Sweet Fabric [Search results for how to

  • How to make a granny shrug...

    How to make a granny shrug...

    You can do it too!
    Today is your day!

    It seems that the mulberry granny shrug has inspired a few of you to have a crack yourself. That's super exciting & exactly why this patch of web space exists. Over the weekend Lara & I have worked together to present to you the whole box & dice for the granny shrug enthusiast.

    There's something for everyone. This is the master class...for lovely folk who like to follow a pattern, or maybe you need the visual (like me) or perhaps you'd like to watch a dinky video.

    If you know how to make a granny square then you know how to make this shrug. Just crochet yourself a couple of lovely granny hexagons.

    You can just skip over the "instructions" & make the granny exactly as you always do. Maybe you slip across to the next chain space...ripper knock yourself out. There is no "right" way to make it.

    You'll just end up with a lovely curly hexagon...good, that's great...exactly what we want. Just keep checking your sizing after each round to decide when you're done.

    Mine have been 9 rounds (in the Wilderness) but depending on your tension & hook size yours might be 8 or 10 or more. Keep folding the curly hex in on itself until you're confident that the fit will be right for you.

    the pattern
    My very favourite crocheter is Lara. She's one of the reasons I picked up the hook in the first place. She likes to be good at stuff & works hard to make sure she gets things right. Well, guess what? She's written a fabulous, fabulous pattern (it might not have posted yet...be patient) for you to print & keep. And spared you all from my effort at a written explanation. Thank you Lara, you're the very best & it was lovely to share the making of the how to with you.

    & the video
    Just so you know it was really hard to crochet standing up stradling a tripod & keeping (or trying) the crochet in the frame.

    Australian/UK terminology

    You've got a HUGE amount of flexibility here. You want to achieve a good deal of chunkiness & you'll just adjust your number of rounds accordingly so pick something that suits your style. I did make the suggestion the other day to use stash yarns crocheted together to make up the chunky style yourself.

    I used Patons "Wilderness" 14ply. I like it...A LOT. It's a blend so purists might like to check out other options but I think it's just the perfect yarn for the job. Here's why... (& where to buy too).

    OR you can have a go with 2 balls of 8 ply held together or whatever else takes your fancy. You'll just adjust your number of rounds according to tension & fit. Go nuts. Lara's using two strands of 12ply & is very happy with the result.

    I'd say 15mm. I'm really happy with the result I'm getting with the 15mm hook. You need it to be loose so that you get a nice drape with the finished "fabric". We're not going for sturdy here folks...we want the pretty drape.

    Making Up
    I switched to a 2.65mm hook & just used double crochet up the centre back seam.

    Then I doubled along the top sleeve seams & single crocheted along the back of the neck opening to give extra strength.

    Again if you know how to do it your own way...do that. It will be great.

    What, haven't had enough? Here's the steak knife! A round by round for the visual learner.
    How to make a granny shrugView more presentations from kootoyoo.

    Other Stuff
    There's a flickr group. If you make a shrug we'd love to have it added to the group.

    HAC class? There have been a couple of requests for a HAC class for the shrug. If you still think you need it or would like to make it up with a bunch of other girls over tea & biscuits, I'd be happy to run it over two evenings. If you're keen please email me kootoyooATgmailDOTcom & if we get enough interest we'll go ahead.

  • Excellent Crafty Tutorials...

    Excellent Crafty Tutorials...

    I've followed with success!

    I'm not usually one to follow instructions of any kind. But my recent instruction following crafting episodes have been very good to me. I'm finding that 9 times out of 10 someone else has done it smarter, faster, cooler & safer than I ever could.

    Soon to be released: THE craft book crammed with projects (by some of my favourite crafty spirits) I know I'm going to want to have a go at. So I'm working on practicing my ability to carefully read instructions.

    Yesterday the big girl announced that she needed a new pencil case. I had some Op Shopped denim which I embroidered the pencils onto (I've got a fair blister on my pointer finger from that exercise). It presented the perfect opportunity to follow a tutorial I've had on my "to do" for a very long time.

