Sweet Fabric [Search results for fabric

  • Fabric covered toy box...

    Fabric covered toy box...
    Tresure box

    & as an added bonus the fabric is totally reusable.

    We're all about the new house at the moment. The kids are so excited about their new rooms.

    The smallest needed a toy box to store her super favourite things & so we set about covering an old Australia Post box. This is a great project to tackle with kids as they can handle much of it alone & therefore really feel as if they've made it themselves. I thought you might enjoy a "how to" for a bit of rainy holiday fun.

    Fabric Selection

    Select your fabric & trim the box up. You need to keep the "lid" of the box as this will become the base.

    Cut fabric & trim box

    Position your box so that the fabric folds up the sides & down the inside of the box (just reaching the base of the box on all sides). Cut to size.
    Tip: we used a single doona/duvet cover & it was the perfect width for the standard Australia Post mailer, so we only needed to cut a bit off the length.

    Spray both the fabric & the box with spray adhesive.

    Secure with masking tape

    Smooth all the sides flat & secure with pegs. Once you've done that you can manipulate the corner fabric so that it gathers nicely. Once you're happy with the placement just masking tape the fabric down to secure.

    Push the base into the box

    Now just cover the base piece of the box (formerly the lid trimmed to fit) with a contrasting fabric & push it into the bottom of the box.

    I say that this is temporary but I made one of these for the big girl 8 years ago & it's still going strong!

    I love her treasure selections...owl by me, crochet granny square blanket by a family friend, peg bear by One Red Robin, knitted ballerina by Aunty Pat & the pink softie is Loobylu's project from Meet Me at Mikes The Book.

  • My stuff featured elsewhere ...

    My stuff featured elsewhere ...

    Fabric from one of my favourite vintage dresses

    Every once in a while something of mine turns up somewhere super lovely.

    Just for the record:

    Apartment Therapy
    The Apartment Therapy Mission
    Helping people make their homes more beautiful, organized and healthy by connecting them to a wealth of resources, ideas and community online.

    What We Believe
    A calm, healthy, beautiful home is a necessary foundation for happiness and success in the world.

    Creating this home doesn’t require large amounts of money or space. It requires inspiration, connection to resources and motivation to do something about it.

    The basic elements of good home design can be learned and achieved by all.

    Simplicity and luxury are not mutually exclusive.

    Spool holder

    Introducing CRAFT: The first project-based magazine dedicated to the renaissance that is occurring within the world of crafts. Celebrating the DIY spirit, CRAFT's goal is to unite, inspire, inform and entertain a growing community of highly imaginative and resourceful people who are transforming traditional art and crafts with unconventional, unexpected and even renegade techniques, materials and tools; people who undertake amazing crafting projects in their homes and communities.
    Christmas Decorations, Corner Bookmark, Granny Square Necklace, Spool holder

    Craft Gossip
    Confused about everything crafty out there? Not sure where to go and what to buy for your latest craft idea? Can't find that kitsch pattern that everyone else is talking about? Well worry no more! CraftGossip is all the latest news from real craft people telling you about the real stuff. We scour the net looking for the best craft ideas and projects and review them for you.
    Corner Bookmark, Embroidery on Dark Fabric, Hand pieced Pincushion, Photo to embroidery pattern, Twisted Cord

    Mixtape Zine
    Mix tape zine is a collision of craft, eco-cool and pop culture kitsch it features recipes, eco tips, crafty people profiles, ethical business practices etc - you can purchase back issues here or find out more here. Find Justine here and Nichola’s blog here.
    my collection in issue 6

    Nuts about Needlepoint
    An encyclopedia of needlepoint and thread information for all stitchers. Learn about Janet M. Perry's needlepoint projects, read book and product reviews, and find articles about techniques, threads, and more
    Twisted Cord

    One Pretty Thing
    One Pretty Thing is a daily website dedicated to bringing you inspiring projects for a more beautiful life.
    Corner Bookmark, Drawstring Bag, Embroidered carry all, Embroidery on dark fabric, Fabric Notebook Cover, Photo to Embroidery Design, Quilt Quiver, Tealight Holder, Twisted Cord

    Quilting Board
    The Quilter's message board.
    Thank you Sondray for linking to my projects.

