Sweet Fabric:
a photo a day

  • Reflection...

    butterfly reflection

    I took this pic last week as part of the photo a day (which I've totally dropped the ball on). I have been taking daily pics but not the suburban shots I wanted to...sorry Megan.

    I wanted to say a big giant thank you to all you lovely folk who left comments & even posted about my spool holder. I'm so grateful for the giant springboard that this space, the commenters, the blogs I visit & the casual passers by provide. You keep me wanting to try harder, be better & make more.

  • Care less...

    Care less...
    Care less

    I live in a nice street in a nice suburb with carefully maintained nature strips.

    So it comes as a shock when home owners don't care less.

    Hanging over from summer. Yup...my nature strip, but I actually think it looks quite beautiful.

    A photo a day.

  • Delicious candy coated chocolate...

    Delicious candy coated chocolate...
    Delicious Candy Coated Chocolate

    I started taking some suburban photos earlier in the year...then black saturday happened & wandering around snapping pics of my neighbourhood just seemed trivial.

    So, when I saw that Megan was going to post a photo a day for the month I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to finish what I started. This one is especially for Gemma.