Sweet Fabric [Search results for the rules

  • Words & pictures...tucked up in bed

    Words & pictures...tucked up in bed

    We’ve been in the car for 3 Sesame Streets. The car whizzes by Gnotuk Primary and I know we are getting close.

    The bitumen turns to dirt and we pass the Delaney’s farm. We’re all bouncing in the backseat of the car now, not just from the pot holes but from excitement too. Only a few more minutes and we’ll be at the “country cousins”.

    We reach the end of the road and turn left into the driveway. The car rumbles over the cattle bridge. I stare longingly at the Oak trees lining the driveway. They would be good climbers if they hadn’t had their lower limbs trimmed.

    The drive comes to an abrupt end at the front lawn of Eddington. The car is parked and unpacked at the front door. We’ll only use this door twice this visit.

    Once we’ve been welcomed we are reminded of the house rules. “No animals in the house, shoes off, scullery entrance only, eat everything on your plate, only 2 teaspoons of Milo”.

    Bind and I will share Jen’s bedroom and Cal is in The Boys’ Room. We dump our bags, kick off our sneaks and head straight for the scullery. The grown ups are already enjoying a cuppa in the sitting room. The fire is roaring and Rod’s socked feet are toasting nicely. Marg and Rod and the four cousins are all wearing “homespuns”. I chuckle to myself knowing that Dad will have his on when we come in for dinner.

    Mum jumps up from her seat and follows me out to the TV room. She grabs my arm and reminds me that “farm talk” is for the paddocks only. I nod and join the gumboot clad crew kicking gravel in the driveway.

    We lose the afternoon in the woolshed, the shearer’s quarters, the machinery shed and playing in the cypress hedge. Bind and Cal and I are making the most of the “farm talk” rule. We swear like troopers and then giggle crazily.

    Our stomachs tell us when it’s time to head back. Aunty Marg has dinner on the table when we get home. After dinner the boys make us Milo topped ice cream in a cone. It’s clear that they’ve learnt to get around the two teaspoon rule.

    Bedtime is announced and we all scramble into our PJs and hop into bed. The sheets are thick and the beds are perfectly made. No doonas for the country cousins. Their blankets are heavy and warm. Aunty Marg knows all about hospital corners.

    Mum and Dad kiss us goodnight and then Aunty Marg bustles in and bustles them out. She sets about tucking us in. She’s pretty strong and when she tucks those blankets in I roll a little to the left and then a little to the right. The tuck secures me in the centre of the bed and I’m aware that my eye lids are heavy. I feel safe knowing I won’t move until the morning.

    More tucked up in bed stories here.

  • scheDUEL [handmade holidays] ...

    scheDUEL [handmade holidays] ...

    Click image to enlarge

    Thinking lots about Christmas & giving & sharing & eating & drinking & making & appreciating...

    I'm trying really hard to give handmade this year & I thought this might be a good way to spread a bit of Christmas Spirit around.

    The Winner Takes it all!

    Vintage Father Christmas pillowcase filled with great holiday gift ideas all handmade by me from mostly thrifted/recycled materials. I think that this would cross a LOT of people off your nice list this Holiday Season. You could win the lot! I'm happy to post anywhere! You can view this image with notes on Flickr.

    I like to be organised...

    Here's a list of places I've been & things I've seen to help me prepare for the upcoming holidays.


    Still feeling totally inspired by the handmade issue of mankind mag from my favourite design blog.
    Q What is the blog author's first name? ANSWER:
    use the first letter - LETTER:

    We like to keep lunch casual, I've found some fabulous BBQ recipes for the big day.
    Q What type of meat is pictured on the rotisserie? ANSWER:
    use the first letter - LETTER:

    Getting some great ideas for upcycling (my favourite craft) & enjoying the revamp over at this fabulous craft website.
    Q They list everyone's favourite Portland based author mama as one of their inspirational sites. Which Portland based author mama is she? ANSWER:
    use the second letter of her last name - LETTER:

    Looking forward to being able to buy handmade at the shopping shindig with the craft book Queen.
    Q What type of car is pictured? ANSWER:
    use the first letter - LETTER:

    All these letters unscramble to reveal:
    WHAT? is all you need.


    Your post needs to go live at 6am SUNDAY 30 NOVEMBER Melbourne Time.

    Please make sure you visit here to make sure that your scheduled post goes live at the right time.

    Don't forget to check the scheDUEL rules before you play.

    SIGN UP TO PLAY BY COMMENTING ON THIS POST with "I'm in". Sign ups will close at 5:45 am Sunday 30 November Melbourne Time.

    If you want me to let you know when I post the next game please complete the form in the sidebar.

  • In tune...

    In tune...

    I owe a fair few tags around the place.

    I really honestly tried for the 6th in the 6th as tagged by the Potty Mouth & Jimmy Trickle but I wasn't at all happy with the image.

    Then mixtapezine gave me a lovely award.

    So when she posted this I thought...BINGO. Here's something that they'll all appreciate.

    Band name: Oleg Fedoseyev
    Album name: (size of the) fight in the dog
    Album cover: As pictured from here

    Here are the rules.