    Sew Mama Sew
    You’ll find some handy sewing tips and inspiration. Whether you’re just learning to sew, or have been sewing forever.

    The Sew,Mama,Sew! blog is pulled together each week by Kristin and Beth. Who both sew whenever they can and love fabric with a passion.

    If you’re looking for fabulous fabric and patterns, please take a look at the Sew,Mama,Sew! store.

    Drawstring Backpack, How to fold a fat quarter

    I think we all have them, those mile high piles of household tips and life hacks that we’ve collected over the years. They’re messy, disorganized and once they’ve been ‘filed’, those tips are nowhere to be found again.

    TipNut.com isn’t anything fancy. It’s simply my way of putting together all the cool tricks I’ve accumulated over the years into a simple, searchable, online filing box–this website. Some of them I’ve tried, some of them I don’t know if I’ll ever try. But I do know they’ll be here if I need them–and I’m happy to freely share everything with you too!
    Simple square pincushion

    Whip Up
    Whip up: To prepare quickly. To excite. To create. To incite. To build. To invent. To conceive. To push. To upset. To manufacture. To provoke.

    This website has been created in order to bring the best original and exciting crafts to the attention of many.
    To create a community of artists, crafters and makers and share ideas in a central space.

    Embroidered Carry All, Embroidery on Dark Fabric, Corner Bookmark, Handpieced Pincushion, Pillowcase Shoulder Bag, Sausage Dog CD cover, Simple Square Pincushion, Toadstool Pincushion

    Thank you lovely folk for the thumbs up. It's much appreciated.

  • How to fold a fat quarter...

    How to fold a fat quarter...

    Yesterday while I was waiting for all the muffins to cook I spent some more time in the pool room trying to sort everything out.

    I love to fold. The pillowcase collection looks magnificent but the other set of shelves is looking a bit sad.

    I've seen a bit of sorting & folding going on around the place & this morning I popped in here. It made me want to rush out & buy lots & lots of lovely new fabric. (contradiction?) Then I remembered...I don't do that.

    So, I got to work with the vintage sheeting. This little exercise required the use of my maths brain as well as my very rusty dramatic skills...OK so I totally got stage fright & the video is pretty awful but I had fun with the logistics. I set myself up a ghetto rig for the flip & away I went.

    How to fold a fat quarter...the video.

    This may or may not be an original way to fold squares of fabric. I was trying to hunt down a folding technique last year as I seemed to remember this sort of thing from Patchwork House when I learnt to quilt (about a million years ago). But Mr Google turned up nothing. I combined my memory of nappy folding (which I also loved) with my idea of how I remembered the fat quarters at Patchwork House.

    Formula: width of shelf (w) x 4 is the size to cut your squares.

    So...if you're a collector of fabric & your shelves are six inches wide you need to be buying 24 inches of fabric to make them fit snuggly on your shelf.

    Amy likes to fold too...check her tute out here.

  • How to: Simple Fabric Printing - Lacing Card Style...

    How to: Simple Fabric Printing - Lacing Card Style...

    I didn't get to the making up of my stamping efforts from yesterday because I did this instead.

    For ...



    Hope you have fun.

    How To Simple Stamp For Fabric PrintingView SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

    To view this tutorial at full screen just click the little screen icon above.

    I have a PDF version of this how to for lacing card style printing on fabric which can be downloaded here.

  • On my desk...

    On my desk...

    Items include: more op shopped fabric, little drawstring bag that belonged to the date when he was a kid (how cute is that fabric) & wonderful "Snake Charmer" ACEO by Scarlett Cat.

    The desk is pretty clear this week - I've had to make way for a very important project.

    I shared a giggle with these two girls about my treasure from the smallest.

    She's got a big personality for such a small person.

    "Oh Mum, I got you something vewy special from school today! We were making things & there was some left over so I bwought you home some fabwic."

    So proud she was...and this white fabric is the most thoughtful gift I've received in a vewy long time.

    Note: We encourage the use of the w in place of the r - bad parents!

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    Most of my creating this week has been in my head. I've been running & thinking & running & thinking & planning.

