Sweet Fabric [Search results for have a crack

  • How to make a granny shrug...

    How to make a granny shrug...

    You can do it too!
    Today is your day!

    It seems that the mulberry granny shrug has inspired a few of you to have a crack yourself. That's super exciting & exactly why this patch of web space exists. Over the weekend Lara & I have worked together to present to you the whole box & dice for the granny shrug enthusiast.

    There's something for everyone. This is the master class...for lovely folk who like to follow a pattern, or maybe you need the visual (like me) or perhaps you'd like to watch a dinky video.

    If you know how to make a granny square then you know how to make this shrug. Just crochet yourself a couple of lovely granny hexagons.

    You can just skip over the "instructions" & make the granny exactly as you always do. Maybe you slip across to the next chain space...ripper knock yourself out. There is no "right" way to make it.

    You'll just end up with a lovely curly hexagon...good, that's great...exactly what we want. Just keep checking your sizing after each round to decide when you're done.

    Mine have been 9 rounds (in the Wilderness) but depending on your tension & hook size yours might be 8 or 10 or more. Keep folding the curly hex in on itself until you're confident that the fit will be right for you.

    the pattern
    My very favourite crocheter is Lara. She's one of the reasons I picked up the hook in the first place. She likes to be good at stuff & works hard to make sure she gets things right. Well, guess what? She's written a fabulous, fabulous pattern (it might not have posted yet...be patient) for you to print & keep. And spared you all from my effort at a written explanation. Thank you Lara, you're the very best & it was lovely to share the making of the how to with you.

    & the video
    Just so you know it was really hard to crochet standing up stradling a tripod & keeping (or trying) the crochet in the frame.

    Australian/UK terminology

    You've got a HUGE amount of flexibility here. You want to achieve a good deal of chunkiness & you'll just adjust your number of rounds accordingly so pick something that suits your style. I did make the suggestion the other day to use stash yarns crocheted together to make up the chunky style yourself.

    I used Patons "Wilderness" 14ply. I like it...A LOT. It's a blend so purists might like to check out other options but I think it's just the perfect yarn for the job. Here's why... (& where to buy too).

    OR you can have a go with 2 balls of 8 ply held together or whatever else takes your fancy. You'll just adjust your number of rounds according to tension & fit. Go nuts. Lara's using two strands of 12ply & is very happy with the result.

    I'd say 15mm. I'm really happy with the result I'm getting with the 15mm hook. You need it to be loose so that you get a nice drape with the finished "fabric". We're not going for sturdy here folks...we want the pretty drape.

    Making Up
    I switched to a 2.65mm hook & just used double crochet up the centre back seam.

    Then I doubled along the top sleeve seams & single crocheted along the back of the neck opening to give extra strength.

    Again if you know how to do it your own way...do that. It will be great.

    What, haven't had enough? Here's the steak knife! A round by round for the visual learner.
    How to make a granny shrugView more presentations from kootoyoo.

    Other Stuff
    There's a flickr group. If you make a shrug we'd love to have it added to the group.

    HAC class? There have been a couple of requests for a HAC class for the shrug. If you still think you need it or would like to make it up with a bunch of other girls over tea & biscuits, I'd be happy to run it over two evenings. If you're keen please email me kootoyooATgmailDOTcom & if we get enough interest we'll go ahead.

  • Following the leader...

    Following the leader...

    Well, it's the first of the month...a beginning. I did have a grand plan for today but I've been foiled by lots of work this week. So it will have to wait.

    Since my smalls were born I've saved every pair of PJs they have ever worn. They are stashed away just waiting for the right quilt project. I've tried a couple of times & then given up because how to you make such a weird mish mash of fabrics, patterns & colours "work"?

    When I saw this quilt I thought maybe just maybe it might be the IT quilt but then decided I probably didn't have enough fabric. A bonds grow suit doesn't yield much in the way of usable fabric you know. I am determined to make it though & just need the right fabrics to appear on my Op Shopping adventures. Hmmm....maybe vintage sheets?

    Then last week I read this post & started thinking...then Fiona posted it again along with Allison's "finished is better than perfect". That is a philosophy I can get on board with!

