
    5 speedy quick “present cupboard” craft projects made from one pillowcase for "A Week of Pillowcases" hosted at Meet Me at Mikes.

    I try to use materials from Op Shops in my projects & I’ve been successful with this challenge. BUT…you shouldn’t feel restricted to using pillowcases. Remnants or lovely new fabrics will work just as effectively.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    1 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 eco-friendly shopping bag.

    The How To:
    Can be found here.
    You need to use bias tape for this project. So visit here for the best tutorial ever.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    2 of 5
    The End Product:

    2 Covered Suspension Files (per pillowcase).
    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    3 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 Peg Apron.

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    4 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 Blog Roll

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, but not so super speedy (the embroidery takes a bit of time). This pressie is for super special people.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    5 of 5
    The End Product:

    4 Tealight holders (you will be able to make 8-10 from one pillowcase).

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

  • On the third day of Christmas...

    On the third day of Christmas...

    my true love sent to me:

    3 chrissy trees
    2 drinks with bubbles
    & a sp..i...i...i...i...ng Santa

    I LOVE a real Christmas Tree but unfortunately R has sneezed his way through the last few Decembers which is no fun at all.

    The kids & I made these trees together. We cut them out of MDF, painted them, sprayed them with glitter & added the cup hooks.

    Each child has their own tree decorated by themselves with all their special decorations. They get given a new decoration each Christmas & they put their handmade decs up too.

    Yay for a sneeze free silly season.

    If you have kids make sure you check out my December gift here.

  • On the fifth day of Christmas...

    On the fifth day of Christmas...

    my true love sent to me:

    5 glowing gifts
    4 waiting sacks
    3 Chrissy trees
    2 drinks with bubbles
    & a sp...i...i...i...i...ng santa

    Yep...that's the kootoyoo tribe. These tealight holders are gifts for someone special this Christmas.

    I'm feeling a bit hamstrung by the "brilliance" of the 12 days of Christmas idea. I've got lots of other stuff I want to share & I'm lacking a bit of inspiration for the 12 days at the moment. It's OK at this end of the song but what about when I get to 10, 11 & 12?

    Oh well...I'm a finisher that's for sure. If I commit to something I'm going to see it through. So if you nod off over the next few days I'll try to make sure that the wake-up call at the end is nice & loud.

    Don't forget to check out the December gift. It really is a beauty. It plugs into the TV & all the games have an educational element. Take a look here.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    Creative spacing in the family room. This is due to:

    -it being nice & cosy
    -the family being there too
    -the fact that the pool/craft room is such a tip I can't actually get in there.

    There is something very special about this picture. Do you see the tiny little heart? It's a bit of a hunt... You'll need to click the pic to enlarge.

    Got it?

    Finding the heart & thinking of this found heart loving girl made me smile. So, I'm issuing a bit of a challenge, just to keep myspace interesting. When you take your space photo next week do you think you could hide a little heart in the picture? Make it subtle...we want this to be a challenge.

    Have you visited last week's favourite yet? I update the sidebar link on a Friday OR just click here.