    I've got heaps of beginnings in the space today as well as the aftermath of somethings I've finished.

    Belt to go with this fabric to make a bag.
    Music box with a couple of "maybe" fabric choices one from Justine & one Opped.
    Vintage fabric purchases on from here & one for Handmade Help.

    Names for embroidery - one which has been gifted & the other a collaborative effort.
    Scraps from the final touches on the bag for Art Fights Fire...what a night.

    A mug that slipped throught the Op Shop ban because I knew she'd kill me if I didn't buy it (50c).
    Circle cutter.
    A caramello easter egg wrapper
    Screw driver fittings for the Baby Bosch
    A "business"/calling card

    Pop in and add your link if you're playing this week.

  • Green in every sense...

    Green in every sense...

    This bag made from thrifted "reverse ripple" fabric. Slouchy & casual when you're not carrying much around but able to hold everything a busy girl needs.

    The size of the bag was determined by the only thrifted green zip I owned.

    I think it works for this fabric. Something smaller really wouldn't have done the pattern justice.

    The idea has been kicking around for sometime & then I had a conversation with Lara about just how much stuff you need to carry around when you've got small kids & a crochet habit. It's made of Thornberry green fabric & the belt keepers at the top are crochet string.

    Made from thrifted everything so totally green.

    More bags by me.

  • Following the leader...

    Following the leader...

    Well, it's the first of the month...a beginning. I did have a grand plan for today but I've been foiled by lots of work this week. So it will have to wait.

    Since my smalls were born I've saved every pair of PJs they have ever worn. They are stashed away just waiting for the right quilt project. I've tried a couple of times & then given up because how to you make such a weird mish mash of fabrics, patterns & colours "work"?

    When I saw this quilt I thought maybe just maybe it might be the IT quilt but then decided I probably didn't have enough fabric. A bonds grow suit doesn't yield much in the way of usable fabric you know. I am determined to make it though & just need the right fabrics to appear on my Op Shopping adventures. Hmmm....maybe vintage sheets?

    Then last week I read this post & started thinking...then Fiona posted it again along with Allison's "finished is better than perfect". That is a philosophy I can get on board with!

    I've been inspired to pull out the MONSTER size red white & blue striped bag (you know the kind you get from the $2 shop) and have a crack at laying out a bit of a tester.

    I think it's a winner & it makes me feel quite emotional thinking of those sleeping babes in all these historic & well loved PJs. These will be treasured forever & much loved I know. I love the thought of them wrapping their growing bodies in their PJ quilts. So this weekend I'm getting out the rotary cutter!

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    Getting on with making & thinking about making this week.

    I've been to the Op Shop this week too. As we're moving I've sort of given myself a loose set of rules about the things I'm allowed to buy at Op Shops.

    I'm allowed:
    stackers (& other complimentary ceramics), fabric if I know what I'm using it for, clothes (for need only) & gifts for friends.

    In my space this week I've got:
    complimentary ceramics
    & a gift for someone special

    Additional bits & pieces:
    mixtape postcard
    a music box beginning (which I think is getting flicked)
    the Flip video
    still the felting stuff
    still the beginnings of the nanna bag.

    Pop in & add your link if you're playing this week.

  • My creative space...

    My creative space...

    Has been pretty much ignored since Saturday. It's become a dumping ground...

    some vintage fabric scraps purchased from Leslie.
    op shopped knitted sample squares.
    new fabric goodness gifted by Justine.
    an Enid Gilchrist pattern.
    & in the only space available, the beginnings of my donation for the Auction Gemma is organising at Outré Gallery.

    a glimpse of One Red Robin.

    Pop in & add your link if you're playing this week.

  • Finally done...

    Finally done...

    I've sat on this one far too long. It was begun so long ago it's embarassing.

    I finally had a reason to finish it off & it's been gifted.

    I intended for it to be a "colouring in" bag so have included a set of acrylic paints & some fabric fixative.

    But I think she likes it just as it is.

    Made from thrifted curtain fabric, button & belt. The lining is a thrifted sheet.

  • How to - Embroidery on dark fabric...

    How to - Embroidery on dark fabric...

    I've had these pics kicking around since I made the big girl her pencil case last year.