    Excellent instructions:

    For Free:
    how to make a lined zippered pouch
    super speedy & super easy.

    how to bind a book
    via Gemma. Easy to follow diagrams & a great gift idea.

    how to make fabric flowers
    links to her flickr & you tube tutorials from her sidebar.

    how to make a pincushion
    really beautiful result in record time!

    how to seam
    fabulous series, well researched & clearly presented.

    For a small fee (but well worth the dosh)!
    how to make your own undies from a t-shirt
    such a fabulous pattern with clear, well written instructions for absolutely the best kind of craft.

    how to make a puff purse - using a purse frame kit
    wonderful hand holding instructions accompany this fabulous & super cute pattern.

  • How to ... 5 things to make from a pillowcase

    How to ... 5 things to make from a pillowcase

    Tutorial: How to make these pillowcase craft project can be found in PDF form here.

    Project Pillowcase:
    5 speedy quick “present cupboard” craft projects made from one pillowcase for "A Week of Pillowcases" hosted at Meet Me at Mikes.

    I try to use materials from Op Shops in my projects & I’ve been successful with this challenge. BUT…you shouldn’t feel restricted to using pillowcases. Remnants or lovely new fabrics will work just as effectively.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    1 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 eco-friendly shopping bag.

    The How To:
    Can be found here.
    You need to use bias tape for this project. So visit here for the best tutorial ever.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    2 of 5
    The End Product:

    2 Covered Suspension Files (per pillowcase).
    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    3 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 Peg Apron.

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    4 of 5
    The End Product:

    1 Blog Roll

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, but not so super speedy (the embroidery takes a bit of time). This pressie is for super special people.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    5 of 5
    The End Product:

    4 Tealight holders (you will be able to make 8-10 from one pillowcase).

    The How To:
    Can be found here.

    The Verdict:
    Super easy, super speedy & a AAA rating for the present cupboard. People on the nice list WILL be getting these for Christmas.

  • How to make a wrist cuff - faux wood & embroidery...

    How to make a wrist cuff - faux wood & embroidery...
    Wrist Cuff

    Here's the how to for my wrist cuff. This cuff makes an excellent gift & is a fairly quick & easy project.

    You should be able to pick up vinyl off cuts from your local hardware or flooring shop.

    Obviously you could stitch text or basic images using the same technique. Just be careful not to make your design too detailed...you'll drive yourself crazy.

    How To Make a Wrist Cuff - faux wood & embroidered.View more presentations from kootoyoo.

    - You can pick up the print friendly PDF tutorial here...
    how to make a wrist cuff

    I'm planning on doing more "how to" posts this year. I've made myself a rule ... but it's a bit early to say if I'll stick to it. I really enjoy making them & it's all about keeping me motivated.

    OR maybe you'd like to come to a HAC workshop to make it with me? If I get enough interest I'll go ahead.

    Date: Saturday 6th February 1-5pm
    Venue: Balwyn TBC
    Cost: $55 includes all materials & refreshments
    Email: to register your interest kootoyooATgmailDOTcom with HAC 6th February in the subject line.

  • How to make a granny square necklace...

    How to make a granny square necklace...

    Since I posted the granny square necklace I've had a few emails & comments asking for a little how to.

    If you know how to make a granny square you can easily make one of these sweet necklaces. You don't need to follow a pattern at all. Just have a go. I think that all you really need to know is that I used embroidery floss, & a 3mm hook (but I'm super tight - so maybe choose something smaller).

    If you are a rule follower (like me), it's all there in the slide show.

    I've chosen a traditional granny square because in my opinion if it ain't broke...don't fix it. I love everything about a granny square. You can read about all about it here.

    How To Make A Granny NecklaceView more presentations from kootoyoo.

    I'm not trying to teach anyone how to make a granny square. There are plenty of tutes around for that. My "pattern" uses Australian/UK terminology so if you're in the US you'll need to double where I say treble.

    There's a PDF tutorial here if you'd like to "print & keep".

    You might like to try

    Purl Bee (US terminology)
    Sarah London on Flickr (Aus/UK terminology)
    & Pip has put together a few posts on granny squaring too.

  • scheDUEL [The Rules]...

    This game is only able to be played if you have a blog.