    I've been inspired to pull out the MONSTER size red white & blue striped bag (you know the kind you get from the $2 shop) and have a crack at laying out a bit of a tester.

    I think it's a winner & it makes me feel quite emotional thinking of those sleeping babes in all these historic & well loved PJs. These will be treasured forever & much loved I know. I love the thought of them wrapping their growing bodies in their PJ quilts. So this weekend I'm getting out the rotary cutter!

  • The quilt project...

    The quilt project...
    The Quilt Project

    is something special.

    I have co-ordinated 3 community based friendship quilts and loved so much the sense of belonging & the unity & the thought of many hands working together to make one "something".

    I've been stewing on The Quilt Project for a good long time now. Everytime I look at my Great Grandmother's Redwork quilt I've thought about it more & more. I feel a connection with those women. Women who made time to stitch these intricate designs in only red just to share a piece of themselves with someone else. It gives me goosebumps. I'm the only person who really gets to enjoy my piece of redwork history & so I thought I'd like to have a go at organising a contemporary redwork piece that once complete will be published online so that everyone can enjoy it.

    About 18 months ago I purchsed a huge stack of calico squares all overlocked in red. I've got 50 squares to post out & I'd love you to be a part of it.

    Red overlocked squares

    I thought about sending personal invites, but you know...you never know where the gold might lie. I want participants to be as passionate & as excited about this project as I am. You don't have to restrict yourself to embroidery. There are some more ideas & information included with the PDF info sheet.

    If you think that this is something you'd like to have a crack at then visit The Quilt Project page & download the PDF. See edit in red below.

    To secure your place you need to return the 2nd page of the PDF to the email address provided on that page.

    Places will be allocated in order of email receipt of completed sign up sheet.
    Edit: We're over 50 - thank you to everyone who's signed up.


    The Quilt Project is now complete & has it's own site here...

    The Quilt Project

  • How to faker crochet cushion...

    How to faker crochet cushion...
    crochet cushion

    A little while ago I picked up these beautiful crochet cushion cover/cosy pieces at the Op Shop for the princely sum of $2 a piece!

    They are stunning & the work that has gone into making them...incredible. If you're all about the hook & proving your eye straining worth then go for it I say. You'll earn my respect.

    more pretty girly stuff

    BUT I'm all about the smoke & mirrors & figured I'd have a go at a bit of fakery based on the original.

    I love the combination of natural & white. I've used a thrifted/opped table cloth & a hotel grade (also opped) sheet. The sheet further adds to the fakeness of the whole deal as I didn't even have to hem the envelope closure.

    I ripped the sheeting to size & whipped a pair of these up in under 20 minutes. I figured this bit of magic might be something you guys would like to have a crack at. I think that they would make excellent Christmas gifts.

    The Date hates the pretty girly lights, hates the TV cabinet & chair but surprisingly doesn't mind the cushions! He still thinks the room's too girly but I'm not convinced. I prefer fresh.
    Faker crochet cushion
    View more presentations from kootoyoo.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    are lots of new bits & pieces.

    The article from yesterday featuring lovely Pip.

    The preliminary drawings for our big & exciting something (I haven't reduced the image so you can have a snoop & just see what that room on the right is - it makes me quite squirmy- eeeek).

    A lovely Loobylu parcel in the post today & waiting on my desk when I got home from work.

    My luscious crown the girls made me last year. The small crowned me when I was at the computer last night.

    Blank Matryoshka. I've been wanting to have a crack at a set of these for a while now. This lovely girl is working on a set too.

    The remains of the crochet baby blanket that the small has slept with, watched TV with & basically carted around with her for her entire life. It's name is Huky & it's the most revolting, manky old bit of string but loved more than anything! Jess will appreciate its importance.

    All sorts of other little books, knick knacks & crafty supplies.

    Thank you everyone for your thoughts on my community post from yesterday - they have been greatly appreciated.

    Please excuse the awful pic - this daylight saving thing has thrown me a bit.

  • Smokey Sleeves Shrug...

    Smokey Sleeves Shrug...
    Treble Front

    I can't help it. The hook is superglued to my hand at the moment. The Date's getting heartily sick of taking pics of me so that'll be it for the grown up sized stuff for a while.