    1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random”or click this. The FIRST random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

    2 - Go to "Random quotations"or click this. The last FOUR or FIVE words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

    3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”or click this. THIRD picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

    Fun - have a crack.

  • Bookish Tag...

    Bookish Tag...

    I was tagged some time ago by the lovely Alexandra for the book tag that's been doing the rounds.

    the rules are that I, as the tagged, must:

    1. Pick up the nearest book.
    2. Open to page 123. The book I have is only 98 pages so I've opened to page 23.
    3. Find the fifth sentence.
    4. Post the next three sentences.

    So here I go...

    She began to put out the things for dinner. Now she wished that she had remembered to bring a tablecloth -it made everything look so much nicer. But she had remembered spoons and florks, and her mother had put in plates.

    I've posted about The Deserted Cottage before. Oh how I wished to be Maggy Ann & have rolicking adventures in the woods & wheel a bodge to our very own deserted cottage in a lovely clearing in the English countryside.

    I won't tag anyone but if you'd like to have a crack consider yourself tagged.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...
    My Creative Space

    Welcome back!

    I've been super busy trying to get the old house ready to sell. We are hiring furniture for the sale but my decorator mate has allocated me the bathroom. She flounced in saying "splash of colour there" ... "choose something bright".

    I did go to The Works over the weekend & purchased some new towels (on loan to the old house before they become the kids). I found any "splashes of colour" to be absolutely awful. So I'm refashioning these bits & pieces that used to be in our old bedroom. It's quite fun. Someone else has been handy with her hook & needle on much more lively foliage.

    Don't forget to pop in and add your link if you're playing along this week.

    Edited to add:
    My creative space is just a super casual bit of fun. You can drop in & out whenever you like. All you need to do is add your link to the link list. Just make sure you've posted your space for the week before you add your link.

    I don't want this to be so full of rules that it's no fun but the whole aim of the game is to share what you're working on. If you're just linking to a shop or a homepage then I'm sorry but I'll be deleting your link.

    Friday am: I came in here with my coffee ready to check more creative spaces but the blasted link seems to be on the blink. Sorry & check back later eh? Thanks

  • Hot & Not...

    Hot & Not...
    Hot & Not Mixtape

    I've got plenty o' hot this week...

    - Mixtapezine. I read this yesterday while I ate my bircher (also hot). There's a lot to love about this edition...Sooz's thoughts on rules...The Date's music reviews...Aunty Cookie tear out...Gemma Jones cover...& the "multi tasker tute" by me.

    - Starting to feel like the new house is almost "done".

    - My stud finder... a really truly one for walls (not the failing eyes or the overworked ticker).

    - Pin cushions. Really how many does one girl need? If you think you might need another. The square one is here & the pieced hexagon pincushion is here.

    - A visit on the fly to The Mill.

    & very little of the not...

    - Just tired...to the core. Even missed the long run last week - you know it's serious.

    More hot & not over at loobylu.

  • I'm pretty excited about this...

    I'm pretty excited about this...

    & it's coming to the market with me tonight. Details over in the sidebar. Come & say Hi.

    I thought you might like to play a little game.

    I was thinking of a local blog author when I made this. Do you know who it is? If so read the rules below...

    Do NOT comment with their name - you'll only shorten the odds if you do (& I'll delete comments with the answer).
    Comment on this post to let me know you're playing with "I'm in".
    Schedule a post for 6am Saturday morning with your answer. Just the name is fine.
    I'll trawl around on Saturday morning & check out everyone's answers & then...
    I'll draw a winner from the correct answers.

    If you win...you get one of these little bobbin pendants. They come in a little 20cm x 20cm fabric scrap pouch. It's folded magically to create the pouch & then you just unfold it to reveal your usable fabric. Yep - you can use the pouch in some crafty pursuit. I feel really good about this packaging solution.

    I hope you'll play along.

    Edit: How to schedule a post using Blogger.

    click to enlarge

    Look it's easy - you might find it helpful even if you're not playing.

  • Noticing - risk...

    Noticing - risk...

    Be brave.
    Mix things up.
    Have a crack.

    I am not, by nature, a risk taker. I'm a first born, married to a first born. I follow the rules and do the "right" things. In my head I'm so much braver, sassier & have more guts. When it comes down to it, I don't take the road less travelled. I tread the same well worn (& well loved) path. I enjoy the pace & the scenery on my road but I confess I do sometimes wonder about the road less travelled.

    When it comes to making yes, yes, yes with the risk. I just dive in, trust my eye, make it up as I go along. Interesting isn't it? There's always the round filing cabinet if it all turns to shiz.

    Noticed elsewhere:
    Risk takers I admire... Claire, Bindi, Pip, Michelle. Girls with big plans & making stuff happen. Power to you.

  • scheDUEL [The Rules]...

    This game is only able to be played if you have a blog.

    1. Sign up to play on the game post with "I'm in".

    2. Start your clicketty trip. Click around & pick up your answers. Have a pen & paper handy.

    3. Copy & paste the Q & A section of the game post into your own blog.

    4. Enter your answers in red.

    5. Schedule your post to go live at the time specified on each new game post. I'll be clicking around at that time & unfortunately if you've made an error in your time calculation your entry won't be able to be included in the draw. You should also check your profile to make sure that your blog time is the same as your local time. Check what time you need to schedule for here.