    1. Sign up to play on the game post with "I'm in".

    2. Start your clicketty trip. Click around & pick up your answers. Have a pen & paper handy.

    3. Copy & paste the Q & A section of the game post into your own blog.

    4. Enter your answers in red.

    5. Schedule your post to go live at the time specified on each new game post. I'll be clicking around at that time & unfortunately if you've made an error in your time calculation your entry won't be able to be included in the draw. You should also check your profile to make sure that your blog time is the same as your local time. Check what time you need to schedule for here.

    6. Check in at kootoyoo to vist other players & find out who the winner is.

    Help, I don't know how to schedule a post!

    How to schedule a post using blogger
    How to schedule a post using wordpress
    How to schedule a post using typepad

  • How to fold a fat quarter...

    How to fold a fat quarter...

    Yesterday while I was waiting for all the muffins to cook I spent some more time in the pool room trying to sort everything out.

    I love to fold. The pillowcase collection looks magnificent but the other set of shelves is looking a bit sad.

    I've seen a bit of sorting & folding going on around the place & this morning I popped in here. It made me want to rush out & buy lots & lots of lovely new fabric. (contradiction?) Then I remembered...I don't do that.

    So, I got to work with the vintage sheeting. This little exercise required the use of my maths brain as well as my very rusty dramatic skills...OK so I totally got stage fright & the video is pretty awful but I had fun with the logistics. I set myself up a ghetto rig for the flip & away I went.

    How to fold a fat quarter...the video.

    This may or may not be an original way to fold squares of fabric. I was trying to hunt down a folding technique last year as I seemed to remember this sort of thing from Patchwork House when I learnt to quilt (about a million years ago). But Mr Google turned up nothing. I combined my memory of nappy folding (which I also loved) with my idea of how I remembered the fat quarters at Patchwork House.

    Formula: width of shelf (w) x 4 is the size to cut your squares.

    So...if you're a collector of fabric & your shelves are six inches wide you need to be buying 24 inches of fabric to make them fit snuggly on your shelf.

    Amy likes to fold too...check her tute out here.

  • Return calls...

    Stem Stitch (sort of)

    Bits 'n Pieces said...
    Beautiful stitches! But it looks like you don't use a hoop? Do you have a backing on your embroidery to make it "thicker" for both the embroidery and to hide knots? Thanks again for your tutorial!

    No, I never use a hoop. To be honest I don't know how people can use a hoop for stitches that "run" I seem to fuss around for so long trying to get the needle up & down in one motion.

    I sometimes use a backing. It depends on what the piece is going to be used for. If I plan to wash it I would never use a fusible product for fear of the wrinkling that sometimes occurs when the glue starts to wear off. If I'm making something just for show then yes, I back. I use a lovely iron on interfacing which I buy from Bustle & Bows in Melbourne. Sorry, I don't know what it's called but will ask next time I'm in the shop & update this response.

    Nancy said...
    Ah...you don't use a hoop? How do you keep the fabric from wrinkling?
    I do my stem stitch the same way...what are we doing different?

    I don't ever use a hoop & sometimes the wrinkling is an issue. I try to stretch & correct the base cloth as I go. If, once I've finished the piece the wrinkling is still obvious then I wet it & then give it a light press (face down on a nice thick towel) while it's still damp.

    Actually quite a few people said that they stem stitch the same way as me. I guess it's just a slight variation. If you have a look here you will see that traditional stem stitch is worked slightly above the previous stitch & not through the same hole as the previous stitch.

    Twisted Cord

    Pamela asks...

    I understood your instruction to make cording out of thread but what if I want to anchor the thread first onto my needlepoint canvas and make a cording which will serve to "outline" a shape on my canvas? This way the cording is secured in my needlepoint project but I want the cording to outline a shape and then anchor again at the "end" of the shape. How does one do this if the shape being outlined is not a straight line, but rather a circular form?

    Good question Pamela. You could "couch" the twisted cord to the base cloth.
    It would be very easy to hide your couching stitching inside the twists of the cord. See how to couch right here.

  • My stuff featured elsewhere ...

    My stuff featured elsewhere ...

    Fabric from one of my favourite vintage dresses

    Every once in a while something of mine turns up somewhere super lovely.

    Just for the record:

    Apartment Therapy
    The Apartment Therapy Mission
    Helping people make their homes more beautiful, organized and healthy by connecting them to a wealth of resources, ideas and community online.

