Sweet Fabric [Search results for my

  • Words & pictures...souvenirs

    Words & pictures...souvenirs

    When we arrive in the delivery suite there’s a little crib set up with blue blankets. It confirms in my crazy labour mind what I already know in my heart to be true. This little bubba is going to be a boy.

    After a fast and furious (but strangely enjoyable labour) he is here. Big blue eyes, long lashes and the most perfect Caesar haircut.

    A mumma’s boy right from the start he makes the first few days pretty hard and I’m keen to get home. I loved the hospital stay the first time around and can’t understand why I’m feeling so trapped here now.

    I’ve packed our bag and I’m just waiting for the squawk so I can feed him, change him and get him dressed to go home.

    As I remove the little flannelette hospital gown I trace the outline of the love heart and the “C” on his chest. I tell myself firmly to throw it on the bathroom floor with the rest of the dirty laundry.

    I can’t.

    I’ve never stolen anything…ever and I’m feeling a bit sick. I try to justify to myself why it would be okay for me to take it home with me. I know it’s completely the wrong thing to do, but for the first time in my life I really don’t care.

    I stuff the little gown into the side pocket of our overnight bag. I feel my heart begin to race. I can hear it thumping in my ears. The heat and redness in my cheeks has risen steadily from my toes. My breathing quickens and I stare anxiously at the telephone. I’m willing it to ring.

    Finally, the phone does ring and I gather my baby, my bag and myself. I flick off the light and head for the elevator. I just want to get myself, my baby and my hospital gown as far away from the scene of the crime as I can.

    With heart still pounding I walk briskly through the hospital foyer and out into the cold July night. I’m thankful for the darkness and the freshness in the air.

    More souvenir stories here.

  • Words & pictures...cold feet

    Words & pictures...cold feet

    Image source

    It’s 11pm. I’ve been walking for 15 hours and I can feel the tears welling in my eyes again. I wasn’t prepared for how emotional this experience was going to be.

    The soup I forced down an hour ago is making me feel sick and I wish I was home in bed. I’m painfully aware that I’ve only walked about 3 kilometres in the last hour and am trying to calculate in my jumbled mind how much longer it will be until we reach Mt Evelyn Reserve.

    I’ve no idea where the rest of my team is, I’m just following the person in front and hoping that it’s Viv. The team thing is driving me insane, I just want to run ahead and make it be over. Of course, that’s not in the spirit of the event so I trudge on and hope that none of the others want to chat. I’ve got nothing to say and I’m worried that if I have to talk I’ll burst into tears.

    The rain is absolutely bucketing down. The Gortex jacket has been pushed beyond it’s capability and I’m soaked to the skin. I think it’s about 2 degrees and I can’t even imagine how cold it must be at the top of Mount Donna Buang. I’m aware that I can’t feel my lips, nose, fingers or toes. The pungent smell of soaked wool and sweat is overpowering and serves to reassure me that I do still have a nose.

    I wriggle my toes in my hiking shoes. They are completely numb, I imagine that they must look like little prunes. With each step my socks squelch and the skin around my heel squeaks. I’m so thankful that the support team made me change out of my Asics. At least these shoes have got a bit of grip in the wet.

    Each outward breath hits the light of my head torch and the rain. Until it clears I can see nothing. I’m just concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other.

    I imagine that every corner we round will be the last and am longing for the twinkling lights of the Checkpoint. I’ve only walked this section in daylight and my memory has failed me. I’m getting used to disappointment.


    More cold feet stories here.

  • Words & pictures...little things

    Words & pictures...little things

    Mum’s woken me up and made sure I’m dressed in my very best outfit.It’s a pale pink suede A line skirt with a raspberry coloured love heart pocket. The matching waistcoat is getting a bit small and is starting to pinch my underarms when I walk. The pinching reminds me that soon I will be too big to wear it – I don’t complain.

    My hair is brushed and plaited. The plaits are thick and tight and even. I stretch myself so that I can check my appearance in the mirror. I feel a bit sorry that my hair elastics look so bad. I wish that I had some raspberry ribbon to cover the frayed ends of the hat elastic cut and tied by mum in haste one morning.

    We make it to Tullamarine with time to spare and I swing and climb on the guard rail in the entrance hall.

    Finally, Non comes through the doors from customs, I can’t remember what she’s wearing but her smile is almost as big as her suitcase. I’m so excited to see her, she’s been away far too long. She cups my face in her hands and then plants a kiss on my cheek and gives me a giant squeeze.