    I thought the "how to" might be of use.

    I always buy my "magic disolving stuff" from Bustle & Bows. They know what I mean when I ask for that but you might want to call it Aquasol or water soluble plastic if you're asking for it in store.

    This is not only useful for embroidery but I imagine many other crafty pursuits. I saw a similar product used to create a super fluffy critter on a blanket recently.

    How To - Embroidery On Dark FabricView more presentations from kootoyoo.

    You can pick up the PDF How to - Embroidery on dark fabric here.

  • HAC craft session...

    HAC craft session...

    HAC by kootoyoo on Polyvore.com

    As is the way with these types of events, I've had a couple of people withdraw for various reasons.

    I've got three places available for the session that will be run on Saturday 18 July from 1-5pm.

    We're meeting in Balwyn to make the multi tasker pictured above.

    The multi tasker is a book like crafting tool:

    -When open & flat the outside cover acts as an ironing board
    -The inside front cover is sandpaper to assist with tracing onto fabric
    -The inside back cover is the cutting mat
    & the middle "page" is a leatherette which protects table surfaces from scratching & also has a felt like surface which "grabs" the fabric to assist with piecing.

    You can purchase a very similar item commercially for around $75.

    We will be constructing the multi tasker from largely recycled materials (obviously the cutting mat & the sandpaper are new).

    The cost for the session is $50 which includes all materials and something to eat & drink.

    If you'd like to join us please visit the HAC shop here.

  • Lino cut printed...

    Lino cut printed...

    The lino cut printed onto a felt covered notebook. A gentle reminder to myself ... don't be afraid to fail.

    I need to work on the ink/paint/fabric medium thing. I'm not sure about the consistency of the paint. The first few were OK & then I wonder if the paint started to dry out too much? Any tips on lino printing onto fabric would be greatly appreciated.

    A few people have asked about the lino. I used lino from the art supply shop to carve my block. I think that if you're having a crack for the first time then it might be better to start with the easy carve blocks. Easy carve blocks are basically a large eraser. They are easier to cut into & easier to manage/print with after the carving is done.

  • I'm pretty excited about this...

    I'm pretty excited about this...

    & it's coming to the market with me tonight. Details over in the sidebar. Come & say Hi.

    I thought you might like to play a little game.

    I was thinking of a local blog author when I made this. Do you know who it is? If so read the rules below...

    Do NOT comment with their name - you'll only shorten the odds if you do (& I'll delete comments with the answer).
    Comment on this post to let me know you're playing with "I'm in".
    Schedule a post for 6am Saturday morning with your answer. Just the name is fine.
    I'll trawl around on Saturday morning & check out everyone's answers & then...
    I'll draw a winner from the correct answers.

    If you win...you get one of these little bobbin pendants. They come in a little 20cm x 20cm fabric scrap pouch. It's folded magically to create the pouch & then you just unfold it to reveal your usable fabric. Yep - you can use the pouch in some crafty pursuit. I feel really good about this packaging solution.

    I hope you'll play along.

    Edit: How to schedule a post using Blogger.

    click to enlarge

    Look it's easy - you might find it helpful even if you're not playing.

  • Discontinued...


    OK, so I know it's not as good as thrifted but I do think that buying discontinued stock is a fabulous way to buy quantities of fabric.

    This denim look upholstery weight fabric (140cm wide) was $10 per metre. I'm going to make the roman blinds for the little guy's room from this & I think I'll have plenty over for cushions as well.

  • Flocked Tick Tock...

    Flocked Tick Tock...
    Flock Tick Tock Close

    The red dust was flocking.

    I'd had the embroidery finished for a couple of weeks but I just couldn't figure out how to treat the clock hands. I knew I didn't want to leave the black plastic naked but I was worried my other ideas about fabric & stitching would make the whole thing look tacky. When you've spent a couple of hours on hand embroidery you don't want to wreck it with a couple of minutes of glue (yes, speaking from experience).

    Flock Tick Tock Hands

    I've got Changing Rooms (UK) to thank for the flocking thing. I'd seen an episode about three years ago where they flocked all sorts of hard surfaces (including the bannister if I remember).