    What We Believe
    A calm, healthy, beautiful home is a necessary foundation for happiness and success in the world.

    Creating this home doesn’t require large amounts of money or space. It requires inspiration, connection to resources and motivation to do something about it.

    The basic elements of good home design can be learned and achieved by all.

    Simplicity and luxury are not mutually exclusive.

    Spool holder

    Introducing CRAFT: The first project-based magazine dedicated to the renaissance that is occurring within the world of crafts. Celebrating the DIY spirit, CRAFT's goal is to unite, inspire, inform and entertain a growing community of highly imaginative and resourceful people who are transforming traditional art and crafts with unconventional, unexpected and even renegade techniques, materials and tools; people who undertake amazing crafting projects in their homes and communities.
    Christmas Decorations, Corner Bookmark, Granny Square Necklace, Spool holder

    Craft Gossip
    Confused about everything crafty out there? Not sure where to go and what to buy for your latest craft idea? Can't find that kitsch pattern that everyone else is talking about? Well worry no more! CraftGossip is all the latest news from real craft people telling you about the real stuff. We scour the net looking for the best craft ideas and projects and review them for you.
    Corner Bookmark, Embroidery on Dark Fabric, Hand pieced Pincushion, Photo to embroidery pattern, Twisted Cord

    Mixtape Zine
    Mix tape zine is a collision of craft, eco-cool and pop culture kitsch it features recipes, eco tips, crafty people profiles, ethical business practices etc - you can purchase back issues here or find out more here. Find Justine here and Nichola’s blog here.
    my collection in issue 6

    Nuts about Needlepoint
    An encyclopedia of needlepoint and thread information for all stitchers. Learn about Janet M. Perry's needlepoint projects, read book and product reviews, and find articles about techniques, threads, and more
    Twisted Cord

    One Pretty Thing
    One Pretty Thing is a daily website dedicated to bringing you inspiring projects for a more beautiful life.
    Corner Bookmark, Drawstring Bag, Embroidered carry all, Embroidery on dark fabric, Fabric Notebook Cover, Photo to Embroidery Design, Quilt Quiver, Tealight Holder, Twisted Cord

    Quilting Board
    The Quilter's message board.
    Thank you Sondray for linking to my projects.

    Sew Mama Sew
    You’ll find some handy sewing tips and inspiration. Whether you’re just learning to sew, or have been sewing forever.

    The Sew,Mama,Sew! blog is pulled together each week by Kristin and Beth. Who both sew whenever they can and love fabric with a passion.

    If you’re looking for fabulous fabric and patterns, please take a look at the Sew,Mama,Sew! store.

    Drawstring Backpack, How to fold a fat quarter

    I think we all have them, those mile high piles of household tips and life hacks that we’ve collected over the years. They’re messy, disorganized and once they’ve been ‘filed’, those tips are nowhere to be found again.

    TipNut.com isn’t anything fancy. It’s simply my way of putting together all the cool tricks I’ve accumulated over the years into a simple, searchable, online filing box–this website. Some of them I’ve tried, some of them I don’t know if I’ll ever try. But I do know they’ll be here if I need them–and I’m happy to freely share everything with you too!
    Simple square pincushion

    Whip Up
    Whip up: To prepare quickly. To excite. To create. To incite. To build. To invent. To conceive. To push. To upset. To manufacture. To provoke.

    This website has been created in order to bring the best original and exciting crafts to the attention of many.
    To create a community of artists, crafters and makers and share ideas in a central space.

    Embroidered Carry All, Embroidery on Dark Fabric, Corner Bookmark, Handpieced Pincushion, Pillowcase Shoulder Bag, Sausage Dog CD cover, Simple Square Pincushion, Toadstool Pincushion

    Thank you lovely folk for the thumbs up. It's much appreciated.

  • The low down on commenting...

    The low down on commenting...
    JS Kit

    I use JS Kit comments on kootoyoo.

    I know that a few people have problems with JS Kit & have had trouble with their service. Personally, I have had positive dealings with JS Kit support & am keen to continue with this system of commenting. Mainly because I think that the blogger comment system is less than ideal.

    Why I like it...

    -I like that I have the option/ability to respond to each comment.
    -I like that if used to full advantage I can click directly to a commenters site.
    -It's made me engage more with the folks that do leave comments on this site & afterall that's what it's all about eh?