    We struggle to the car with the suitcase. I’m trying hard not to imagine the presents inside that case. I don’t want to seem rude.

    When we arrive home Mum puts the kettle on and Non sets to work unlocking the suitcase and sifting through her clothes and shopping. There are plenty of international treats for everyone. The clothes and dolls are lovely but what I’m aching for is a tiny little package. I’m starting to feel anxious. I can’t see anything small enough to be a charm.

    Non carefully unfolds one of her jumpers and pulls out a little package wrapped in tissue. She presses it into my palm and tells me the story of how she selected the charm and then negotiated and finally purchased the little cupid in Rome.

    This little thing will be taken by Non to Precious Metals and soldered to my bracelet alongside the other charms that have been gifted to me from places far away. I resolve it that moment to have charm bracelets for my own grand daughters.

  • 6 random things...

    6 random things...

    First things first. I was tagged quite some time ago by the very lovely Kristy with a you make my day award, which was very sweet. Thank you.

    Now I've been tagged by Chocolate & Steel for the six random things. I've only fairly recently done the 7 random things & I'm really bad at these games so I apologise in advance. I've used these Op Shopped cards as my springboard.

    My Favourite Tea:
    Earl Grey
    My Favourite Outfit:
    My Asian slash modern slash tree dress that I bought without trying on! It was bought from a guy who knows his stuff.
    My Favourite Food:
    It's a toss up between lollies & Burgen Rye toast with St Dalfour raspberry jam.
    My Favourite Shoes:
    Yep - it's the runners although I am pretty partial to my boots too.
    My Favourite Flower:
    My Favourite Book:
    Recently, it's The Lying Tongue. In the last 5 years, it's The Kite Runner. Historically, it's The Outsiders.

    Now, this is where the really bad comes in. I don't pass these things on. I'm not really sure why - I think it's linked to the whole chain letter caper when I was a kid. But...if you'd like to have a go. Consider yourself tagged.

  • This is...my knick knack/jewellery box

    This is...my knick knack/jewellery box

    This jewellery box was give to me by the date a good long time ago. The "real" jewels don't get kept in here. They are in top secret hiding spots - this is my decoy jewellery box (a brilliant idea inherited from my Non) for the burglars. Now I look at the contents up close there needs to be some shuffling. I'd be devastated if I lost some of these treasures to thieves.

    I've got the goods (either gifted from or created by or both) from:

    Betty Jo
    Meet me at Mikes
    Boobook Sausage Dogs
    Three Buttons

    as well as a huge assortment of items of great sentimental value:

    -Antique clock key gifted by my dad & step mum for my 21st.
    -Charm bracelet gifted by Non & added to on each overseas trip.
    -Resin pendant & ring (green) gifted by my mum & sister
    -Sculpey pendant made for me by my gorgeous little boy to wear to a wedding.
    -Button necklace gifted by my mother in law & purchased on Brunswick Street some years ago.
    -Numerous lovely pendants gifted by the date.

  • NOT my blue...

    NOT my blue...


    Of course, I'm no Picasso but I figure I'm entitled to a little red influence.

    I've been obsessed with all things red for quite some time.

    This friendship quilt is what really began my love affair with red.

    It was made as a parting gift for my Great Grandmother when she left Canada in the 1920's. It was my Grandfather's bedspread as a child & I am now the custodian of it! It is my most treasured item. When I was growing up it lived in a trunk at the end of my Mum's bed. I used to get it out & run my fingertips over the stitches. So much history & so much love.

    I'm determined to have a crack at some redwork in the next couple of months. I just love it.

    Welcome to my Red Phase (not being called a period for obvious reasons). I'll be sharing lots of red goodness over the next few days.

  • 7 things...

    7 things...

    I was tagged ages ago by the lovely Chalk & Cheese. I'd decided today was the day & then Arthur's Circus tagged me too.

    • Seven is the number of rings I wear all the time. It's ridiculous for a girl with hands my size & I look like a mafia wife but I don't care.
    • Friday is my favourite day of the week - I run like a demon, drink with friends & fall in a heap.
    • I love mornings best of all. The crispness of the air makes me feel alive.
    • My favourite piece of jewellery is my wedding band. One of my school friends told me it would be & I didn't believe her. I was so in love with my engagement ring I couldn't imagine that a little piece of gold would be more treasured - but it is.
    • I've known the date since I was 12 years old & we've been together for more than half my life.
    • Grant Caroll made me remember than 7 8s are 56. He tortured me with that table in year 4 it's just about the only "times" I can remember - I was always bad at tables.
    I'm a details girl see image above...7 pins & 7 spots on the toadstool.