    This colour can only be described as Pigeon blue because everytime I see it I think of Christie.

    I'm still churning out the granny shrugs (not for me) but this deliciously warm, smokey, sleeves-only number is all mine.

    Foundation chain to completion in one day (I was at a gym competition). More realistically it's two nights in front of the teev.

    Treble Back

    Made up as I went along but based on the circled creation of last week which was based on a knitted Sunspun creation.

    If you'd like to hook yourself a speedie little number it's super easy...just a rectangle really. You could just dive in & have a crack but for those who like a "pattern" (& I use the term loosely), I have a pdf here.

  • Pillowcase Craft by others...

    Pillowcase Craft by others...

    These girls have had a crack at my pillowcase projects:

    Button Beauty made a blog roll
    Shabby Chicken made a chickOroll
    Curlypops made a shopping bag
    Goat in a Coat made a blog roll
    Bridget made a shopping bag

    Tutorials & things to make from pillowcases can be found here in PDF form.

    Comment here if you have a crack at a kootoyoo pillowcase project.

  • Friday Archives...

    Friday Archives...

    This gorgeous girl has kicked off a bit of Friday fun & always up for a challenge I thought I'd have a crack.

    After all...I went to a fabulous school that offered ceramics, printmaking, textiles, painting & drawing, garment construction & photography. True to form I tried my had at all of these and had wonderful parents allowed me to do Art 1 & Art 2 (read 8 hours of art per week) instead of maths! I was always more about the experience than the end result. I thought I'd have some giggle worthy stuff to share.

    I had a feeling that most of my "folio" (& I use the term loosely) had been skipped during the most recent clean out. No great loss there I can assure you. BUT...I thought I had some stuff under the ranch. I donned the head torch & went for a rummage - I came up short. I did find all the letters the date & I wrote to each when we first hooked up! That gave the two of us a giggle but they have now been ceremoniously binned. I wanted to fire up the incinerator - if only it weren't illegal!

    Anyway, enough of my drivel. In short - my Friday Archives offerings will be thin on the ground I think. Sorry Claire.

    The above is a mother bird guarding her eggs. I made her when I was 3 with my next door + one neighbour who had a ceramics shed & her own kiln - incredible.

    Ahh Betty was gorgeous wasn't she Jo?

  • A week of pillowcases...

    A week of pillowcases...

    at Meet me at Mikes.

    I'm thrilled to be sharing Pip's lovely space with her over the next week.

    I've put together some speedy quick projects to make using pillowcases.

    Today's project is an eco-friendly shopping bag.

    The best part about making this bag was watching Amy Karol's tutorial on bias tape. It is SENSATIONAL.

    If you get bitten by the pillowcase bug too have a crack at some of these:




    Garment Bag

    Skirts & Dresses

    Laundry Bag

    Fabric Scrap & Remnant Ideas – Yikes there are HEAPS here & it's a new to me site.

    Handmade Parade hosted a Pillowcase challenge earlier in the year. Winner here
    and you can check out the other entries here.

    The pillowcase I would have used if I had the guts to hack into it. This is one of my Tier 1 pillowcases. I've only got a few that have arrived wrapped in plastic. I love the pattern & would have loved a bag made out of it. But this baby is for looking only.

    We are having a giveaway - the details are at Mikes & entries close at midnight tonight Melbourne time.

  • No time...

    No time...

    for crafty pursuits lately. The image above is me faking it til I make it!

    The lovely Ingrid has posted recently about being a craft fraud & I admit I feel the same way this week. I can't crochet or knit much either but it's just unfinished business I'm referring to.

    I've been at work lots & being a mum lots & that hasn't left much spare time.

    I've got a list a mile long of things I want to finish up:

    my broomstick needle project.
    my use what you have project.
    something for this girl.

    Plus a whole host of other stuff which is overdue.

    I'm supposed to be cleaning the house tomorrow but I think I'll sack that plan & have a crack at finishing off a few projects that have been hanging around for far too long.

    The date & I went to Maybe We Have Met Before at Kick on the weekend. Sean Morris's illustrations on wood were right up my alley. If you haven't been you should - it's good.