    Anyway, I'm chuffed with the way it's come up. The clock face is an old record, the mechanism & hands from an Opped clock, the fabric is an old sheet & the floss was in the stash.

    Flock Tick Tock Wall

    Half full print by Lisa...Robot by Jodie...Clock by me.

    It was hanging in the little guy's room when he went up to bed last night. He was very generous with his admiration & congratulations (he's nice like that). After I'd kissed him good night he called me back & said "Uh oh, I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep with that Tick Tocking in my ear"....

  • It's a big day...

    It's a big day...
    Kootoyoo Music Box - Windup Lara Cameron

    I've finally managed a little shop update.

    I've pushed myself beyond my normal "warehouse" comfort zone & actually put a few of the music boxes up in the shop.

    I've been making quite a few online purchases lately & keep checking in on a few of my super favourite girls in the hope that they might announce a shop update & allow me a little piece of their crafty action.

    Today, I've taken the lead from the wonderful "storefront" girls I've been buying from & I'm hoping the aforementioned might follow.

    There is a selection of tradional windup music boxes & MP3 ready versions too.

    Music Box Shop

    The fabric used for this music box is by Melbourne fabric designer Lara Cameron.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  • Op shop til you drop 20...

    Op shop til you drop 20...

    My very bestest Op Shop delivered yet again.

    It really is quite incredible - I never leave empty handed. Check out the goodness I picked up today.

    The brown & white fabric is "Diagonal" by Austfield & there is 4 metres of it!

    I was really excited when I spotted the little brown suitcase....BUT....when I saw what was inside I did my little Op Shop dance & squealed in delight. If you want to see what was inside you need to visit here or the Thrifted Tuesday Flickr. Tease aren't I?

    I also picked up this gorgeous fabric. It smells like a Nanna's linen press...I love mothballs. The selvedge & the internet haven't helped me out "Bumble Bee pattern repeat 61cm".

    I love the bike made of oranges...

    And the watermelon swimming pool.

  • Crochet & timber...

    Crochet & timber...
    TV Unit

    We all know I'm a huge fan of just about anything "on wood" but I had no idea just how much I was going to love the crochet table cloth hacked & tacked to a couple of pieces of thrifted furniture.

    Things are coming together quite nicely in the new house. If you've had a peek inside my place you'd notice that there was only a tiny patch of our bedroom photographed. We've been looking for something nice & skinny for the TV to sit on. It's in an awkward place because it's very close to the ensuite door.

    I'd picked up this glass fronted cabinet at the Op Shop (for $5) intending for it to be hidden in The Date's office & reserved for his "straight to the pool room" golf trophies & such. It looked ridiculous & he pitched it out into the hallway earlier in the week. I seconded it for this maybe temporary maybe permanent fixture in the bedroom.

    I'm not a huge wrap for the basket shelves (which came out of this unit) I've fashioned below & prefer a more open look. I've got another idea for that (which will hopefully still hide the power cords). I'll keep you updated.

    While I had the glue gun out I worked a bit of crochet magic on this sweet chair (also Opped for the princely sum of $5).

    Crochet Chair

    Beautiful floaty images by Bricolagelife.

    So I think I've managed a pretty nice bedroom makeover for under $20! Unbeatable value & my very favourite ... reused, repurposed, recrafted, upcycled.

    If you fancy having a go at this yourself it's just super-easy-thrown-together fun.

    You'll need...
    double sided tape, spray adhesive, hot glue gun, a thrifted crochet table cloth ($2-$8).

    For the cabinet...
    Using double sided tape create a frame on the inside of the door (as close to the glass as possible).

    Rough cut the table cloth to size. Keep all the motifs intact at this stage.

    Expose the double sided tape & position your crochet piece.

    Use your hot glue gun to more permanently adhere the crochet piece.

    Trim away excess fabric so that everything looks nice & neat.

    Repeat for the other door.

    For the chair...
    Rough cut the table cloth to size. Keep all the motifs intact at this stage.

    Spray the wrong side of the tablecloth piece with spray adhesive.

    Position on the chair.

    Use your hot glue gun to more permanently adhere the crochet piece.

    Trim away excess fabric so that everything looks nice & neat.