    As for tagging other players - if you want to play consider yourself tagged.

  • The magic doorway...

    The magic doorway...
    Magic 1278

    The door at Auntie Pat's is big & heavy.

    I knock - a little melodious knock. "Come in", I hear. I think how cool it is that my eighty something Great Aunt is happy to have her door unlocked.

    I let myself in.

    Auntie Pat is all organised and ready for our knitting date. The radio is tuned to Magic 1278 and her current knitting project is laid out on the dining table.

    I'm offered a cuppa and say yes to a cup of tea. Once the tea is made we settle ourselves at the table. Auntie Pat examines my homework. She's very happy with the way I'm knitting. She runs her fingers over my work and says softly "Mmm, yes, you're going to be a beautiful knitter Koo". I feel well pleased with this. I like to be good at stuff.

    I've brought along the pattern as well as my 365 knitting stitches desk calendar. I hand the pattern over to Auntie Pat & ask ernestly if I should begin at January 1st or maybe today's date? "No", Auntie Pat says firmly. "Close that book." I do. "Right, now just open it up and work on whatever pattern it throws up." I do exactly that and open the book at the diagonal rib. Auntie Pat is pleased and tells me to get started.

    I cast on using my thumb and Auntie Pat begins reading. We sit together in an easy silence, knitting and reading. "Islands in the stream" comes on the radio and I smile to myself. I don't think I've heard that song since 1987. I hum along happily.

    Every now and then Auntie Pat offers a "interesting" or "hmmm, clever".

    Very quickly the two hours is up. I pack my things and say my thank yous and goodbyes at the door. Once I start the car I'm tempted to tune the radio to 1278 but decide to save the Magic for Tuesdays with Auntie Pat.

  • A bit about wanting...

    A bit about wanting...

    I try really hard to be a thoughtful consumer.

    I buy just about all my own clothes in Op Shops & I've been really good about not accumulating extra "stuff".

    But every now & then, something comes along that a girl simply must have.

    This little person was peering out at me from a glass cabinet last week. I confess, my heart skipped a beat when I saw her. She made me think of my Grandma. Then I imagined her maker & the careful selection of felt & stitching & it made my heart ache a little more.

    Her price tag was face down.

    I don't know about you but I always take this as a bad-antique-shop-sign. I did a couple of laps around the antique shop & kept coming back to her. I strained my neck & squinted my eyes to read her price tag.... I was sure that she was $95. Too much, but the ache in my heart made me ask to see her anyway.

    Antique shop owners in nice suburbs obviously don't value craft too highly. $12 & she's mine.

  • Op Shop til you drop 17...

    Op Shop til you drop 17...

    Once again my little strip oppy has delivered the goods.

    I can't wait to cook something really tasty in my:

    Figgjo Flameware
    Made in Norway

    A quick scan of eBay advises that it's from 1973. I'm sure it has never been used. I wonder if the beautiful bride who was given this on her wedding day felt about it the way I felt about my cut crystal....shudder.

    The spools of DMC also made my heart flutter.

    When my gorgeous neighbour first taught me to stitch, my first lesson was spent on "the housekeeping rules of stitchery". The first rule being that you must ALWAYS wrap your embroidery floss to avoid tangles & wastage. I have a set of floss cards but I think these spools look so much nicer.

    Last of all a reel of stitching bling. I really love just a teeny tiny bit of stitchy bling.

  • Noticing - a time machine...

    Noticing - a time machine...
    Bell Street Mall

    I had reason to be at The Mall in West Heidelberg yesterday. A place I haven't been since about 1985.

    I stepped out of my car and as I took my first steps towards Cambridge Arcade I felt my scalp tingle and every hair on my body stand on end.

    I could hear Non's Italian heeled shoes clip clopping beside me and I could smell her sickly sweet perfume. Max Bygraves was singing somewhere in the distance. Non's knitting was spilling out of the hessian bag I was carrying for her. I smiled knowing that she'd not be wanting to waste her 15 minute tea break just sitting in the tea room and chatting to the storeman.

    I notice that the heavy steel grate that we'd struggled with had long been replaced but the terrazzo stairs are still there and I gasp...remembering how strangely scared I felt when I had to take those stairs alone.

    I leave Non in the arcade and take the front entrance into the store. I feel tears welling in my eyes and a lump rising in my throat. Surely the store was bigger than this. It's a discount store now. Gone are the bays for holding yarn and the wall that divided the shop front from the "warehouse". There's been no refit though. The same peg board lines the wall where we used to keep the laybys and the floor and wall paint remain as they were.