    & yay hooray Brown Owls tonight. I've missed those crafty souls. See you tonight.

  • Mirabel Softie 1...

    Mirabel Softie 1...

    Happy Apple for Mirabel.

    I've been fixated on this since my red op shop post.

    I know I said I was going to wait until February to start but now I'm ahead of the game & that's always a good place to be.

    If you are interested in having a crack at making one of these yourself I have a little PDF over here. It was easy & fun to make. I think I'll make a whole fruit salad!

    Oh & I have a new found respect for all you lovely bloggers who post "how to" regularly.

  • BUI post...

    BUI post...

    I should just warn you that I am on my 4th date made Capiroska (read double shot of vodka).

    Inability to touch type making me giggle......tragic!

    I love Friday - it's the trigger to exhale - friends come over to have a drink & a laugh - it's gorgeous.

    I had planned to have a crack at Pip's delicious sounding curry tonight...I'd printed off the recipe & everything...then I got all involved in a bit of Brown Owlishness & instead we ate dip & cheese & a LOT of Red Rock Deli Honey Soy Chips...oh & Vodka...I'm SURE that's in the healthy food pyramid!

    Preview for Sunday: I had my haircut today...yay!

  • Does everything get...

    Does everything get...

    better with age?

    I know all about fine wine & friendships, but I've really been considering this question lately.

    Not normally one to appreciate the views, flora & fauna I have found myself breathless at the beauty of my surroundings often recently. I'm pretty sure this isn't caused by low iron levels but a genuine appreciation of my life, the people in it & my world.

    I used to roll my eyes at my parents when they stopped to appreciate the view or some other natural beauty. Is it true that we will one day become our parents?

    Today I was lucky enough to witness the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen in my life. The cloud formation above the Lonsdale lighthouse was a flaming orange & a small pool of crystal clear blue sky appeared to be a mirage in an endless desert.

    Sadly, running with an Olympus isn't really very easy but I'm pretty committed & I'm going to have a crack at it tomorrow morning.

    Just a little aside: Due to the super slow & very relaxed nature of dial up I can't comment on your blogs or send emails but I thank you all for stopping by & look forward to catching up properly when I'm better connected.

  • Pillowcase Craft: Drawstring Backpack Tutorial...

    Pillowcase Craft: Drawstring Backpack Tutorial...

    Tutorial: How to make a drawstring backpack from a pillowcase can be found in PDF form here.

    Drawstring backpacks help us stay organised around the ranch. We wash & fold our swimming, gym, soccer & drama gear & then repack the bag. They hardly take up any room & we are always ready to fly out the door.

    Fancy a bit of weekend crafting?

    It's nothing startling but a making a drawstring backpack from a pillowcase is a quick & easy project. I've put together a little how to make a pillowcase backpack PDF here for anyone who wants to have a crack at it. You'll find links to all my other Pillowcase craft projects in my sidebar.

    Don't let your lovely pillowcase collection gather dust. Pillowcases are no good just sitting on a shelf.

    Click images to enlarge & print

    If you're looking for great quick & easy handmade gift ideas there are plenty listed in my sidebar.

    Thank you Sew Mama Sew,

  • [butting in 002] ...

    [butting in 002] ...

    Knicker Day was so utterly fantastic!

    We learnt to make undies out of old t-shirts. I'm sure I don't need to tell you how totally up my alley this was!

    Of course Gemma knew I'd love the tricky neat way to finish the FOE (fold over elastic) & she was right! Gem - I think I've got it!!!

    The pattern Gem gave us was a vintage one & her instructions utterly brilliant. I've used old cotton/lycra t-shirts & have found that they make up perfectly to the measurements. If I was using a plain cotton T I would probably go up 2 sizes.

    I'm getting a bit cocky now & I'm going to have a crack at some "own style" undies next.

    Thanks Gem for a sensational day & a wonderful new skill.

  • How to make doily covered soaps...

    How to make doily covered soaps...

    It's totally faker crochet! If you are a purist...power to you. Hook yourself some little caps for soap.