    6. Check in at kootoyoo to vist other players & find out who the winner is.

    Help, I don't know how to schedule a post!

    How to schedule a post using blogger
    How to schedule a post using wordpress
    How to schedule a post using typepad

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    Getting on with making & thinking about making this week.

    I've been to the Op Shop this week too. As we're moving I've sort of given myself a loose set of rules about the things I'm allowed to buy at Op Shops.

    I'm allowed:
    stackers (& other complimentary ceramics), fabric if I know what I'm using it for, clothes (for need only) & gifts for friends.

    In my space this week I've got:
    complimentary ceramics
    & a gift for someone special

    Additional bits & pieces:
    mixtape postcard
    a music box beginning (which I think is getting flicked)
    the Flip video
    still the felting stuff
    still the beginnings of the nanna bag.

    Pop in & add your link if you're playing this week.

  • Op Shop til you drop 17...

    Op Shop til you drop 17...

    Once again my little strip oppy has delivered the goods.

    I can't wait to cook something really tasty in my:

    Figgjo Flameware
    Made in Norway

    A quick scan of eBay advises that it's from 1973. I'm sure it has never been used. I wonder if the beautiful bride who was given this on her wedding day felt about it the way I felt about my cut crystal....shudder.

    The spools of DMC also made my heart flutter.

    When my gorgeous neighbour first taught me to stitch, my first lesson was spent on "the housekeeping rules of stitchery". The first rule being that you must ALWAYS wrap your embroidery floss to avoid tangles & wastage. I have a set of floss cards but I think these spools look so much nicer.

    Last of all a reel of stitching bling. I really love just a teeny tiny bit of stitchy bling.

  • Community service announcement...

    Community service announcement...

    Just following on from my comments about comments.

    A few people have asked "How?". It's super easy & it really does make it much easier to get back to people. Blogger is the main culprit (fab as Blogger is it does have it's limitations).

    Firstly go to your dashboard & click to edit your profile.

    Now make sure your email details are here & that the little box is checked.

    All this has come about because of my rule about responding to comments. It got to the point where I was spending way more time getting around responding than I was actually writing posts or making stuff. So I've made some new rules & the email thing is working really well for me at the moment. Maybe it will for you too.

    Just so you know, I comment without expectation. I never expect a reply & am always pleasantly surprised when I get one.

  • Spreading crafty love - December...

    Spreading crafty love - December...

    I didn't quite get to my November gift did I?

    To make it up (& because it's Christmas) I'm making this one special.

    The gift is a V-smile & 6 games. That's not crafty I know...but I figure if your kids are happily entertained that's more crafty time for you.

    The rules are:

    • Comment on this post anytime up until midnight 16th December.
    • My gift must be for your own personal use (really, the use of your smalls).
    Due to cost of postage this one is open to Australian residents only. Thanks

  • The Game...

    The Game...

    1. Kirsty 1, 2. Green Tea Yoghurt, 3. Hotel Strathcona, 4. Brown Thrasher, 5. Dermot Mulroney, 6. Absolut Series - picture of Absolut Vodka bottles, 7. Port Douglas Boathouse (HDR), 8. Sticky Date Pudding, 9. SPLASH!, 10. family love, 11. Determined, 12. pillow case tote bag complete!

    The Game found via Nikkishell.

    Supposed to be cleaning but instead I'm playing along with this. It's fun - have a crack.

    Edit: You can find my notes & the rules here.

  • Tracking ...

    Tracking ...

    illustration by Janet & Anne Grahame Johnstone from Dean's Gift Book of Fairy Tales

    I'm engaging in a little experiment.

    I've banged on about a thousand times before about rules & how they keep me focussed. So I've made a new rule. This month I'm tracking my blog clicketty trips.

    We'll see where this takes us:

    a beautiful mess
    brown design inc
    che & fidel
    doobleh vay
    elsa & hugo
    hens teeth
    here's looking at me kid
    kids & cocktails
    little letters
    make something
    miss jane
    moonshine & piffle
    pink penguin
    q's daydream
    resurrection fern
    simple lovely
    sugar city journal
    the paper planes
    the secret bee
    tiny red
    will bryant
    wolfie & the sneak

  • This is...my favourite craft shop

    This is...my favourite craft shop

    This is... hosted by Three Buttons. Theme from Handmaiden.

    It goes without saying that my favourite craft shop is the Op Shop.

    I've imposed pretty strict rules on myself in regards to my crafting materials.

    Every once in a while I need to buy various craft supplies that are not readily available at Oppies.

    Much to my delight, I've recently discovered Mardion Haberdashery. It's an absolute gem of a place. Everything that Spotty or Lincraft could/would ever hope to sell & all jammed into a tiny little treasure trove.

    Owned & run by Ken who refers to everyone as "my friend". I love a visit to Mardion & I'm pretty confident you'd love it too.

    You can read my review on Craft City Melbourne.