    As I walk toward the back of the store I spy the door to the tea room and a faint waft of International Roast coffee fills the air.

    The shop which now occupies the space at the end of Cambridge Arcade is fittingly called The Family Store.

    And this morning I went back to snap myself some memory anchors.

  • Does everything get...

    Does everything get...

    better with age?

    I know all about fine wine & friendships, but I've really been considering this question lately.

    Not normally one to appreciate the views, flora & fauna I have found myself breathless at the beauty of my surroundings often recently. I'm pretty sure this isn't caused by low iron levels but a genuine appreciation of my life, the people in it & my world.

    I used to roll my eyes at my parents when they stopped to appreciate the view or some other natural beauty. Is it true that we will one day become our parents?

    Today I was lucky enough to witness the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen in my life. The cloud formation above the Lonsdale lighthouse was a flaming orange & a small pool of crystal clear blue sky appeared to be a mirage in an endless desert.

    Sadly, running with an Olympus isn't really very easy but I'm pretty committed & I'm going to have a crack at it tomorrow morning.

    Just a little aside: Due to the super slow & very relaxed nature of dial up I can't comment on your blogs or send emails but I thank you all for stopping by & look forward to catching up properly when I'm better connected.

  • No more tears...

    No more tears...

    When I chop onions I cry, I have tears streaming down my face.

    To combat this problem I started wearing goggles. I look an absolute sight (I admit), but I'm much more about function than fashion. There's the added bonus of making the kids & The Date laugh.

    At some stage during my goggle wearing & onion chopping I'd made a plan in my head to share my genius. I'd formulated a plan to sell these high fashion items. Of course I was going to muck around with the design & cute them up a bit.

    Being the true procrastinator that I am I never did anything about it & continued to wear the goggles, and remain tear free.

    A couple of weeks ago the date and I were at Shoppingtown. Walking past Matchbox I caught something pink and sunglassesish out of the corner of my eye. I knew what they were before I did the double take. Sure enough, there they were ... my onion goggles.

    For a moment I felt a bit jealous. That coulda shoulda woulda been me.

    Then I caught myself. The onion glasses genius actually got off their procrastinating butt and did something about it. Good on her/him.

    I'm rather attached to the speedo goggles but I really think that people who make good on dreams and ideas should be rewarded. I'm going to buy a pair.

  • my creative space...

    my creative space...

    I'm craving a bit of routine.

    I really loved on my desk in 08. It kept me motivated & kept things neat (OK neatish) around the ranch. The management got in the way of the fun but I think I've found the answer.

    This year I'm playing my creative space which allows for the roving workspace so many of us enjoy. Details of this weeks offering here.

    Each Thursday I'm going to post an image of what's in progress either on my desk, in my spot, on the sofa, desktop, at the kitchen table...whatever. If you'd like to play along & find some new blogs along the way then you just need to post & then pop into my creative space post for the day & paste your post URL into the auto link widget - it will do all the work for us (I hope). What it really means is that all the obligation is taken away... it's an easy game to play & if you're in one week & out the next that's absolutely fine. Everyone will know exactly who has played each week. Sounds simple enough? Keep everything crossed OK.

    I'll test to make sure it's working in a second. I've tested & would you believe it - it works. Yip to the pee!

    Here's a button if you're into that sort of thing...

    & the code too...

    <a href=" http://kootoyoo.blogspot.com/"><img src="//farm4.static.flickr.com/3542/3524211463_7a76c33326.jpg?v=1242113746"/></a>

  • I like funny...

    This gave me such a giggle today.
    I NEVER watch or post You Tube so you know it must be good!

    & the Lyrics:

    I surf the web, I used to watch TV
    now I’m logged into Joost, it’s commercial free
    lets see where I want to go
    and who I want to know
    connecting people with people with web 2.0
    I don’t use email unless I’m at my job
    want the next post, I subscribe to the blog
    I’m easy to find
    I’m always online
    social networking sites, I think I have nine
    I use myspace to promote my music
    I get friends and album sales that’s how I do it
    but tell me have you heard
    about the new word
    something like myspace but they call it virb
    always something new, I’m a start creatin
    I’ll make a brand new facebook application
    uploading pictures and mp3’s
    update my profile and hit ctrl D
    can’t stop what I started, it’s getting ridiculous
    social book mark it, add it del.icio.us
    some can’t take it but I just can’t quit
    go to Imeem and listen to my playlist
    watching videos on my You Tube channel
    clickin so much, my mouse smoking like a candle
    I’m online for hours, addicted to the power
    10 tabs open on a firefox browser
    I must be going crazy cause I can’t get enough
    I guess I’m addicted to social media

    I don't know what half these things are - now I'm going to have to check them out!