    I confess I find the gifting of handmade items something of a challenge. It's one thing to give something you've painstakingly hooked, or stitched, or knitted, or sewn to someone else who makes things & appreciates them. It's quite another to gift the same items to folk who've no idea of the time involved. Faker or not - it's all the same to them. So...at this time of year when you're crafting to give I heartily recommend the faker route.

    I got lucky at the oppy a couple of weeks ago & picked up a set of 6 crochet coasters which were a bit stained & yick. I slung them in the washing machine & stared at them for a while & wondered if a soap cosy might be just the ticket? Loofah & soap in one...yep! Time to have a crack folks.

    Five minutes flat per soap...maybe less.

    How to make faker crochet covered soap
    View more presentations from kootoyoo.

  • On my desk...pencil cup

    On my desk...pencil cup

    Wednesday is my big work day. I get all dressed up & go to work in a proper office & do grown up responsible type jobs. I spend my day at a proper grown up desk which is white & clean.

    My desk at home is nothing like that. There is a passing parade of interesting bits & pieces crossing it daily. It goes through various stages of tidiness. Sometimes immaculate & sometimes so messy that the slightest bump or over roll with the desk chair sends a pile of papers cascading to the floor. It's not too bad at the moment.

    Last year I had Lolly day on a Wednesday which I loved but there are only so many lollies you can consume in a lifetime & I'm trying to cut back.

    Anyway, I'm going to play On my desk... on a Wednesday.

    Another lovely blogger has said she is going to play along & I'd love you all to join in - it's fun to peek in at other people's stuff "au naturale".

    There will be no setting up - but I do reserve the right to move anything that's in the way (like the aforementioned pile of paper). Let me know if you'll have a crack at this with me.

  • Hyperbolic without a maths brain...

    Hyperbolic without a maths brain...

    WOW... lots & lots of you are pretty excited about hyperbolic crochet. Maybe you're keen to have a crack yourself? Good on you I say...

    Hyperbolic crochet is all about maths! You can find out all about the formula here.

    I do not have a maths brain. What I read was blah, blah, blah, blah CHAIN blah, blah blah, blah SINGLE (AU double) blah, blah, blah, blah.

    What I did...

    CH 2
    6DC (US single) into the 2nd chain from the hook.

    Then I just spiralled (out of control) 2DC (US single) into each DC (US single) repeat ...... for 2 balls of yarn. It's probably not mathematically correct but it gave the desired result. My finished hot pink number fits into my cupped hands.

    Further very valuable info...

    Last night I was lucky enough to attend the launch of Sew La Tea Do by Pip Lincolne. The event was fabulous, the book is fabulous & actually Pip is quite fabulous. I was thrilled to be included.

    I was further thrilled when Gemma Jones told me that The Melbourne Reef is being exhibited in Upwey! I'm so totally going along to see it. They are even hosting workshops.

  • Bookish Tag...

    Bookish Tag...

    I was tagged some time ago by the lovely Alexandra for the book tag that's been doing the rounds.

    the rules are that I, as the tagged, must:

    1. Pick up the nearest book.
    2. Open to page 123. The book I have is only 98 pages so I've opened to page 23.
    3. Find the fifth sentence.
    4. Post the next three sentences.

    So here I go...

    She began to put out the things for dinner. Now she wished that she had remembered to bring a tablecloth -it made everything look so much nicer. But she had remembered spoons and florks, and her mother had put in plates.

    I've posted about The Deserted Cottage before. Oh how I wished to be Maggy Ann & have rolicking adventures in the woods & wheel a bodge to our very own deserted cottage in a lovely clearing in the English countryside.

    I won't tag anyone but if you'd like to have a crack consider yourself tagged.

  • Vintage Illustration - Day 1...

    Vintage Illustration - Day 1...

    the ever lovely Pip is hosting a bit of play-along-fun.

    I'm not a serious collector of anything - I just pick up bits & pieces that I like along the way.

    I've always had a soft spot for children's books & I was lucky enough to find a copy of The Witty Wizard of Warrandyte a goodly long time ago.

    Illustrated by Armstrong
    Written by Frances Chapman
    Published by Boobook productions (would ya believe it Brooki?). I think around the mid 1940s

    I think the black & white illustrations in this book would make lovely stitchery. If I get my act together I might have a crack at one tonight at Brown Owls.