    I think that JS Kit is most beneficial if you actually sign up to it. It doesn't cost anything to register with JS Kit. They have a strict privacy policy & the site owner (me) doesn't actually have access to your email address...

    -Then you have the option to receive my responses (or those of other commenters via email).
    -You can add a number of sites where people can visit you. It actually lists the name of the site so that people know where they are heading.

    There are other options for logging in to leave a comment which are all fine but you may not see the benefits that I describe above.

    Anyway, I just thought that I would include a how to as it seems a few people are stumped &/or confused when it comes to commenting using JS Kit.


    I've said something or shown something that you'd like to make a comment about...
    Click "comment"
    This box will pop up. If you want to comment as a guest (& you don't have a blog) that's fine...just try to remember to type your name in the guest box so I know your name.

    JS Guest Edit

    you can sign in using one of the following in the drop down under the "From"
    Here's where you would choose "Blogger" or "my other site" or "JS Kit" . If you choose "Blogger" or "my other site", you still need to type your name where it currently says "Guest". You can also choose to upload an avatar but you won't receive email responses.

    JS Sign In

    To get the most out of your comment...
    sign up to JS Kit (you only need to do this once)

    JS New Account

    If you do that your comment will look like this. I know it's Tania from Myrtle & Eunice before I even click. I recognise her icon (& I'm pretty glad she's stopped by). I can hover my mouse over Tania's name & I've got the option to visit her on her site if I like. You know I'm gunna because I'm loving what she's got to say & she's made it super easy for me. You should probably go & visit her too. She's good!

    JS Tania

    If you sign up to JS Kit you also have the option to change your avatar from your "comment box".

    JS Avatar

    I hope this was helpful & I hope it might make commenting on kootoyoo a more valuable/fun experience.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  • How to - Embroidery on dark fabric...

    How to - Embroidery on dark fabric...

    I've had these pics kicking around since I made the big girl her pencil case last year.

    I thought the "how to" might be of use.

    I always buy my "magic disolving stuff" from Bustle & Bows. They know what I mean when I ask for that but you might want to call it Aquasol or water soluble plastic if you're asking for it in store.

    This is not only useful for embroidery but I imagine many other crafty pursuits. I saw a similar product used to create a super fluffy critter on a blanket recently.

    How To - Embroidery On Dark FabricView more presentations from kootoyoo.

    You can pick up the PDF How to - Embroidery on dark fabric here.

  • How to - casual crafty upstyling...

    How to - casual crafty upstyling...
    Crafty Up Styling

    I'm in real need of a haircut...it's feral.

    I have been enjoying a bit of length though. I've been knotting my hair in a makeshift bun & then giving it a bit of a shake to encourage a bit of softness & a few whisps too.

    This got me to thinking about a plastic tool I had in the 90s which basically fashioned a fake french roll. I don't yet have the length for a french roll but can get away with the reverse version pictured above.

    Of course I had to set about making myself the little tool.

    I just folded some heavy duty elastic through a biro casing...

    Bic 1

    & then tied it in a knot, forcing the knot back inside the pen tube.

    Bic 2

    This is how to recreate the cheats casual (& whispy) upstyle.

    How to

    - Put your hair up in a pony tail.
    - Feed the knotted end of the pen up from under the pony tail to the top of pony tail.
    - Flip your pony tail through the elastic loop.
    - Pull the pen gently. You'll need to guide & ease your pony tail though itself so that the whole "style" isn't too loose.
    - You could use a bit of hair spray at this point if you like.

  • How to make pretty lights...

    How to make pretty lights...
    Light Group

    Ambient light in 5 minutes flat!

    The jar lights I made created quite a bit of interest.

    The benefit of using LED lights over tealights is safety & if you're having an outdoor party you don't need to worry about weather as the light would of course be protected by the lid of the jar.

    Edit: I used large jars which were purchased very cheaply from a homewares store but used kitchen jars would work too. If you want uniformity with the the lids then perhaps a coat of paint?

    The LED battery operated lights that I used were purchased from Bunnings. They are OSRAM brand "Dot-it" lights. They are around the $10 mark but they do just go on & on & on. I've also seen them at lighting shops.