  • Noticing - my creative space...

    Noticing - my creative space...
    My Creative Space Cookie

    We're still on school holidays. I'm soaking up the last couple of days with my fresh-back-from-the-snow kids and we've got big plans for today.

    I've noticed how much the anticipation & lead up to something new excites me. I've been making myself finish off a few things before I got stuck into my next project. With it firmly in the forefront of my mind I do plan to spend a couple of hours curled up on the couch with this DIVINE cheater print from the ever fabulous Aunty Cookie. It's available in three colourways in her store now.

    Noticed elsewhere:
    hairpin leg wine cabinet
    (I really want to get my hands on some of those legs for the whole daybed idea)

    Don't forget to pop in & add your link if you're playing along this week. I'll looking forward to catching up next week.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    There has been a bit of layering happening on my desk this week. All the stuff from last week is still there but there have been a few additions.

    Grey wool for a new softie project.
    Inspiration 3 which I printed this morning & read while I ate my toast. Erin has done a terrific job.
    This gorgeous Yellena print which arrived in the mail this week is resting up against the pile of craft books from last week. She is currently at Poppytalk Handmade with lots of lovely prints to buy. This is my favourite.
    The packaging from my most recent online purchase. They know a thing or two about presentation - let me tell you!

    If you are new to On my desk...let me know so I can stop by.

  • Being kicked...

    Being kicked...

    I know I've mentioned before that I am terrible at pushing myself.

    There's absolutely nothing "store front" about me. I can't sell my stuff & I can't sell my self. I'm all warehouse baby. I need people around me to give me a gentle nudge (or huge kick in the pants) to get me going.

    Imagine my delight when I received an email from lovely Jeana Marie telling me to apply to share at Feeling Stitchy. Jeana Marie is studying my dream course & makes really clever & interesting things herself. My favourites here, here & here.

    So I've packed up my embroidery gear & headed over here. I'll be sharing stuff over at Feeling Stitchy one day a week. I think it's going to be fun & it will surely keep me on track.

    I hope you'll pop on over to Feeling Stitchy. There are some amazing projects shared in that space. Thanks Jeana Marie & thanks Floresita for having me.

  • On my desk ...

    On my desk ...

    I'm attempting to tidy up the bombsite that was once my lovely pool room. It's amazing how quickly things turn ugly.

    I'm an all or nothing girl & today is going to be about the all. All about cleaning & tidying & sorting (maybe a bit about the opping too).

    on my desk today:

    • a little glimpse of mike's storybook wallet

    • the new issue of mixtape zine - yep that's my page

    • op shopped fabric (with selvedge!)

    • op shopped clover carbon paper

    • couple of op shopped patterns

    • op shopped coffee maker. I really didn't need this but too cute to leave behind.

    • a stack of op shopped pillowcases

    • cute as a button squirrel tile. It's backed with MDF but I'm betting it's stamped "JAPAN".

    • empty yoghurt container which is destined for greater things - I hope!

    • op shopped cotton lycra to make more undies.

    On my desk...the players

    On my desk...the guaranteed update list.

    To be sure to be included on this list you need to link back here in the body of your post. This is not a cheap trick to ensure linkage (I don't care if you never link). BUT it is the only way I know for sure that you're still playing along & I'm trying really hard to get around to everyone on this list. Thanks.

  • Lolly day 16...

    Lolly day 16...

    Milk bottles are so good. They absolutely positively must be fresh though. A stale milk bottle, just like stale milk is really gross.

    I've been in discussion with my husband regarding the lolly freshness factor. He thinks I'm ridiculous for insisting on freshness. But I know I am not alone in insuring that my lolly is "fresh is best". My beautiful sister won't buy lollies from servos or ye olde milk bar because she reckons they don't do enough trade to ensure freshness. I think I'm in agreement on that one.

    As far as the sweetness in my life I have to give a shout out to my blogless buddies (who I sadly cannot link) for keeping their eyes out for items of interest for me. One of the sweet girls I work with sent me this link. There is nothing sweeter that Audrey and "Funny Face" is my favourite of her movies. I'm going to see if I can track down a copy. Thanks Amy.

    While I was at Urban Outfitters I noticed this which all though it's a little old is pretty close to home.