Sweet Fabric:

  • When does a badge become a brooch?...

    When does a badge become a brooch?...

    & vice versa.

    The big girl asked me what the difference was yesterday. I had to confess that I really didn't know. I guessed that a brooch was more delicate(?) & maybe a bit more jewellery-like(?).

    I know that the first couple in this mosaic are brooches & I know that the last couple are badges but where does one morph into the other? Has it got something to do with craftsmanship? Mr Google wasn't very helpful.

    If you feel like a bit of shoppping...

    The lino bird can be purchased here.
    The resin swallow can be purchased here.

    The rest were gifted or opped (except the balloon which was discussed yesterday)...sorry because I know you want that apple!

    Footnote: You can tell it's Friday. I've run far & thought much.