    I'm seriously considering setting up something in the garden similar to this brilliant piece of garden art...

    freshly installed
    & 3 months later

    which was inspired by Margie's project here.

    Of course, you don't really need a how to...it's a speed demon type project. Forge ahead, have a crack & you can't really go wrong.
    How to contain the light
    View more presentations from kootoyoo.

    & because I wanted to try out the embed feature through Google Docs...

    you just need to click the little icon in the top right (open in new window) if you want to print the pdf.

    If you liked this idea you might also like the wrapped tealights.

  • How to make a corner bookmark...

    How to make a corner bookmark...

    x marks the spot
    Magnetic Corner Bookmark
    a tutorial

    Gather your supplies:
    Embroidery floss, scrap cardboard (a used cereal box is ideal), calico, scissors, craft knife, needle, fade out marker, adhesive backed magnetic tape.

    Step 1:
    Take a deep breath…there’s a bit of maths here.
    Prepare your templates.
    Cut a 13cm (5.1 inches) square from scrap cardboard
    Cut a right angle triangle measuring: 7.5cm (2.95 inches) x 7.5cm (2.95 inches) with a hypotenuse of 10.5cm (4.13 inches).

    Step 2:
    Cut your magnetic tape to fit & stick it to the triangles so that they come together neatly. Set aside for later.

    Step 3:
    Using your square template as a guide cut out your calico. Leave a seam allowance outside the template of approximately 1.5 cm (3/4 inch).

    Step 4:
    Press your calico square around your cardboard template.


    Begin by pressing the corners as pictured above.


    Next press each of the sides as pictured. This removes a lot of the bulk in the corners & will keep the folds nice & neat.

    Step 5:
    Remove the cardboard template & fold the square in half to form a triangle.


    Press. Fold in half again & press.

    Step 6:


    Print this template or just trace/draw your own "x".


    Unfold your pressed triangle & positioned it right side up. Whip out your fade out marker, check your folds carefully & mark your “x” where you would like it positioned on the face of the book mark. You need to make sure that you mark your “x” in the left hand (or 9 o’clock) triangle of your square. Just bear in mind that the centre seam will run parallel to the spine of the book.

    Step 7:
    Stitch your “x”. Gift…use a speedy stitch like running or back stitch.

    Step 8:


    Once you’ve finished stitching your design place your work face down on the ironing board & repress the folds.

    Step 9:


    Position your triangle shapes (magnet side down) inside the seams & fold in half.

    Step 10:


    Pin to secure.

    Step 11:


    Running stitch along each of the short sides of your triangle.

    Step 12:


    Once you’ve completed the running stitch – make the final fold & remove your pin. Now blanket stitch the short side closed to form your “cuff”.

    You’re finished & ready to gift.


    Would you like the premium how to? There are lots more images, printable templates & some extra tips too. All for less that the price of a coffee & delivered to your inbox. CDs & kits also available - over here.

  • How to make an embroidered carry all

    How to make an embroidered carry all

    These are fun to make & best of all super handy. They make great presents too.

    You can download the how to PDF tutorial from here.

    All the embroidery templates are located on my make & do page too. You can choose from:
    Chick O Roll, Blog Roll, Rock & Roll & Stitching Roll.

    How To Make An Embroidered Carry AllView SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: craft handmade)

    Just click on the screen icon in the bottom right corner to view at full screen.

    I've noticed some of the Brown Owls girls have already finished their embroidery panels which is really exciting. I'd love to see the rolls complete so let me know if you click & stitch to make it up.

  • How to make a crochet & cross stitch beanie...

    How to make a crochet & cross stitch beanie...

    for anyone...anytime.

    It doesn't rely on tension, hook size, type of yarn blah de blah.


    You just need to worry about making sure the rectangle of fabric measures...

    circumference x head height = super cute 'x' stitch beanie


    I was lucky enough to have recipients easily lassoed by the measuring tape but if you're making for a gift you might like to refer to this excellent size chart found via google this afternoon. Thanks Bev.

    How to make a crochet & cross stitch beanieView more presentations from kootoyoo.

    I knew the heart wasn't going to fly so The Big Girl & I went for something très sophistiqué. The kid hasn't taken the beanie off since it was gifted. Both The Little Guy & The Date think it's fabulous (& those fellas are a tough craft audience).

    There's a pdf here if that helps you out.

    It goes without saying that you don't have to be able to crochet to make this beanie. You could follow the same formula & use some lovely wool jersey & the machine. That'd make it super quick.

  • How to make doily covered soaps...

    How to make doily covered soaps...

    It's totally faker crochet! If you are a purist...power to you. Hook yourself some little caps for soap.

    I confess I find the gifting of handmade items something of a challenge. It's one thing to give something you've painstakingly hooked, or stitched, or knitted, or sewn to someone else who makes things & appreciates them. It's quite another to gift the same items to folk who've no idea of the time involved. Faker or not - it's all the same to them. So...at this time of year when you're crafting to give I heartily recommend the faker route.

    I got lucky at the oppy a couple of weeks ago & picked up a set of 6 crochet coasters which were a bit stained & yick. I slung them in the washing machine & stared at them for a while & wondered if a soap cosy might be just the ticket? Loofah & soap in one...yep! Time to have a crack folks.

    Five minutes flat per soap...maybe less.

    How to make faker crochet covered soap
    View more presentations from kootoyoo.

  • How to make a shoulder bag from a pillowcase...

    This tutorial for how to make a shoulder bag was submitted to Whip Up as part of their recycling/upcycling month.

    It's made from a pillowcase which means that there is only one line of structural sewing.

    It's really all about careful folding & cutting.

    How To Make A Shoulder Bag From A PillowcaseView SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

    On Whipup here & there is a PDF how to available here.

  • Do you speak crochet?...

    Do you speak crochet?...
    Chunky Crochet Map

    I've just realised I missed a whole round of the .. in the centre of the double clusters. Blow.

    I found one of the hexagon jackets that inspired the granny shrug. I'd completely forgotten where I'd seen it most recently & it was (of course) Sarah London.

    I'm really pretty terrible at reading instructions & prefer to "read" the actual piece.

    But I've prepared a little "how I" rather than a how to.

    Caressa Express - it's one of those "super chunky fast knit yarns" which isn't a ply. As the gorgeous grey (& possibly the yarn) is discontinued I did a bit of experimenting yesterday to offer some alternatives.

    Chunky Crochet

    The top hex is the Caressa Express which actually works out kind of expensive as each ball is only about 50 metres long.

    The other grey one is a 14 ply which is about the same price per ball but has around 100 metres per ball.

    Finally, the blue is two balls of 8 ply crocheted together. This would probably work out around the same price as the 14 ply but what I like about this option is that your colour choice is massive.

    The Hook
    I used a 15mm hook. I am super tight though so you might want to try something a little smaller if you're an average or loose crochet queen.

    It's just the same as crocheting a granny square (if you don't know how to to that you can learn from Pip or Sarah) except you're making your double clusters from the six points rather than four corners.

    I made my hexagons "reversible" which means that the work is turned after each round. There's no right or wrong side. I like it because it seems to keep my work nice & even. My squares are square when I use this method. When you're not changing colours each round it does seem more prone to wonk uncontrollably (for me anyway).

    Just keep adding rounds until it's the right size for you.

    Have a go! Pretty small time investment & it does look really cute over a long sleeved top.

    Granny Shrug Front
  • How to make the contortionist crochet cuff...

    How to make the contortionist crochet cuff...
    Broomstick Lace

    or buy one if you feel so inclined.

    I had no end of trouble with the making of my own video. There was much swearing & carry on I can tell you.

    It's three strikes & you're out around here. The Flip has been benched! So...I've ended up with a how to make up the cuff.

    There are a swag of videos on youtube demonstrating broomstick lace & you can check those out right here.

    How to make a contortionist cuff
    View more presentations from kootoyoo.

    I've had a number of "can I buy" requests. Historically, the making for money thing hasn't been kind to me...it's taken the joy away.

    BUT the requests got me thinking & then I came up with the "more than one & less than a few" idea. I was so enormously chuffed with myself that I decided to actually make a couple for sale.

    The Sometimes Shop will be stocked for one week only & then they go to the present cupboard (more affectionately termed the craft-skeleton-hiding-cupboard). Free Postage within Australia.